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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. TY, do you know the entire list? I always see so many odd ones that don't have the standard book icons.
  2. Despite being a long time captain in this game, there are many things I still do not understand. I would assume this particular subject to be pertinent to new captains as well. I have noticed on many pro captains ships that their Knowledge Slots are filled with rare/unique/special books that are not the regular/standard books. Can (and will) someone please make a list of these rare/unique/special books and how to craft them? I do not even know the names of these things, so I am sorry I cannot offer a specific question for each of them. Much appreciation in advance!
  3. The only things I find too strong now with the AI are their reload time and the ridiculous angles they can fire and pen. It feels as though Ai has every reload mod in the game and even imagined all at once. Especially the Bucentaure....holy cow firing every second doing damage every shot at every angle. They seem to touch me wrong every time. I will go cry in the corner some more. );
  4. I thought 1 repair was too few as battles ended too soon. Maybe a max of 3 or 4 repairs? That would be easier coding than my suggestion lol
  5. On subject of repairs and now that every battle is simply a repair war that drags battles out forever: How about changing the repairs to be a sliding repair amount. Meaning, repairing once will get you repaired to 90%, repair a second time and the max it could repair you to is 75%, repair a 3rd time and the max it could repair is up to 50%.....etc. Of course each repair would still do 300 HP at a time, but only up to the repair percentage for each repair use. This would force people to choose the proper time to repair, and would prevent people from having 100% healthy ships and sails the entire battle. I find it ridiculous that, in the middle of battle, people can fully repair their ships and sails to 100% every 5 minutes. It is especially sickening when you are barely getting any damage against someone in special woods and they just seem to have a 100% ship and sails the entire time.
  6. We used to have a transport system a long time ago, but it was not in OW sailed by AI, so I suggested it and got booed so bad that the devs removed the feature completely. But yes, this is a great idea...allowing us to send cargo in the OW w Ai sailing it. #UpVote #YesPlease
  7. I know Tumbado is 4th rate, because I attend that one regularly when it pops.
  8. Agreed that Nassau seems to happen to often. It just doesn't feel spread out enough between them all. I certainly could be wrong tho. Now that 1st rates are becoming more rare (as they should IMO) perhaps they could change the 3 1st rate ones and change one of them to 4th rates. BTW, what are the 3 1st rate ones? Actually, what are all the zones? I know of: Aves - 4th rate (I think, but can't remember because it's so rare) La Mona - 1st rate? (also rare) Les Cayes - 1st rate Tumbado - 4th rate Nassau - 6th rate? Deadmans - 6th rate?
  9. Not certain where best to post this, but can you please make the PvP Zone be more random. Today it is in Nassau, yesterday it was La Navasse, the two nights before that it was also in the Bahamas. So 3 out of 4 nights the PvP Zone has been in the Bahamas, unless I missed a night. If randomizing does not work, can you just make it cycle through regularly? La Mona, Aves, and Tumbado need some love. BTW, why are there two PvP Zones in the Bahamas anyway?
  10. What PvP is trash? The only trash ones I know of are when newbs get ganked by pros. To find action, I always use the Combat News in game...it pretty much sums up exactly where things are going down. And if I see a nation mate or friendly get hit, I know where to hunt. On another note, people in this forum for the last few days are refusing to look at this game from a new buyer's perspective. They will have no clue what changes were made in the past to be able to compare it to the moment they bought it. I am certain that if you look at every major patch from a "Day One" perspective, you will find nothing that is so detrimentally negative that will make the game unplayable and not enjoyable. This game is lovely. It is beautiful. And it is amazingly fun! And if we are worrying about population, then we need to announce the positives in reviews and to others. ......OR....people can just keep bashing the shit out of it because they keep looking at it from their own perspective that has years of testing and changes.
  11. TY, It just wasn't registering in my head properly. 50 hours divided by clan members or absurd number of alts is nothing. NA is not so time demanding...only if you want a certain ship that should be rare. And SoLs should be rare. If Oak/Oak is all that is available for some, then you have to deal with it, or wait, or get more people involved to get the woods you want. What do you suppose other clans of other nations do? They'de have to sail Oak/Oak as well. The game is not grindy to just grab a ship and sail. It's only grindy to get the perfect-kill-all-take-no-damage ship certain people want because they're too snooty or pretentious to sail anything else even though mostly everyone else is in the same position. IMO, SoLs should be used mostly only for Port Battles, not OW. Losing SoLs in PBs means there would be less zerg flips in one day, making an entire nation to work toward being able to make another PB attack. As it should be, imo. @admin and others, are there mods and perks combinations that could make an Oak/Oak ship survive as well as a LO/WO? If not, maybe things need to be adjusted?
  12. Does anyone know where these clan missions are? I've looked everywhere and asked in help chat...but that's empty.
  13. Very nice idea. I like the 50/50 maybe even 60/40 split idea. There should always be some sort of national tax, especially in this era as the monarchs would certainly have taken what they wanted. While I agree that perhaps 100,000 dbls might be too high (although not for the zerg clans), anything less than 50,000 dbls would negate the entire mission idea making it way too easy to get resources.
  14. I had a good pvp kill the other night and yet no combat medal. I am guessing the only place to get them is the pvp zone....if even there.
  15. @admin What you have done is made ships that don't need to be rare are now elite and available for only elite players. And these elitists will never sell their best ships of each class and will never sell their Combat Medals because they want to be the only elite players. The only ships that need to be rare are SoLs. And those should require the nation to produce, not just elite players. I am curious with the upcoming port autonomy patch if somehow these needlessly rare ships will be more readily available.
  16. @rediii Please tell me you are not suggesting we waste all this dev progress and return to the old mechanics? To me, I feel the only thing needed with this new model is to HP boost the lower sections of the masts so they don't come down so easily. I find it odd to chain someone to 40% and then fire a broadside at the middle or top sections and somehow see the entire mast drop. It also feel weird to have the middle structure bar around 25% and then the entire mast drop. I don't really know how to fix the oddity, so my only suggestion is a HP buff. What suggestion would you have?
  17. I like the idea of nerfing prizes in the RZs. The higher rank we are the less XP we should get for being in our own RZs. But when we are in enemy RZs, ranks shouldn't affect rewards unless we are killing lower rank captains and/or with a bigger ship. I think we just need modifiers based on rank and on rate that affect XP and rewards....and then apply it to RZs. Anyway, TY @rahzor for kindly bowing out of the battle earlier tonight so it wasn't 2v1.
  18. Good fun with my old Dutchmate @Velhelm Von Marrius. We both played the wind well, took out some sails, drilled some holes,....and then...his final explosion left me with only 50 crew.....forehead wipe sigh.
  19. @admin Is it intended that Cargo Optimization perk does not apply to fleet ships? Considering I am the only character that has control over each ship (no officers per ship) that my perks would apply to all ships in my fleet.
  20. We had amazing storms and rough seas a couple years ago...would love to have those back
  21. Certainly, the Admiralty ships suck, but all we ever hear from pros is that the ship doesn't matter, it's the skills that do. (I'd love to see a pro nation spend an entire week of getting their ports attacked while using only Admiralty or ships that aren't 5/5 with the best mods and woods.) But your response makes my point that nearly all players in this game have...that people want perfect built ships..not junk. It very well may lead to less action and less players. But it is worth a test for awhile, IMO. I like rarity and forcing us to work together as a nation to gather those rare goods.
  22. Every port has ships to buy from the admiralty and shipyard. It seems people just want only a perfect built ship and don't like that to be rare. I personally like rarity of items in game. I just don't like elite items for only elite players that can then decimate the populace.
  23. What if the hostility did take 2 hours, maybe 3 hour, but hostility did not vanish over night and each hostility battle counted as a raid that continually added benefits to the raiding clan from the port owner's production? Then let the only ways for the port owner to reduce the hostility is by intercepting the hostility or doing pvp or ai reduction currently?
  24. 40 / 5 = 8 alts......game population lie 😕 BTW @Anolytic care to meet me near FZ and carry the Trinc Brest harbor in your hold? If I sink you I can keep?
  25. Agreed Agreed IMO, requiring CMs is not the way to make ships rare. The way to do it is by making the built time take longer, either by requiring more resources or labor hours, or by setting an actual time to build. No game should ever make elite items for only elite players, except for rewards that would have no impact on the survivability of non-elite players. Meaning, let CMs buy paints, or flags, or other cosmetic things, but not ships that can destroy all other ships. The only ships, I feel, that should be rare are SoLs....make them take longer to produce. Make it take a nation to produce SoLs. And stop with the RNG quality....give us officers back and one of them being a shipwright that is trained and leveled up.
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