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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Why not just make the Weeklies randomly select which rate ship to use (as it already does...sort of) and prevent that rate from battling any other rate? So a Light Ship Weekly would require a 7th rate to use and the only points that count would be against 7th rates. Likewise, the Frigate Weekly would say choose 5th rate and battles against only 5th rates would count. This would prevent people from farming higher rates and prevent these ridiculously outrageous high BR points, from the obvious farmers. Who cares if they go in with a group of friends and farm same rate AI fleets.
  2. YW, and I hope to make an appearance in that next vid.
  3. Average players need expert guidance. It is the experts who should be splitting themselves up and building small nations. Being distant from a free port does not help a thinly populated nation. Basically, the Dutch are surrounded the moment someone steps in, as seen in the ballsack. A decent ship will not win in an outnumbered PvP nor PB. Hence one of the reasons almost all of our port battles have been unsuccessful. And btw, the woods you suggest wouldn't hold up to a basic 4 pounder. Thickness is slightly more important than strength...at least that's what she said.
  4. The reason so many people have at one time joined the Dutch nation (or at least has an alt as Dutch, which seems most of our nation is full of alts) is because they know that 60k reals is pocket change. Heck, that's how much we tip the barmaids...per mug. Sadly, once people build up their accounts after a month or two they seem always to leave the Dutch to go rat or Russian or Brit....wherever the zerg is...and/or they leave their alt to farm our resources to near emptiness. Personally, I have always been friendly to US, GB, FR, and SV traders. Warships will always be at war. Edit: On a better note, I am your YT channels first sub! Hope to see more of your vids.
  5. The Dutch don't need to lose any more captains. We are thin enough as it is.
  6. @admin Would be nice to get rid of redundant "OK" button clicks. Repairing Crew in port works as it should, you click "APPLY" and no second window pops up to click "OK". However, when Repairing Ship after clicking "APPLY" it does so and then requires you to click "OK" for no reason. Same thing happens when Buying and Selling Resources. There is no reason for the "OK" click.
  7. No one seems to do this. Certainly friends want to sail with friends, so I understand a clan move. However, why is it always that wherever a large strong clan goes that all other large strong clans also go? Then people complain about overcrowding yet refuse to change nation (even ones who bought the DLC). This is why I believe all PvP battles should have sliding BR where reinforcements can join only up to a certain percent BR of the enemy they join against. We had this in game for awhile where you could attack same nation NPC or players and automatically go rat. Then they removed it before tweaking it properly. They should offer missions to change nation, indeed.
  8. Indeed, there should be shame associated with sealclubbers. But consider if the Endymion sinks the Bellona, kudos.
  9. Indeed, no one likes the shame, hence why I left FR captain name not in brackets.
  10. I'd like to see Combat News include just a little more information: ie Captain's Nation and ship each participant was sailing in the Combat News. ES [captain name] in [ship] sank FR captain in [ship] EDIT: Include capt rank also (of course not showing disgraced capt's name), i.e. 23:22 Clerk: ES [rank] [captain name] in [ship] sank FR [rank] in [ship] near Aves.
  11. ^ This I just did today. Still cannot see the difference in OW, but can in battle. lol
  12. Good battle outside Cajoro Dutch vs Russian There were many medium rated Dutch ships taking on two Russian 2nd rates, however they had to disengage for another try. As the Russians were returning to port, I in my Bellona, was tagged and faced 1v1 vs [NN] Black Warthog. We had many good posturings for massive sail and mast hits and a good amount of broadside. But my downfall was leaving a stern to bow wide open for the Russian to make a canoe out of me. Well played BW, you have repaid me for your loss last night.
  13. Even better suggestion: It would be awesome to show the Clan's flag flying over the ports they own. It would be like the Governor's flag, as nearly every port had it's own gov flag.
  14. Loot circle just needs to be increased by 50%. Sometimes, you have to sail way too close to finally get the loot button. However, @Galt is correct. Always try to make your position upwind of the kill before it sinks.Sometimes I have to hold the kill shot until I am in good position for the loot.
  15. Two good battles Dutch vs Russian outside Cajoro It all started with a single Dutchman kept getting attacked outside Sinamaica by a horde of Russians. The all call was made and a formidable group was formed to head into the Gulf of Maracaibo hunting the Russians. Outside Cajoro we spotted a couple Russians that split up; one running to Cajoro, the other to Sinamaica. A couple dutch attacked the northern one and I with 2 others chased the southern one. As we approached Sinamaica it was obvious this Russian was trying to bait us into a trap so we returned northerly to regroup. As we positioned a blockade outside Cajoro, many more Russians appeared. The fight was on. It was a good battle, despite no losses on either side. We had a lot of positioning and posturing. A couple times the Russians maneuvered well to our sterns, but we swiftly countered that with some mast rakes. This continued on for approximately 50 or so minutes, neither of us really getting the upper-hand on the other. One Dutchmen did take a beating, but the Russians were on most of the receiving end. And soon the Russians sailed off to escape for another day. Or...so we thought. As soon as that battle was over, we were surrounded by a million more Russians. We 6 Dutch tried to make a break headed northeast toward Fort Zoutman, but it was apparent we were not going to escape 11 Russians. So, we thought it in our best interest to split and take our chances in smaller groups. Four of us turned hard south for Casigua while the others continued on. Their group and ours were caught almost simultaneously and so two battles were on. Ours had 4 of us verse 3 Russians, I have no report of the other battle. Our Bellona was almost surrounded immediately upwind of the rest of us, so it was a chore to regroup. Once we finally did, there was a bunch of sails being ripped apart on both sides. Then there were chunks and splinters flying everywhere. Our Bellona was hurt, but their Wasa was moreso...and so she sank. It took all our effort to protect the Bellona while she made much needed repairs. The Russian Essex was a great captain maneuvering his ship all over, making our protection fail at times. With our Pirate Frigate sitting alone, the Essex decided to bug off the Bellona and find another prey. But our Rat Frig did well as our Wasa did also and they sunk that Essex. Meanwhile, the Russian Surprise made way for the escape that ended the battle. It was good fun I think for both sides.
  16. Suggestion @admin: Can you please make the flag images more sharper contrast? Some of the Dutch flags look not just faded, but the edges on the emblems are so blocky and not crisp looking. The edge lines on the Willem of Orange flag is janky and doesn't seem to line up with the coloring lines on the back of the flag. Also suggestion for clan flags: If we will not be able to create a complete flag of our own colors and letterings and emblems, would it be possible to have pre-designed historical ensigns that we could attach to current flags? i.e. Say a white flag with only the Royal Dutch emblem in the center or corner of our choosing? Or say the Willem of Orange flag with a prince coat of arms in the location of our choosing? Like image below (containing the Prince's Crest) This would allow more variants allowing Clans to differentiate themselves from others. OH, and it would be awesome if in the clan warehouse it would show the flag of the creators choosing. Dutch flag suggestions: Dutch West India Company for Dutch Brazil Royal Standard of Prince of Netherlands
  17. I've always admired Anolytic's abilities in NA. Hell, I was proud to surrender my L'Ocean to him.
  18. A new player will never be able to complete the final mission unless they are told how it is best done.
  19. Why aren't people from their nations helping out new players? We Dutch are always quite accommodating to new and returning mates. If you are in a nation that has the amazing veterans and they are not helping you, then you know not to hold them in high regard....just switch nations or ask for help from kinder people in other nations. I will say tho, that getting screwed and used by jackass alts is a major problem and can negatively affect how new players are treated.
  20. Last night Anolytic and 2 of his mates caught me trying to enter Cajoro with my L'Ocean. After a few failed broadsides on my part and realizing their Vic, Buc, and Pavel were just going to make things too difficult to come out victorious, I turned hard into the wind and decided to save my men and dignity by surrendering right as Anolytic's Vic came in for a board. Tonight sailing outside Mitara Bay, none other than Anolytic caught me again....but this time he was alone in his Herculese and I in my Trincomalee with a Cerberus in fleet. We attacked his sails with chain. After a bit of sail damage on all three of us, I switched to ball and finally made a beautiful dismasting of his missen mast. Soon after, he close hauled and took off. Sadly, I could not continue the pursuit. A most enjoyable battle, @Anolytic, I know you were just toying with me. I was quite surprised to see a 2 masted Herc have more speed than a damaged 3 masted Trinc: his sails at 32%, mine at 53%. Seems something is wrong here with a DLC sailing profile. (Image is just before his escape.)
  21. It's easy to get credit for multiple kills just by being the first to knock more dmg on each ship than anyone else. But, I'm certain you have crafter friends who would offer you Surprises for free on a daily basis. It would be interesting to YT watch skilled captains do a Herc vs Surp battle and then switch ships.
  22. Yet, the images show you in a Herc on the winning side twice with all Surprises sunk on both sides.
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