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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. @admin We are in dire need of updated information very soon. There are many questions that need answered so we can prepare if needed. These are just our clan's most pressing... What will happen to our outposts if they are in Free Ports (La Mona), Open Ports (Cabo Rojo), and Neutral Ports (Higuey)? Will ports surrounding our Capitals remain part of our nation, or will we need to recapture them? (i.e. Ft Zoutman, Ft Oranje, Las Aves) Depending on patch release date and the answers to above, we may need a long time to move our ships and warehouse items.
  2. Just curious, has there never been anything updated in this game that people could have positively review bombed? Or is it just nature for people to review bomb only when something bad happens to them? I guess that's a sociology study.... And to your last point, do you think review bombing has helped or hurt the game population? Your quote down below is great. I wish more ppl would continually update their review of the game for each patch. I did not know we can alternate a review up or down depending on our mood. I thought we can only make comments on our reviews. I'd love to see a chart history of the game's review. I have no idea how to find that. I believe every purchase deserves the right to make a review, I just feel reviews should be better formatted. Force multiple choose quetion that ask good questions like "Do the devs update the game?", "Do the devs fix bugs in a timely manner with patches?", "Do the devs hold a gun to your head to make you buy DLC?", things like that. For people to answer actual questions rather than just flood the reviews with bs. BTW, TY for the upvotes, but let's not try to "influence" the mass's opinion of me. lol +3
  3. Yep, in-game blocking needs fixed. Your second point is spot on, too. Remember how alts drowned out Alliance Patch with so many votes it killed the patch? I could see this happening with any voting system, especially against player's rep.
  4. Heck, it doesnt even have to be a production video. Just do a live stream with some "QA" and post that vid, no editing needed.
  5. @Teutonic @Velhelm Von Marrius @Powderhorn @--Privateer-- I had no idea you can report accounts as "Impersonating me or someone I know" ....
  6. "like" = similar. I never said those reviews are from the reddit moderators. Read above "like". But yes, I did say Banished without knowing for a fact it was he, to which I should apologize and I do. Especially considering how much Banished has done for this game's promotion. I went by coincidence of evidence. BTW, if you know for a fact who wrote those reviews with alt names, then you are at as much at fault as the writer(s). And you seriously think what I wrote on reddit was misleading? I proved the exact point I was making on exactly the kind of "reviews" my OP was aimed at. I said nothing about other reviews. I said nothing about all negative reviews. I wrote of BS reviews and how to recognize them.
  7. The moment you acknowledge that there are indeed fake reviews from very childish people is the moment you can speak about conversational civility. And, fyi, I said nothing about your education level. I made a factual statement about middle school education. If you took it as a dig on you, that's your problem. Not mine.
  8. No, people discredit themselves for copy-pasting the same review on all their alt accounts because they want to attempt a mass influence, by pretending to be different people....and then they deny it. And, of course not all negative reviews are part of an elaborate plot. NOTHING in this post said ANYTHING about all. We are pointing out the BS ones.
  9. Are you seriously going to make me do this? For a fact, I know when I down voted these reviews that the names were random gibberish bullshit alt accounts. And funny that you mention them as private, because 20 minutes ago they were not private. But just for you...here are their name histories. And nothing in my reddit post was misleading. I gave TIPS on how to read through bs! Take any middle school language class and they will teach the same thing about how to recognize patterns between a known author and their pseudonyms.
  10. The review bomb happened all in a 3 day span. the trend before the 3 days was neutral but closer to positive, and then after it....dunno. But all of these on March 31? Anyone who likes this game really needs to expose these asshats. Click on the reviews and give them thumbs down. Change those 14+ "helpful thumbs" to not helpful. If they weren't pussies by blocking comments on these BS copy paste reviews, people need to write something on them to counter it. BTW, these alt accounts recently changed names AFTER I made a reddit post calling out these fake reviews that had fake random number/letter account names. Now that I have clicked on them all, it turns out they now have other player's names. Apparently I have already down voted their reviews, so these are from Banished and his friends like the pirates who moderate the Naval Action reddit....which by the way could be forcibly removed for using a trade marked or copyright name as this goes against reddit policy. In the comments on my review, notice how one rat mod thought to ban my post on reddit, LOL. EDIT: I've posted this forum thread to my reddit post with a @--Privateer-- image. I've also noticed that my reddit posts have been thumbed down so much that my 42 karma is now only 28. lul
  11. We had trainable officers once before, but rather than tweaking them, they were removed. I liked them and wish we'd have them back. I'm sure the coding is somewhere lost in a folder but available for reactivation.
  12. I'm not certain people actually understood how this will work. A Herc tags a Bellona. The battle closes after 2 minutes. The Herc kites the shit out of the Bellona wasting its time for an hour and 30 minutes. Maybe BR has to match within a certain percent? dunno. I say, leave the battle open for 1 hour 30 minutes so the Bellona can get a faster ship in the battle to prevent this. Leaving it open also allows the Herc to get help from a larger ship to deal with the Bellona. Just leave the battle open for both side for the entire time and no one will have an advantage of preventing enemy from joining.
  13. I like this. Distance between ships could be within the tag circle. You could have the Ai answer 2 questions: Current locale and distance to or from. Yes, ppl can just use the Sextant perk, but that waste a good perk slot and points. Yes, ppl could just use the Trader Tool to enter an item and click distance to see what port is closest. But I like the OP.
  14. Cannot wait! But there are questions on some things that need clarity. "Some cities (chokepoints or front line towns) will only have forts, some will become resource bases and some will become shipbuilding cities." If Resource or Ship Building Ports cannot also have Fortifications to protect them, why would we ever build a Fortification only port? According to your "chokepoint" idea, we would make a Capital the fortification port. But then that is the only port defending all the other resource/ship building ports. Those would be wiped immediately and easily. "Hostility missions will only be available for the 2 nearest Enemy or Neutral County Capitals." Basically, it sounds as though we have to leapfrog Counties to get to the other side of the map? What happens if we lose a County that is behind out frontline? Does it affect our advancement in leapfrogging, meaning do we have to capture counties behind the direction we want to advance? According to your "path to Arecibo" What would be the path for say the US or Dutch, those of us even further away? Is La Mona (free town) considered a launching port we can use? "Hard nations with no capitals will have to plan their operations from free towns capturing nearby regions to expand." <---Hard nations only? And how will this affect rare wood ports? Seeing there are no free towns near San Augustin, does that mean the US is basically handed the only Live Oak port? Or will you finally abandon rare woods and rare wood ports? "Hostility missions for regional towns will only be available from the County Capital of that region (example below)." Are we required to have an outpost at that County Capital to pull missions? If the CC is already owned by another nation, how would we pull a mission from there? Sail in with a trader ship just to sail out and come back with a war ship? According to your Conquest Flow It seems very backward to capture a Capital before capturing a Town. Personally, I would think I should have to get my foot in the door taking an outer city before I can battle to own the panic room. In fact, I would also have to capture the living room before I can move onto the panic room. Thus, I suggest we have to own the majority of Towns in a County before we can attack the Capital. Please consider the implications of having only the Capital as the only Fortification defending our precious resources and production centers. Considering the map wipe, are we going to lose Outposts? Do we need to move ships and warehouse items? Or will these be wiped also? P.S. please get rid of rare woods and rare wood ports. TY
  15. Shipping lanes are very thin there. I have caught ships way to the East sometimes barely skirting the circle. Sometimes ships pass way to the South headed toward Aves. But yes, this is very infrequent. Sadly, it is also very infrequent to see other captains there.
  16. Crafter = player = can build Endy but not DLC ship DLC buyer = player and buyer = can build Endy and DLC ship A DLC buyer can also build an Endy I meant unlimited rare woods. Is there a chance a DLC ship can come 5/5? Is it repeatable if they sell/break up DLC ship as often as needed to get 5/5? I don't know, because I don;t have any, except the Pandora, and I haven't tried the Mr. Doran thing.
  17. I was just puking out numbers. I have no idea what the current RNGs are. I just want less effecting my crafting as I gain crafting XP.
  18. As a crafter, I am not threatened by the DLCs, but rather the rare woods. Being able to add only 3 mods to an oak ship just does not cut it against rare woods with 3/5 mods. Now imagine it against a rare woods 5/5 mods. But then add a DLC 5/5 rare woods into the equation and it multiplies the risk when facing it. Yet still, I have no real quarrel with DLCs.....unless they take my suggestion for leveling RNG as a DLC. Then, I'd probably quite. lul
  19. Level 7 crafter doesn't have to have 100% RNG to make the ship exactly as he wants. I'm just advocating for a better RNG percent. Level 1 crafter = 10% chance for better than 3/5 Level 2 = 20% Level 3 = 30% Level 4 = 40% Level 5 - 50% Level 6 = 75% Level 7 = 85% Make it even better by having a bonus percent added for each time you craft the same rate ship....or same ship might be better. Make this bonus be 5% or something each time you craft that same ship..or rate...who knows, but variety will happen.
  20. DLC Buyer's chance to craft a worthy ship = 100% Crafter's chance to build a worthy ship = 25%, wait no...this time 2%, wait no...this time 14%, wait no....this time 1%. No matter what level of crafter he is....no matter how many ships he has crafted....no matter how many of the same ship he has built.....he still gets RNG to ruin his day. This kind of RNG is actual real male bovine excrement. Not only this, but add to it the danger and time and materials a crafter has to put into building a ship with good woods just for it to shit you out a 3/5 turd??? So now the crafter has to do it all over again just to build another 3/5 turd???just to do it all over again for another 3/5 turd. It makes more sense to to cap a NPC turd. Meanwhile, the DLC Buyer has built 1 ship a day with precisely the woods needed to survive with a possible 3/5 build. Unlimited woods make any DLC ship worthy, no matter the quality. We need the ability to reduce RNG with crafting levels. The higher we level up the less RNG can shit on us.
  21. Situation: 2 Dutch Pandoras vs 1 Brit Pandora A boarding happens and the Brit wins the boarding while the 1st Dutchman sinks during boarding from the Brit carronades. Nothing strange here. Immediately after this boarding the 2nd Dutchman boards the Brit. Once again, the Brit's carronades sink the 2nd Dutchman during boarding, but loses the boarding. So the 2nd Dutchman won the boarding and since he lost his ship due to sinking, he takes over the healthy Brit ship. Now being premium ships, of course you can't leave the battle with an enemy premium ship. (Even though I think we should be able to if it was determined to be a real fight and not an exploited surrender or cheap battle.) What is weird af is how drunk the clerk was at trying to report what happened. See image ( Van Poon IS Dutch )
  22. OBS Studio makes a great recording. It's great for streaming, too. OBS and StreamLabs recently joined to make StreamLabs OBS, like @Velhelm Von Marrius suggested, is very easy to stream with. Both are free.
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