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Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Everything posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

  1. This sounds like a ploy by an employee trying to pretend be a player by accusing other players to be employees...
  2. Isn't it a known fact that anyone who works in IT spends their time playing games instead of working?
  3. Steam support indeed, this shouldn't be a problem thought if you always connect from one or a handful of ip adresses and they see a new one in addition to the email address change so i would be confident that they will fix it sooner or later even if it might not be instantaneous and you might naturally stress in the meantime. More importantly were you using the same login details in other places? Is there any chance that anything else, including your main email account, has been compromised? Do you have any idea how your steam might have been hacked? If you aren't already i highly recommend to use a password manager to have a unique complex password for every website, 2 factor authentication, and having separate emails for different purposes. You can also subscribe to https://haveibeenpwned.com/ to be alerted when one of your emails is compromised in a major public breach. Asking to link a new steam account to a game account should not be possible as proofs are easy to fabricate or obtain with some social engineering. And with steam i don't even think it's possible for the game devs. If steam really takes too long you can drop a word on their social media it might help expedite it.
  4. Linux! Linux! Linux! Linux! Also OpenBSD please.
  5. Years after reading his biography i am still in awe of the man who journeyed to the west and got his hands dirty learning from the most humble ones, bringing his skills and knowledge back for the benefit of his country. I hope i live to see a president that deserves to be called "the great"in any of the countries i live in.
  6. I expect regular players injecting some money into it at the cost of less people buying the game when they see the DLC and new people quitting the second they realize that they have to pay extra on top of what they already paid. I for one would not have bought the game if i had seen such a DLC and i know that most of the people i know wouldn't either. Reviews will take a hit as well.
  7. Thank you, i haven't heard much about that brand i'll look into their products.
  8. Nothing to add, except that this is indeed a gorgeous pic.
  9. I can't clearly see what straight razor is being used in the other video. Which one is it if i may ask? ( gotta ask the important questions )
  10. Random couple pages on the convoy background since i was curious "The Convoy, the Grain, and their Influence on the French Revolution" by Laurence Evans https://www.cnrs-scrn.org/northern_mariner/vol05/tnm_5_1_45-51.pdf
  11. Buy some wood and make your own, it's easy if you just make a basic desk, for 500 bucks you can make something that would cost you several thousands in shops. Or could you spend 150 and make it look 600. If you cannot borrow the gear from a buddy or a shop, you can ask your local woodworker for a quote, obviously a bit higher priced than doing it yourself and you loose on the fun. Some rural woodworkers are dirt cheap ( usually the ones that don't even have a website ). Say something like this ( random pic ). It's really just some dirty planks to get shipped to you, clean them up ( need a tool, mask, goggles ), put some laque, fix it together, done. Google is your friend.
  12. The original press release http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/new-details-on-discovery-of-the-san-jose-shipwreck
  13. James Cook: The Voyages Fri 27 Apr – Tue 28 Aug 2018 Explore the stories, art and maps of those who were there It is 250 years since the Endeavour set sail from Plymouth. Our exhibition tells the story of Captain James Cook’s three world-changing voyages through original documents, many of which were produced by the artists, scientists and sailors on board the ships. Maps, artworks and journals from the voyages sit alongside newly-commissioned films offering contemporary perspectives. Examine the expeditions that shaped Europe’s knowledge of the world and consider their far-reaching legacy. See Cook’s handwritten journal detailing the first crossing of the Antarctic Circle, when they travelled further south than anyone in the world, stunning artwork including the earliest European depiction of a kangaroo, and intricate maps charting the voyages that spanned more than a decade. Learn about the experiences on board the Endeavour, Resolutionand Discovery, and the impact of their arrival. Drawings by the Polynesian high priest and navigator Tupaia, who accompanied Cook to New Zealand and Australia, will be displayed together for the first time. These will sit alongside works by expedition artists Sydney Parkinson, William Hodges and John Webber. Hear the stories. Read the diaries. Revisit the momentous voyages made 250 years ago. https://www.bl.uk/events/james-cook-the-voyages?ns_campaign=enewsletter+April+2018&ns_mchannel=email&ns_source=newsletter&ns_linkname=Story2Heading&ns_fee=0
  14. Welcome here, since you tried turn based civil war games i recommend you have a look at the hps simulations titles, but for real-time strategy civil war ultimate general civil war is definitely the best one around.
  15. Not a big fan of that new ubisoft game-model or sales-model from either a customer or business perspective myself, but at least it could be called fair enough as far as game-content vs pricing goes.
  16. They make a living by selling the base game. Anything like extra slots for ships, characters, extra inventory space, extra customizable tabs to organize the inventory or whatnot that can be seen in free games do not belong in a full game bought at full price, they belong in free games. If there is indeed a need for more slots, then everybody should get them, not those who pay more on top of what they already paid. If people buy more copies, that's their choice and right, if that's the symptom of a serious issue within the game, then the issue should be addressed for every player, but it should not be institutionalized as a way to make more money while other players get inconvenienced or disadvantaged. Paying extra for aesthetics is one thing, paying extra for practicality such as slots when i already bought the game at full price, that's just a huge No.
  17. Please no, keep this kind of paid extras to free games that need a way to make a living.
  18. Leviathan: Ark of the Apocalypse by Jason Stevia, took 14 months to make More pics and a couple videos can be found on his instagram https://www.instagram.com/shallowgravestudios/ I might or might not have spoken to the devs who might not have confirmed that they are working on the 3D model to implement it in the game as a trading ship.
  19. If he is addressed as Sir, that would make him the adoptive father of King Arthur. Which is totally possible since movies have thought us that Arthurian legends are a favourite destination of time travelers. I'll take a screenshot if i see any stupid names, but there are definitely some names around that must make life difficult for an officer.
  20. Classic. As for recommendations there is already a reading list thread, maybe ask there, i don't know any really great overview of either napoleonic or steam naval stuff, but there are excellent more specific books.
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