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Everything posted by EdWatchmaker

  1. Admin, really love your quick response to the players. Job well done. I'll just stick with the 3d because I like it and also it lets me know that my aging computer will let me get on a voyage without overheating to the point where I have to shut it down. If it's good to go in port, I'm good to go for the voyage. Also I'm liking the new UI. Thanks a lot. Fair sailing all.
  2. Admiral Norfolk, I just found this and have not yet gotten a chance to fully read it and learn it. Seadog 3rd Class Wade is growling and scolding me under his breath, insolent dog, for not finding this earlier. It's great, Thanks a lot. it's going to be a great help. Now all I have to do is rebuild my ageing computer. HAHAHA, always something to do. Fair sailing.
  3. Hello, Need a higher possibility of lower sails catching fire if not clued up for battle. Fair sailing all.
  4. Hello Admin and Captains, Yes to Norfolk's idea. We need a navigation mini game and the moon. More detailed charts that we get by exploring or purchasing at a port. I would also like to be able to know depth under keel when in shallows so that with a vessel such as the gunboat I can get through places even a lynx can't go. I know that most will not like this but there should be no trader tool or chat when not in sight of land or another vessel that you have hailed. Petty Officer Wade is standing by to defend.....or most likely just drag me to safety, while scolding me and muttering under his breath. Fair sailing all.
  5. Good morning Devs and Captains, A big yes to DLC paints etc. I also want to be able to name my ships. To keep it clean and respectful should need to pick them from an approved list of names. If someone wants a name not on the list, submit it for approval and if approved it will get added to the list. Players get what they want and no one gets offended. Same with flags and bow figures. Submit the finished artwork, get it approved and it can be added. Fair sailing all.
  6. Hello Captains and Ink, Report them if they are too salty otherwise just ignore them. For the good of the game, because there might be children on, bad offenders do need to be reported and have their mouths washed out by being suspended from the game for a week or so. Not being able to hail any other ship is ridiculous, please bring it back. Some of the best and most enjoyable conversations I've ever had in this game have been with other nations or pirates. Now I've got to go to work, earn biscuits and dog food for Able Seadog Wade. Fair sailing all.
  7. Hello Admin, Devs and Captains, I vote a big resounding YES to this one. I didn't realize instances were on the same server as OW. Please do put them on another server so we can have heavy weather in battle instance. Not being able to open lower gun ports, mortar brigs not being able to shoot accurately, wrecking your masts if you don't shorten sail, possibility of capsizing your ship, not being able to see where you are going etc. Maybe, just maybe a rare lightning strike blowing up a ship, or for that matter the powder magazine in a fort. Captains will just have to learn how to deal with it, part of your skill as a captain and knowledge of that ship that no bonus or lack thereof can take away from you. In OW the times I have been able to sneak into port when I knew enemys were around..... and of course a couple of times I've been sailing through a storm and run across an enemy ship, just heart dropping. I liked it early on when the storms were really thick and I love the fog now. Want more. Have to go. Able Seadog Wade help me make my escape before Admin catches me and gives me a thrashing for spending his money without permission. Fair sailing and a great day all.
  8. Ahoy Captains and Devs, I'll say that out of the box we should have 10 Outposts, scaling like we do now. We should be able to have more but that part needs to be different. First, clans need to get a Clan Outpost at every port they own. It makes sense, they caped it, they own it. Others can have Outposts but must pay a rent on top of the permit fees, which would be set by the clans that own the port. All other unowned ports would be set by the Admiralty. Less in a national port, not owned by a clan, but higher in a neutral or freeport. If you don't pay it goes away, and all the stuff in it, confiscated by the locals. Fair sailing all and have a great day/night.
  9. Captains and Admin, I suppose I see why we might not be able to add more guns, but for the ships that obviously have the extra gun ports, let us be able to reassign guns to those ports. It makes sense that was probably what was done. It should not be instantaneous but mimic the time it takes to actually do it. And a cool down period so you can't just bounce them back and forth unrealistically. Just a thought. I really think it's needed because it would have been done in real life this way. Fair sailing all.
  10. Sorry for the added post. Just had to say, this was the first time I did this from my phone. Fantastic Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Worked like a charm. Fair sailing all.
  11. We also need a way to douse our lights at night. Really need an darker night and the moon in it's phases. Storms that can cause sail and mast damage or capsize and sink your ship if you carry too much canvas. Fair sailing all.
  12. Sorry all that I have to be so short and can't comment at length but I have to leave shortly. For the ultimate longevity of the PVE server we need this. 1... We must have our name and hail button back or it won't work on the PVE server. 2... Somehow chat must be kept civil 3...Yes you need to build a character on that server to play on it. 4...Please, people of the PVE server, understand this, if we do not somehow increase the use of our server we will eventually lose it! I personally think that would be a shame!! I really must go now or I'll be late. Fair sailing all.
  13. Absolutely a great idea! I play that server more than half the time. I have advocated it several times as added content, which in my opinion, is sorely needed. Sir Heathwill, the two servers are of two entirely different mind sets and it is my belief that the fear is that, in their eyes, "toxic behavior, particularly in the chat" would creep in and ruin the experience. I don't think that can happen when you can refuse the challenge and go on your way. So that takes care of physical abuse. As for the chat, I really don't know how to deal with that. HAHAHA, it is very different on the two servers. On PVE server everyone talks to each other so politely, almost like going to Mass, in 2 years I have never seen any rudeness. It would most likely take care of itself, a bad apple would standout like a sore thumb and get chat banned very quickly. Because no harm can come, that I can see, I say yes. Fair sailing
  14. Admin and Captains, I want to thank everyone who joined in this discussion. Yes, let's bring back the hailing/ahoy button and I want to know who the captain is too. Okay, I'll accept that you only get the name if they respond to your hail. But, if that, it should work like this. If they respond, then you know that captain and their name appears when you meet them again on the high seas. It goes into your sea captain's knowledge base. If you are looking for realism then this is a part of it. Any captain worth captaining a ship would get to know other captains, especially foes, or he wouldn't last long. If you're worried about trash talking then that is what the ignore button is for. Grow a pair and get a thick skin. 99% of all players in this game are good in my personal experience. Some that have caped or sunk me have even taken their time to instruct me. Now that is sportsmanship! Don't take away what is good because a very small amount of garbage. Listen to me! PVP server is supposed to be rough. It's a WAR. War is brutal, is now, always has been. Every time I play on the PVP server I know the risks of sailing my usually unarmed trader and by playing I accept them. IT'S EXCITING. I love it. When I want a nice relaxing sail I use the PVE server. That's what it's there for. Fair sailing and have a great day/night.
  15. The summer has been busy and what little time I have had to play has been on the PVP server. Being a merchant Capt. I rarely come into contact with other factions, it can end in disaster. Today I had a lot of extra time and went onto the PVE server to play my character there. I must be WAY out of step with the times. As I was coming into KPR I was shocked to find that the Brits were labeled as "Enemy Player" and that the hail button was gone. I happen to enjoy greeting other Captains and sometimes talking to them. I see the point on the PVP server but on the PVE server it has no point at all and frankly I find it rude not to be able to acknowledge other Captains, after all on that server we're not at war with each other. Admin, if it's possible would you fix this please. On that server we're a small tight community and we need more cohesiveness not less of it. Personally, on that server, I'd like to see the factions done away with except in name only. Thanks for listening to my little rant. If you fix it thanks in advance. Fair sailing to you all.
  16. Ahoy Admin et Omnia, Slim and AeRoTR you are not alone!!!!!!! I'm ashamed that in almost 2 years I have not seen this. I truly like the idea and hope that Admin will renew his interest in it. I give a resounding YES to this. Must go. Fair sailing all.
  17. Hello all, Yes by all means, we should have to fight nature and the sea as much as each other. The sea can be a cruel mistress, her wrath shows no mercy and strikes all equally. Only the best or luckiest survive her. The possibility of ships being lost at sea. Wreckage washed up ashore or floating out at sea for players to find etc. Would like to also see ports affected. Needing to be repaired after a hurricane etc. Happy sailing and may fair weather be with you.
  18. Good evening all, Yes give us the ability to turn our lights off and on. Thanks. Fair sailing all.
  19. Hello Capt. William, Admin and all, The PVE server is essential to those that want to play PVE style and don't want to be bothered by the hassles of PVP. Speaking only for myself, I paid my money for the game and don't want to be put in only one part of the map even if it is the Gulf, which happens to be where I'm from and I have a deep love for it. I want to be able to sail anywhere I want unhindered. I do also play often on the PVP server, I love the added thrill of it. I would only accept all on the same server if the PVErs could have a PVE flag so they won't be bothered and can sail anywhere they want. Would need a proper PVE capital area, fly the Swiss flag and not have a PVP character. Cannot attack other human players, AIs only. All ports open to a PVEr. This might ruffle some feathers, but I do think that PVP players should be able to tag them and the PVErs have the right to decline. The reason for this is the added thrill and the possibility of getting a good, fun and fair fight with willing participants which would give added content to all. If the PVEr declines he goes on his way having only lost a couple of minuets, has gotten a thrill and cannot get tagged again for 30 minuets or has docked at a port. Fair sailing and have a great day/night all.
  20. Capt. Felix, Just discovered this wonderful map and all it's tools. What a great and wonderful thing. Can't thank you enough. Fair sailing and have a great day.
  21. Awesome, yes I would like to see whaling. More OW traffic, more to do. Fair sailing all.
  22. Greetings Capts., Devs, Nice ship, I look forward to redeeming it and trying it this weekend. I did a small search online and found that they were also used as coastal traders and smugglers. Shallow draft, fast and able to be rowed in light to no wind. Though low on cargo capacity they would sometimes use less guns to gain a little more tonnage. Devs, when you revamp this ship and finalize it could you make a trader version and allow the hold size to be increased a bit depending on the amount of guns you carry? This ship would be a boon for traders and smugglers carrying high value cargo. Fair sailing all.
  23. EdWatchmaker


    Admin, Glad to have you back. Enjoy those elders all you can while they are alive. They are a treasure. Learn their history and pass it on to your children. I have great memories of mine and was blessed to have a complete set of great grand parents born at the end of the American Civil War. Such wonderful first hand knowledge. Kick started my passion for history. Fair sailing all.
  24. Check out 8Bit Goose Games on YouTube. One man dev, one little sailboat ATM. He hopes to launch on Steam this year. There's no bang, bang shoot'em up and it's being developed for VR but I think you might enjoy it. Fair sailing all.
  25. I rest my case. Job well done Juan. Gratias. Fair sailing all.
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