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Found 18 results

  1. Update Patch 27 - Port Interface, New missions, Streamlined economy, Insurance, New currencies.: Alternatively use the sheet as explained here. _______________________________________________________________________ This game is no different than other games with moving and shooting pixels: Speed is life. I set out to document each ship's speed characteristics in detail in order to enable you players to make the most out of your given fighting vessel. Ships can have wildly varying speeds all depending on wood type and upgrades. The ships in this thread are made of oak or teak with no upgrades that affect speed, that means they represent the base speeds, with guns, of the ships we have in game. Things will change to most, if not all, ships still, so this is a work in progress. Not all ships are in yet but that will happen. The comparisons linked under each section are dynamically updated and you can highlight an individual profile by clicking on an item in the right hand list. If you wish to discuss the topic of speeds, it's best we continue the discussion here Thanks to: maturin for his work to make the speeds what they are today, balticsailor for his ships and work on some profiles and manuva, generaljake and Schutzengel for ships. Give it up for Game Labs who have made this ridiculously good game and made it available to us! Small ships Comparison of small ships. Medium ships Comparison of medium ships. Frigates Comparison of frigates. Ships of the Line (SOL) Comparison of SOLs.
  2. Hi devs! This happened couple time already. I did sail from port with Indiaman but i decided to re enter port and switch to privateer for a quick cruise: the privateer was still sailing with the OW speed of a Indiaman. What kind of bug is this?
  3. "Vier schnelle Fregatten schneiden der CHERUBIM den Weg zum Heimathafen ab. Bei vorteilhaftem Wind haben sie sie bald eingeholt, schießen ihre Segel in Fetzen, schießen dann die Mannschaft runter, und am Ende boardet ein speziell ausgerüstetes Schiff den Alleinfahrer." Soweit, so gut - alles okay - so war das eben manchmal - Pech gehabt. Aber was dann folgt, ist einfach nur übelster Mist aus einem drittklassigen Science-Fiction- B--Movie, der mich in einem sonst so schönen Spiel wie NAVAL ACTION schwer enttäuscht. Denn die Kommandeure der vier schnellen Fregatten setzen nun spezielle Schutzbrillen auf, schnallen sich auf die Warp-Sitze, und befehlen ihren Mannschaften: "Okay, das war's! Zieht die XXL-Tarnkappe über das ganze Schiff, und dann werft die YAMAHA Super-2000 Aussenborder an - und dann beamst Du uns hier schnellstens raus, Scotty!" Zuhause trinken sie dann was, freuen sich über den gelungenen Ganking-Abend und loben sich gegenseitig für ihre Heldentaten. Mann, jetzt hab ich mir auf die Schuhe gekotzt - sorry. Und die Moral meiner Geschicht: wer ganken will, sollte auch die Konsequenzen tragen. Mir ist es scheißegal, ob einer ins Bett muß, der zweite auf's Klo, der dritte telefonieren und der vierte noch Mutti zufriedenstellen - wer im Heimatgewässer einer feindlichen NATION rumfährt und gankt, der muß mit den Konsequenzen fertig werden. Jetzt aber kann das jede Gurkentruppe so ziemlich ungestraft tun. Denkt da eigentlich mal einer an die neuen Spieler, die dem zum Opfer fallen und gleich total entmutigt werden und einen Riesen-Verlust haben, oder die Trader, die die NATION versorgen und statt dessen Tausende verlieren, und dazu noch ihre INDIAMAN ? Hätte eine der historischen Nationen das ungesühnt geschehen lassen? So wie es jetzt ist kann es nicht bleiben - oder ich muß mir hier am PC Kotztüten aufhängen. Ich entschuldige mich bei allen, denen mein Ton auf den Magen geschlagen ist - nicht aber für den Inhalt.
  4. It's simple. Wasa it's actually slower than a Bellona, that makes no sense. At least it should have the same speed as a Bellona.
  5. May it be that the endy speed was nerfed within this week or last? If so, why?
  6. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1126360230 clocked at 176Knts... lol
  7. Ok simple enough question from a player less than 3 months into the game I bought a fir / fir plank surprise. This should have a basic speed. Struggling to find any websites or info with up to date information but players have been trying to help added 3 permanent upgrades to try and make it faster, reasons don't matter it was a plan i read about by Mr Koltes before the speed nerf Bovenwinds, Gazzelle and Crooked Hull which should alter the speed by 6% , give me a 14% crew nerf ? ( 7x2) -5% armour ? and boost turning speed by 3% If I hover over the ship in the docks , not in the number 1 position, it says 12.39 + 1.98 in green If I move it to equipped ship, the numbers change to 11.88 +1.90 in green could somebody point out a reason why and I appologise in advance for anything stupid and being unable to sort a screenshot, although I will try again thanks for any help and If anybody has any good links regarding ships, their setups and modules and upgrades, please let me know ty , Hilts GB Global
  8. Edit: What you have written has been removed, please check the following rule on what procedure to take if you have suspicion that someone is cheating or exploiting if you don't have proof. - Moderator Team
  9. One complaint I hear very often from friends that play the game is that everything is taking too long. At the same time, the time factor works out great when the map is heavily populated and adds richness and a hardcore quality to the game. This idea is for an adjustable means of shrinking travel times in an adjustable fashion - that can be increased or reduced based on population size or other factors. Idea: "Trade Winds" are paths marked on the map and visible in the sea that accelerate the ship by a %0 to X in a particular fixed direction, as long as the ship stays on the path. - Trade Wind paths appear in parallel pairs - each one in a different direction, and nullify global wind, replacing with it's own pointing along the path - The paths are straight and gradual, dissipating in bonus speed towards lands, but increasingly effective further away from towns. They can begin at some distance from the denser regions, and connect across larger bodies of water. - The % of speed up can depend on various factors for balance, for example, it can be adjusted based on the density of ships using the lane, or based on server population, if required for balance. - Ships on the path are possible to intercept - either by camping where the speed bonus is decreased, or timing joining the path within range, or special mechanic where blockading slows down nearby ships to normal. - The path can be shown via slightly adjusted color of sea affected. Important: - There are two possible different implementations and related effects: Option 1: Continental - the paths generally follow the outline of islands chains and continents - speeding up travel but keeping the scheme of the islands largely the same. Option 2: Cross-Sea - for example positioned between La Orchilla and La Mona, and between Tumbado and Calcasieu, etcetera. The first option will compress the map, but without interrupting its general flow. The second option will compress the map more, and create a different flow, perhaps giving more central locations an advantage. If Option 1 is used, the map won't need much rebalancing. If Option 2 is used, some resource locations may need to be reworked based on testing. Objections Raised so far (to be edited): - Capitals may become more increasingly vulnerable to sudden attacks, particularly in Option 2, which perhaps means that Capital hostility levels and defenses will need to be buffed as exception. FAG (to be edited): I will create an illustration on a map if this idea gains following and a constructive discussion.
  10. Ahoy captains, i have a very specific question but maybe someone can help. What woods do i need to use to build a renommee that exceeds the speed limit enough to not slow it down below the speed limit of 15 knots with hold loaded? I will use speed upgrades like copper plating and gazelle figurehead too of course. I don't like to use fir or bermuda but i will if i have to. Any suggestions? A very fast renomme that can still take a fight was what i had in mind...
  11. Loiving this new title so far. It takes me back to CWG2, one of the best designed games I've ever owned. I'm happy to have the half speed control but I'd be even happier if I could edit how fast 'half speed' actually runs. I would like to play parts of the action at real-time speed during larger battles. Also, I'd like to see some orders delay added for Move and Hold commands. This should vary based on the range from the commander. Facing, skirmishers, retreat, etc. should not have any delay, as those orders would be issued by the local unit commander.
  12. I've been thinking of setting up shop where I can build ships with the regional close-haul bonus. Seems like that would be a good bonus on a trader brig. Then I came into possession of a t brig that had the bonus already on it. It sails at the same 12 kts as any other t brig when I sail slightly upwind, mostly upwind or very nearly into the wind. Looks like this buff is a waste of time, even for trader ships. Am I missing something?
  13. While on another stiffness streak again (7 ships until now...), i thought about improving the current system with as little effort as possible. Its just sad to see all the stiffness rotting in the shops sometimes at prices, not even covering the notes. Ill keep it as short as possible: Current situation speed and stiffness imbalanced (essential trim vs situational trim) no disadvantage for speed in terms of stats useless wood/trim combinations like teak/stiffness (liveoak/speed faster and stronger) rigging quality useless (leightweight ropes and blocks does the same) build strenght/planking used for every combat ship one optimal, RNG based build for every ship (no diversity, no decisionmaking) non optimal build = rotting liveoak not balanced (value of stats too high) Possible solution changing rigging quality with speed -> speed as a main trim adjusting liveoak to -5% speed Results RNG between yard turn speed and lesser heel (seems balanced) same principle for the main trim as for fir, liveoak, extra planking and speedtrim: ​​either slow and tanky, or fast and weak players have to decide between survivability and speed for combat ships players have to decide between crewspace and speed for boarding ships lesser useless wood/trim combinations. For example liveoak/speed would provide +3cm armour, teak/strenght +1.4% speed instead (liveoak balanced) no useless trims anymore difference between same ships trimmed for different purposes and playstyles becomes much clearer no speed on tanky PB ships anymore greater variety of ship builds different demand for different trims less frustrated crafters Of course as an alternative you could just exchange stiffness with something better like reload time, or manouverability, but this wont result in more decisions to make. Fir without speed would always be bad. As long as such important boni are based on RNG, there will always be ships you have to throw away. Thanks for reading!
  14. Предлагаю увеличить скорость хода кораблей на глобальной карте в 2-3 раза. На данный момент такая скорость не позволяет занимать торговлей не то что между странами, но даже между соседними островами, потому что чтобы доплыть от острова до острова нужно затратить 1 час. Этот временной промежуток подходит разве что для бездельников, у которых есть достаточно времени. Одновременно с этим нужно убрать телепорты на аутпосты как нереалистичные.
  15. I have a suggestion for the movement of the ships while near a town port on the open world. Instead of having ships moving super fast, perhaps when you enter the radius of a port, the speed of the ship is reduced to 1/2, 1/3, 1/4? This would eliminate the zooming ships in and out of a port. Where the change happens in the game mechanics could probably be at the same radius where you see a town's name. Just an idea.
  16. Given the recent discussions regarding speed mods (and here), why PVP is currently at a premium and the changes to rules of engagement, it's becoming more apparent that 'the chase' in this game will be just as, if not more important than the actual battles. If you can set up a ship to outrun anyone then you win, or more importantly you never lose. Recent nerfs to the faster ships also highlight this. We need variation when it comes to ships and in particular, speed. Firstly, I think every ship should have inherent variations to the base stats of it's class. No two ships were ever made alike and they shouldn't in game either. These variations should be small, maybe 5-10% difference either way perhaps. Mods should be limited, as they're just as likely to end up balancing the ships as they are to vary them. If my ship is faster than most of it's class but has weak planking, I'll add more planking. If it's strong but slow, I'll mod for more speed. I'm all for mods like copper sheathing that reduce biofouling and thus speed degradation but it shouldn't be an instant 5% boost to top speed. The weight of the ships cargo and load-out should come into it also. A ship packed full of shot and powder with 100 extra men and the supplies to keep them alive should be 5-10% slower than the same ship when it's under crewed, low on supplies with a near empty hold. I appreciate this is exaggerated compared to how it would have effected a ship but so long as it's not too over emphasised then I think it will improve the game. All of the above are well and good but they still don't help make sailing or 'the chase' any more interesting beyond the first couple of seconds, as by then you'll know who's going to win. What I propose is we actually make sailing a thing in game rather than merely point and go, bring skill and a slight element of luck into this part of the game. It was the 'age of sail' after all. What we first need to do this is wind speed variation (discussed here). You might have the faster ship in all but the strongest of gales but if you were running and the wind began to pick up it would rank up the tension no end. Nobody is proposing dead clams, I'd prefer having ships reduced to 1/3 - 1/2 speed in the calmest of conditions at the most. It's a must at some point and it will add variation, realism and better game play. Also, if we weren't able to see our speed at all times but could only bring it up on a delay (something like 10 seconds) as you would aboard a ship when you threw out the log. It too opens up some interesting game-play avenues and allows us to bring player skill into sailing. The skill part. Note this would only apply in 'sailing mode', the other modes work as they do now but with a small limitation on speed (maybe 5% slower than maximum speed but to be decided through testing), so that in order to reach maximum you must be in 'sailing mode'. You wouldn't know when you were going top speed until a couple of logs have been taken and you'd adjusted the angle of ship & sail according to the wind, as well as the amount of sails you have set to suit the strength of the wind (more on this to come). The player who gets this right quickest would get that head start and it would need to be adjusted every time the wind speed or direction changes. Hidden from the UI you have two figures* : One represents the amount of sails set, like the % number we do now but we just can't see it in the UI. The other is variable wind strength, let's just say another % figure to keep it simple. This wind strength figure is obviously hidden from the UI too. They're both represented visually** and audibly in game, perhaps with a handful of vague worded descriptions too taken from wind scales like (someone with a greater understanding of sailing a ship could come up with better examples): Examples for wind strength: 'light airs', 'Moderate breeze', 'Strong gale' and sail plan examples 'light air', 'close reefed', 'storm sails' A few ideas for showing wind speed visually would be : The size of the swell The sounds you hear The way the flag behaves in the wind You have to use the visual queues and sounds as well as the vague descriptions to discern both figures but these would just give you the starting point. Once you have an idea of the wind speed, your aim is to keep the sails-set % figure as close to the strength of wind as possible. 95% wind (stormy seas) you want 5% sails set for optimum speed. 10% wind strength (calm seas) you would want 90% sail showing for best performance etc. In order to judge if you're at optimum sail setting you throw out your log and if it comes back at what you know to be 80% of your top speed, you adjust sail and try again. If you're then going faster, you're moving in the right direction, trim again and test your speed until you find the sweet spot. Again the actual figures are hidden from the UI, they are purely for back-end coding. The only feedback we see to help us adjust is the speed taken from the log (on a 10s delay when you call for it) and the visual and audible queues. Creaking masts and yards from the wood working (maybe before they break/cause damage to sails) when we have too much sail set and the reduced speed when you have too little set. Players who know their ship's inherent attributes like it's top speed, it's best point of sail combined with it's favoured conditions will reach top speed quicker. The skilled players will judge conditions better and make more accurate adjustments than inexperienced players. * These figures would be variables in the code, they wouldn't be % percentages, I've just used that for ease of understanding. '100%' wind strength simply means the highest wind strength in the game. '0%' does not mean dead calm - no wind at all. It represents the slowest wind speed in the game. Obviously for gameplay purposes this would not be too slow. Maybe enough wind so that all ships hit at least 1/3- 1/2 of their top speed when wind variation is at '0%' **The sails set figure is obviously represented visually on the ship. Depending on how much detail the devs think we can go into, you would have a number of sail plans, just like we do currently in game but ideally a few more of them. The 100% would include stunsl's like this not, the 'white elephant' sail plan we often see, they weren't commonly (if at all) used like that.
  17. I love that the ships heel with the wind and I like that we have to amend our speed so that we cannot travel at full speed and fire upwind without range problems. However when sailing the Bellona you have to stop completely to be able to fire at a targets hull when it is upwind of you. Even depowering the sails does not work. This is not imho a real reflection.of the speeds a ship could sail whilst being able to fight. Under battle sails the ship had steerage way and could fight both sides of its ship. Currently this is not possible. Even Dead Slow is not sufficient to be able to hit an upwind target. Please look at this for a realistic effect.
  18. I was a little to late to buy into the Alpha Release before the PayPal issue, so I've had to make do with jealously gazing at other people's videos instead, which is not a bad exercise as it turns out. Some of this is bound to have been covered, but I'm wondering if anyone else is under the impression that ship speeds seem to be a bit on the fast side too much of the time. From my reading, late 18th/early 19th C Ships-of-the-line spent most of their time at 3-5 knots and never more than 8-9 from (HMS Victory figures). I know smaller boats were much more manoeverable and probably a tad faster but there seem to be a lot of ships moving around at 14 knots a lot of the time. I understand the invention of sharp-ended clippers in the 19th C for trade allowed more like 15-20 knots top speed (and to out-run threatening naval vessels).
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