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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. This image is a great visual to see precisely how many ships require permits that are purchasable only via Combat Medals. It also shows which ships are out-classed by ships of lower class. Please answer the Poll that relates to this image. First section highlights which ships are not craftable without permits (denoted with *) or because they are DLC/Gift ships Notice only 2 of 4 4th rates are available; 50% - 1 of these 'uncraftables' being reclassified up to this class that has lower stats than the others Notice only 9 of 17 5th rates are available; 52.9% - 2 of them being Trader Ships, leaving only 7 craftable warships Notice only 7 of 12 6th rates are available; 58.3% - 2 of them being Trader Ships, 1 of them being only for Port Battles, leaving only 4 craftable warships Notice only 6 of 11 7th rates are available; 54.5% - 2 of them being Trader Ships, leaving only 4 craftable warships Remaining sections highlight which ships have worse stats than ships in rates below it. Categorized by: Guns Crew Broadside Notice how the 3 recently re-categorized ships fall significantly behind, not just slightly. This means that these ships are no longer usable in missions for these rates, means they are no longer usable in PvP Zones for these rates, means they are no longer usable in Port Battles because of their new BR. Frankly, it means these ships are worthless for anything but completing generic missions against lower rated NPC ships. Sure, they might be usable in PvP, but only against lower rated ships. Even adding the best buff mods you can, these ships will still under perform against ships of lower class with the same buff mods. An now with Rare Woods, these ships stand no chance if they are made of less quality woods. Add onto it the Crafting RNG that makes 90% of the ships only 3/5s. I suggest: Changing the USS United States, Constitution, and Indefatigable back to their respective Rates Making only 1 ship per rate uncraftable without a permit (except for DLC/Gift ships, of course) Decreasing the RNG effect as we level up in Crafting XP Getting rid of Rare Woods Making 4th Rate NPC capturable Discuss....
  2. Would be nice if these "clan taxes" went toward resources automatically, and was selected by the clan leaders, and filled by Admiralty automatically. Say my clan needs Live Oak. I set my clan tax to 10%. (After thought, not a percent but a weekly amount.) This is automatically collected weekly from my members and is automatically sent to Admiralty to buy the resource I've selected; in this case LO. This way we could collect help from members who are afk for awhile due to vacation or looming wipes, etc, and from the sneaky alts that try to loot our warehouses. However, our clan...and most Dutch clans already have members who keep the warehouses loaded as needed. No tax would be needed for us.
  3. They have a red Announcement button. Perhaps people should get used to clicking that? But yes, I could see a pop up at log in that states, "Since your last log in, these things have changed: ...."
  4. When speaking of "facts" it is always best to have exact references with pertinent resources. IMO, and that of quite a few others, there is a difference between critical and hostile feedback. Hostilities are not welcome and completely unnecessary...especially in a game...a place where people of all nationalities and cultures can come to have fun together in harmony...even if our political leaders are being assholes to each other. If it were my EA game, roles would be: admin/devs post updates/patch notes and create forum threads for different aspects of new update/patch players respond with bugs and likes/dislikes...being respectful to devs and other players (not always seen on this forum) mods moderate responses keeping things clean admins/devs review responses, integrate what they decide is best for the game and then repeat the above Much how these devs have done, but they have often gone the extra mile to respond to many individual posts and try to integrate player wish lists. How nearly every other game does??? devs post updates/patch notes players report bugs and likes/dislikes devs discard everything except bugs fix bugs, maybe implement suggestions and repeat "Should a test forum not be so ppl can tell exactly how they feel the changes affect them?" Of course, but again there is away to say things and there is a way not to say things...many people agree with this.
  5. Oooooohhhhh @admin you almost had me there...April Fools!?? ya? no? 😢
  6. An in-game message board would be nice....even if it's just another chat tab. But we do have this forum so place an add here. Someone orders a 5/5 Cag/WO Trinc for x amount. You build as many as it takes to get the order done and sell all the mistakes on the market. Or just build a bunch of ships and set prices on here, since we can't sail to every port to know what is available.
  7. @Tom Farseer Now use your base numbers and add all the speed mods. I'm certain this numbers are still not low enough. I'd suggest making it easy on devs and just put a speed cap on SoLs.
  8. LOL yeah...now imagine being 200+ meters apart and still getting penned at that angle seeing only 1 in 10 balls from the enemy bouncing...heh
  9. ^ what he said and what everyone else is saying....battles are ridiculous for crap rewards.
  10. Definitely something needs done to help new players. I'd like to see lower ranked captains having a perk or something that puts a beacon on the map for reinforcement IF he is attacked. And I like @William Death suggestion for a warning to pop up for lower rank players once they reach the edge of safety. Maybe it doesn't need to stop the player and force them to acknowledge, but perhaps a popup just explaining the RoE change. I can attest that gringo was on the PvP server, as his Rat Wasa and his Russian friends sank a handful of us Dutch just NW of Willemstad..or maybe that was another night.
  11. All I can remember players asking the devs for was rare SoLs....not rare woods. I have no idea where this rare wood idea got into the dev's head, but it 'should' create fights for these ports...RvR, NvN, but I haven't seen it happen yet. Perhaps it will. I absolutely agree that AI are still way OP...especially considering most of us having weaker ships against 1) AI with too many mods and 2) weaker because of weak material and 3) weak because of weaker ship selection due to requiring unavailable permits for the proper ships...4) and weak because of crap ship crafting RNG. And this is just against AI, try being in this situation against pro clans/nations....impossible and certainly no fun at all for anyone except the pros. My Agamemnon 3/5 Cag/WO nearly sank taking on water 3 times against an AI Wasa that seriously had the same OP reload and pen as the AI Bucentaure nonstop firing and penning my sides while at nearly 90 degrees. So my suggestions to my 4 points above are: Stop with the AI reloading every 5 seconds and penetrating at ridiculous angles. Get rid of rare woods..OR at least make them much, much less rare...OR recalibrate wood characteristics bringing their stats closer together. Currently, there are way too many ships requiring permits...keep SoLs as is, but there are 4 un-craftable ships in 5th rate class and 4 in the 6th rate class, not including DLCs. For the love of everything holy, change crafting RNG! 90% of ships made are 3/5. 99% of ships on the market are 3/5. This does not provide enough upgrade slots for us to survive beyond 10 minutes against anyone....especially having to start with crap woods. About crafting RNG, I do not mean to just delete it, making only 5/5 ships every time. I mean make our crafting XP (or a Shipwright's XP) change the RNG table to diminish the higher our crafting level.
  12. No alts. @Norfolk nChance I'm in the same boat as you. I consider myself just a casual.
  13. Lul, I'll be certain to post the pic with location for you guys.
  14. I was a bit harsh with "crap", but I'd still prefer to pick and choose what I'd like to take. Next bottle I get I will post, but it could be awhile considering the rarity of bottles. heh
  15. Yes please....especially with most of the crap on these ships are crap. We should be able to see the list when clicking Explore and take only what we want. @admin
  16. Personally, I believe the intent should be that deleting any mission means your intent is to cancel it and therefore should not be able to complete it. There is no other reason to delete a mission....unless it is to exploit something. I like the 1dbl : 100 reals ratio. Now @admin should adjust all mission rewards to this ratio. If clans/nations don't need this amount they could always sell it on the open market. I like them also, however, I feel the reward is way too great, making Reals worthless now...again...and screwing up the market econ. By the 2nd day of deliveries, I was able to purchase nearly any player ship at any port. This will just push player ships to 10-50 mil now...and then when adjustment comes, seller won't change and things will be over priced again. Sure it will equalize someday, but I suggest it happens first with rewards. On the other hand, I have not spreadsheeted the delivery mission to trading to see if it is a close relation or not....has anyone else priced a delivery mission rewards compared to trading profit?
  17. Oh my word, he speaks again! The King and his people have worried for you and missed your letters! @Norfolk nChance I like the idea and could certainly get behind it. However, you have left out one group of people that I think many of us are...the casual. We're not hardcore out hunting PvP fervently day in and day out. Rather, if we happen upon it, we engage it. We're not grinding out the best PvP and PB ships because we absolutely must win while telling others that ship builds don't matter but only the skill does. (They know who they are, they just won't admit it.) We casuals use what we have. We're not daily players even...we take a couple days off...maybe even some of us are only weekend players. But we casuals still play regularly, despite the game status simply because we like the game. I certainly agree that the game promotes too quickly, but so many people back then complained that the grind was too much. And so, the xp decreased. I personally enjoyed the grind and would do it again...happily. One thing I would consider about the compensations is to lower the Reals a tad and let the economy work itself out. Otherwise, people will see Reals as super inflated overpricing everything in the market. I'd also consider providing newbs with something, at least keeping the Tutorial rewards for everyone.
  18. QAR was roughly the size, bm, and # of cannon as Essex, Rat Frig, Belle Poule. If they gave it the comparable cannon in game and added 100 crew to match the 300 under Blackbeard, I'd say the QAR could fit in this game nicely as a 5th rate. Same with an Indiaman Refit. Obviously they want pirates in this game, so they should provide more rat ships than just the Privateer and Rat Frig.
  19. 'tis why I say they should be calibrated for this game's era....just base the ships on size and place it in the correlating rate and give it guns accordingly. I'm guessing ships like the QAR would be about equal to a 4th rate...so give it some 4th rate guns.
  20. Agreed....except for one thing. IF there are going to be any more DLCs, please, please make them be historical and/or fictional famous ships and just recalibrate them to fit in this time frame of game. Next DLC ships should be The Flying Dutchman...an East Indiaman Refit like the LGV Refit, the Queen Anne's Revenge, De Zeven Provinien, etc. @admin you could make a handful of pirate ship DLC and sell them individually and discounted as a package. I know you have said you are trying to remain strict with ships of only the game era, but for Heaven's sake, there is no reason older ships cannot be calibrated to fit in a certain rate of this time period.
  21. Seems everyone's response.... ....when actually there are none. heh
  22. Currently, I feel the Reals Rewards for Cargo missions to pay out a bit too much. However, I have not calculated it compared to Resource Trading. I like the shorter distances for these Reals moreso than the long haul trades. Today I ran only half the distance (From Dutchland to Dominicaland, rather than all the way to Disneyland) and still made a sweet profit. Anyone complaining about not being able to make reals now...or even before, just wants things handed to them rather than sail. Sure they may not have time to make the sail, but then they wouldn't have time for a good length of PvP or Port battle either. Please, don't kill Passenger Missions. These are the only things our TLynx can carry atm. I do agree you could add baggage weight or something, but don't over load our TLynx. 1 - Disagree as there are tons of AI everywhere, even capitals 2 - Somewhat agree as not every rate needs to have rare permits for the best in class, but I like the rarity of SoLs...(personally, I think SoLs should be reserved for PBs) 3 - Live Oak in IRL was not rare and there should be more ports than 1 to have them, but it should be up to RvR to capture these ports..as it was before. Upgrades can make a ship act rare 4 - This has always been the biggest reason people have stopped/paused their play of this game or any game for that matter. No one likes wipes, but being wiped won't make me quit having fun in this game. Hell, over the last month my clanmates and I have been reminiscing over grinding to the next best ship...from being annoyed in the cutter not being able to hit anything but waves, to bring able to sail the Brig....oh but then the Navy Brig has more guns and with a better paint scheme to boot....but then the Snow, it has BOW CHASERS!....then....i could go on. My point is that the grind is what made this game for me, always pushing for the next best thing, and grinding out the XP for our OFFICERS (heh) along with the uniqueness and beauty. I'd grind it all again...especially if I knew others were in the same boat. But either way, there's no reason to quite a game unless you just prefer playing something else. If that's the case, then nothing can make anyone stay.
  23. I certainly hope @admin realize this and set an actual 24hr timer. I do not think the ship DLCs are intended to be exploited this way. About premium consumable vessels.Premium ships cannot be captured by players or traded. You can request this vessel from the admiralty once a day as long as you dont have the same vessel already in your docks. You will be able to request the frame and planking wood type when ordering a ship. Admiralty requests for this ship will be completed instantly.DLC will appear in your redeemable list after you dock to any port.
  24. There is no reason we captains without the DLC should not be able to capture and use the DLC ships. A captain buying it gets to replace it everyday and build a very specific DLC ship getting to choose the woods and such. A captain who has not bought it would never be able to replace it unless they capture another one, plus they are stuck with whatever built it was when captured. I understand the reason for not making them capturable is because ppl will just free trade the ships to friends or alts. What if the DLC ship had some kind of parameter that it must have a a certain amount of damage or an amount of actual battle time before it can be captured....just to prove it is a real battle? Say 50% HP damage, or say the battle must be at least 20 minutes before it's capturable. Make it blocked out in the Trade options between players. There should be some way that every ship is available to all.......or maybe we should just be happy enough that we could sail it in that same battle instance if it is a multi-ship battle.... 😕 BTW, @admin 4th rate NPCs should be capturable considering the difficulty of crafting ships. Keep 1-3 rate ships non-capturable...but let us have crap ass 4th rates, plz.
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