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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Well, here is where nation consolidation could work. Nations that historically we allied with each other would be part of the major nation that had Caribbean presence. Each ship would have two flags. The main national flag could be flying on the stern post as is currently. Then the player's chosen national flag (DLC or 50k dbl admiralty flag) would fly on the fore mast. Same for a 2 masted ship. Same with single masted. The main nation flag just always flies on stern pole and the player flag flies on fore or main masts. So say Dutch was historically "allied" with Poland and Russia. Dutch had major presence in Caribbean, more so than Poland and Russia. So Dutch flag flies as is and the player's chosen Polish or Russian flag would fly fore or main mast.
  2. Oh and Outlaw battles for Pirates should come back, as long as every nation can join any side they choose in the rat vs rat battles.
  3. No to forced alliances. We are trying to influence history...trying to change history in this game. We want to see which nation can rule the Caribbean by their own accord/alliances, not be forced to create a history based on dev's plan.
  4. Periodical wipes, imo, work only age progression games. Once the final age has been reached only then is a wipe needed to restart the game. Say this game had enough ships from every decade that become available only after each decade has passed and technology level has been reached. Say each month is one decade in game. So start at say 1700, only 1700-1710 ships are available. Hopefully before the next decade arrives your nation kept up on research to reach the next tech level or the game will age progress without you and you will be stuck in older ships trying to catch up while other nations have advanced. Do this for every decade. Once the game reaches 1820, the winner is whichever nation has conquered the most territory and other parameters like kills, ktd, tech unlocks, upgraded ports, etc. At this time the game is reset to 1700 and you restart your nation or new nation and maybe even reset skills and perks (like an age progressed character) and go at it again trying to change last "season's" results. Heck, this could be an on going seasonal tournament style. Jot that down.
  5. Please remember that 1st - 3rd rates are not capturable and so we don't get the added benefit of selling those ships to the Admiralty for extra reals. And STS is so right about the upgrades, mostly junk. Books are nice, because we can always help new nation members, but our clan alone has 8,675,309 Congreve's Sights, twice that in Winged Out Ballast, thrice that in Swing Bed and Elevating Screw, etc, etc. Consider doing trade run with these delivery missions. Sometimes I have to because there are no missions headed anywhere I want to go. Yes please speed caps per ship! Stop Vics and Bellonas from catching frigs in the OW! And yes please, lower the percentage boost from ports.
  6. Nava imo is not needed because La Tortue is close enough. St. Mary's should never have been removed.
  7. No one is denied anything. Freeports are open to everyone and all of them even have PvP Zones right next to them. Plus, these FPs are spread out everywhere...except we lost Coqui and La Orchilla. One of these should come back.
  8. Thank you for this clarification. May I please suggest you check out this poll and use it in considerations for the patch. Of course, it needs more votes, but I think we can get the gist on some of it. I think a nation should be able to work on Hostility Missions together. I currently like how the clan with the most damage points in HM is awarded the port, but do not like that other nations can get HM points to get the port from using our HM. I liked the idea of other nations only being able to counter the aggression. Not steal the port out from under our noses. This is the only flaw, imo.
  9. Ya, this indeed. I thought Frontlines was to make front lines where nations are touching each other and have to battle it out to move forward to push back the enemy. If we are simply able to jump around them by using another nation, or heck even the enemy nation alt/rogue member, then Frontlines is useless. Just delete it and let us attack anywhere from anywhere, because basically that is what is possible with alt/friend hostilities.
  10. I can if only one surrounding Regional Capital is available from FPs and we are required to cap at least 2 ports in each region.
  11. It's kind of the same theory about how many times to run an exploit to get the reaction they keep desiring. heh
  12. Eh, I can vouch for how many you've been in. You should have received these on Monday after the wipe. 😕
  13. Dafaqhuhyousay? rats are "allied" with Russia. If rats were really trying to "stop" russia then they would be attacking russian ports....all of them.
  14. Santiago de Cuba was first reported as the Russians using a rat alt. If this is the case, then the "old" rule would still apply. If alts were used in any manner by any nation to raise hostility at any port, then it is clearly a bannable offense. "This was written in late 2016, there were no hostility missions, hostility was generated through OW fleets and PVP only." Does a 2016 rule still apply today? Yes Did exploiting nation have Hostility Mission for ill-gotten ports? No Does this mean the Hostility Battle was found in the Open World? Yes Does this make the Hostility Battle an Open World Battle? Yes Does this mean that the "old" rule was broken? Yes Does the punishment state a ban? Yes Does this mean the exploiting players would be banned, especially considering the repeated offense? Yes Do I believe they should be banned? No, because the devs have not specifically stated that this is or is not the intentional way to play with Frontlines restrictions. If this is intended, then Frontlines is a waste of time and should not have been developed nor deployed. Until the devs say either way, sadly, this is what to expect from these kind of players. The very moment the devs make a ruling on this exploit is the very moment this activity should cease by rule. Whether it gets patched after declaration or not, at that moment it is definitely a bannable offense. OOoooooorrrrrrr the exploiting nations could just stop on their own because everyone else knows this is not how Frontlines is intended to work.
  15. Honestly, no punishment should be given due to the fact that the devs refuse to make a decision about it. Maybe this is being done to give credence to the complete wipe before going live. Maybe the exploiters are trying to ruin the game so much just so we all feel better about a complete wipe. Or just maybe the exploiters don't know any other way to win other than to use exploits.
  16. I had no idea about it until now because it never showed up. It may have happened, but Frontlines was designed to make exactly that....frontlines. It was not designed and developed to be useless within seconds. If so, then wow what a complete waste of dev time.
  17. About the Frontlines Regional Capitals, you mention if they are taken it is only a matter of time before the smaller ports are captured. I've not considered the maths on port cooldown and such. How soon can the attacking nation be able to take missions from the Regional Capital to attack the smaller ports? Is this time greater or lesser than the time the defending nation can take a HM against the lost Regional Capital? Let's see: RC lost has a 3 day cooldown, so the defending nation has 3 days to wait before they can try to recapture the RC. Attacking nation can take HM against smaller ports the very next day, so after 1 day the attacker can take all remaining ports in that region. Yep, this heavily favors the attackers. Sure one might say it's the defender's fault for not winning the defense. So a zerg nation with enough players/clans can wipe out all ports in one day while a smaller nation can field enough for maybe one port....to which they must win. Somehow, the cooldown system needs reworked, or perhaps the smaller ports should be taken before RCs.
  18. TY, and very true, but some ppl were very opinionated before they even logged in. heh.
  19. Discuss... I just realized I should have made question 8 multiple choice. sorry
  20. 250k is way too expensive., imo.
  21. I suggest everyone do to the russians exactly what we did to sorry clan and just deny them any action at all. Always avoid them. Always surrender within seconds if caught. Give them nothing but AI to fight. It's what they deserve for destroying a fun game for the rest of us. They'll eventually stop the exploits...or leave the game. And then the rest of us can get back to actually testing how Frontlines is supposed to work.
  22. Not a single russian sank? I mean, like not a single russian had focus fire upon it or never got boarded or surrounded or....Would love to see this battle on the YT.
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