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Forthcoming patch information


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Here is some information on the forthcoming large update (1-52 weeks)

  • Major. Port investments improvements
    • Players will be able to invest into increase in port points, drastically changing the flexibility of port control bringing it into the alliance hands
  • Major. Transport to port battles item
    • We are no longer satisfied with griefing during screening, and are axing the screening completely. 
    • Clans will be able to transport their port battle fleet directly to port battle area using an item 
      • item will work both for attacker and defenders
    • Hostility will be slowed down and unified for all ports in points
  • Improvements to anti-farming mechanics (partially already deployed)
  • Major. New player starting mission to show case the game (not the port UI). 
  • Major. Cheaper edition launch (could happen a week later due to valve approval)
    • All current edition owners will receive a free DLC ship 
    • New price will be set at much lower levels
    • DLC will be then set for sale for new buyers.
    • This is going to be basically a 40-50 dollar gift for current version buyers
  • New rare trees only usable in shipbuilding (but not available in ships from the admiralty)


  • NPC raider routes in patrol zones (both PVE and PVP servers)
  • Light ship protectors for capitals. 
  • Naval Bases (tentative). Map control points generating area home defense fleets for the owners. 
    • not all ports - we will use historical large bases for this feature. 


Plans update 26th April

Additions to the patch

  • Names and Clan Tags will come back to open world
    • Useful for Peace server due to international alliances
    • Important for hostility countering in open world combat
  • Exit timer will be changed
    • Old mechanic: hit the enemy from any distsance to keep him/her in battle
    • New mechanic: damage the enemy enough (% of their average HP of hull and sails) 
      • Battle timer will increase to 10 mins (initially)
      • The threshold wil not be told in UI as the best tactic to keep enemy in battle is to get close
      • It will be easier to keep damaged targets in battle as % of lower HP results in lower damage requirement
      • Certain changes will be done to damage, sail damage and sail repair cooldowns to increase the importance and influence of the correct first shot. 
      • This feature will significantly reduce or remove any time based griefing or time wasting, and in general will make battles more dynamic.
      • We also are fully aware that this feature will change ganking and chases significantly. The 60 min chases will be completely eliminated and those who loved 60 min chases will be vastly dissapointed. 
  • Hostility changes
    • Hostiltiy will be slowed down
    • Hostility missions will give points to clan and not to the nation.
      • This is done so several clans cannot bomb the hostility instantly
    • Clan will only get 1 mission per port and can only do 1 hostility mission in a row.
      • To get a new one (automatically) the first hostility mission will have to be completed
      • Once first mission is completed second will automatically appear on the map. Swords (misison position) will be visible to everyone in the clan. 
      • Once all mission chains are fulfilled the hostility will raise to 100%. If competing clans are doing hostility slower you will get the port battle. 
    • Doubloons must be paid to take a hostility mission. Doubloons will depend on the total invested points of the port.
    • Hostility misison banner will indicate the taker (who took the mission). 
    • Hostility points can also be generated or taken down by OW pvp against attacker alliance (clan attacking a port) or defender alliance (clan defending a port). OW Hostility will grant hostility points to all ports of that clan in the vicinity; this is done to avoid old problems with locating the proper port (if 3 ports are close to a kill location)
    • Hostility will be done with a flag
    • Flags will replace hostility
    • Port battle will happen next day after flag placement.
  • Some cannons can now be salvaged from a sinking ship in PVP 

Patch estimated time will be moved further. We do not want a rushed Titanic arrival and will take it slow.
To avoid any confusion on times we will slightly increase the lower and upper range of weeks when the patch can be deployed.
Old time 1 - 52 weeks
New time 12 - 54 weeks.

The lower and upper range changes will be announced separately, just in case someone grades us based on time to develop the features (not on the content itself). 


Stay safe and healthy everyone. Drink water, vitamin C and give lots of love to your families and parents.

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14 minutes ago, admin said:


Here is some information on the forthcoming large update (1-2 weeks)

  • Major. Port investments improvements
    • Players will be able to invest into increase in port points, drastically changing the flexibility of port control bringing it into the alliance hands

Could you explain it in more detail please!?

- How will players be able to invest in port points?

- Will it be possible to get any random port up to maximum points?

- What do you mean with the word „alliance“?

Edited by Navalus Magnus
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Except the item to transport to port battles all seems fine.

However I am wondering what happened to:

-Wreker (february release?)

-General rebalance for third and second rates

-Better availability of permits

-Solution to instant port fliping.

-Good trading goods in other ports rather than capitals.

-International clan alliances for War Server.




Still to come. 

Craftable 3rd rates and some second rates stats will be rebalanced

Rare ship permits will be made more widely available

Skins for imported 3rd rates and implacable will receive naming

Mortar brig damage will be rebalanced (bigger damage, slower aiming, lower reload)

The main goal of seasoned wood changes hotfix/patch is to address this issue raised by players.

  On 2/8/2020 at 5:36 PM, rediii said:

The overpopulation of redoutables makes it necessary to own the DLC yourself because right now only sailing 2nd rates makes sense because everything else gets killed by redoutables.

Third rates were the most numerous class in all navies and Temeraire was a most numerous third rate - but we want ALL third rates to be as popular as they were in 18th century, not only redoutable.



Edited by Montagnes
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    • Players will be able to invest into increase in port points, drastically changing the flexibility of port control bringing it into the alliance hands.

                       Does this mean players/clans can transform a 30 point port into a 55 point port?

                       Naval Bases (tentative). Map control points generating area home defense fleets for the owners.

                       This will hurt traders who trade into enemy ports with home defense fleet.


                      But all in all good patch.

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Thx for the update. I am very curious about the slower hostility mechanics. As long as that is properly balanced, free passage for the PB fleet is fine.

Btw, haven't heard a word about the improved battle sail mechanics for a while. Any update on that?

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I appreciate every new content/change/improvement in this game, but I think here that this is a little bit late based on events in the past few weeks.

and I'm totally with Montagnes and his questions and wishes mainly for "Solution to instant port fliping" and "international clan alliances for War Server".

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28 minutes ago, admin said:

Major. Port investments improvements

  • Players will be able to invest into increase in port points, drastically changing the flexibility of port control bringing it into the alliance hands


Does that mean the ability to increase ports up to 55 points, or even upgrade 55 port points even more?

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As I understand the point about grieving, the screening is one of the most fun things to do. If the pb fleet is being tagged by a screeningfleet, it was a mistake by the pb fleet. But because in my eyes a small portion of the playerbase like mr.(streaming) Reverse is crying about his gameplay. it's being canceled all the way. At that moment we have to patch this. You should finally start to look at the big picture. And act on more data than one person. You should act on majority of the population. Screening is in something the majority does and it's fun to do. Bit pissed it's gone, cause occasionaly there is grieving. 

Not being able to screen is pretty much the end of this game in my eyes.

This will favor the small nations with a good pb-fleet more than big nations with a lesser experienced fleet. Which will mean more players will have no content.

I don't know what is meant with anti-farming?? Is it farming alts?? 

Very happy about the port change, this is about time..

Keep up the good work,


Edited by Cornelis Evertsen de Oude
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A typical update from Kiev. The players are once again taken away from the fun. Did use the howling. Is screening not a PvP ??
I thought this game is a PvP game !!!!!
I learned the following from howling around if you want something!
It is sad that Kiev takes the fun out of the game, but why i haul  they do the other fun to the Game  😂😂hat's something 👍👍
But if you take away the opportunity to farm xp, the missions you can get are ?????????
Keep going against the community! You're doing a ... job.

And thx to the howling community!!

Edited by Cold Warrior
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how is screening fun for all involved.

Its griefing for the attacker and a poor and easy way for big nations to deny portbattles. When someone considers winning at all cost fun without even fighting statisfiying ship battles (cause screening battles are most of the time one side running) then ok this is a shitty update for them.

But personally I rather fight a portbattle thats grants an even environment making skill the biggest factor besides luck than those shitty annoying screening battles.

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22 minutes ago, Staunberg99 said:

So fare dlc ships are allready forever. Is there plan of a change in dlc politic, since you point out forever. Ore is it a dlc ship you plan to use in NA 2, that ppl can take over there to?

I would assume Admin means that we get a free DLC ship, not just a one-time pop purple 5/5 (as we've gotten in the past for server resets and such)

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Without screening a big tactical part of port battles is lost. 

In the past, as I understood, everything was done to increase the amount of PvP battle. Removing screening will reduce it. 

We will see how it works.

Will the PB-fleet be magically transfered to the batte and after the battle back? Does the transfer-item be used for the PB-group as a whole or is everyone teleporting individually?

Can you give some more detailed information, please?

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35 minutes ago, z4ys said:

how is screening fun for all involved.

Rationale is very simple
Screening is fun until it crosses the line. Then it is just time wasting 
The problem is that the line is too vague and it generates too much friction and unhappiness + nobody is paying the mods extra for PTSD treatment after reading shit in reports and in tribunals.

As a result
Screening is getting axed the **** out.
You will safely get dropped around port battle with invisibility timer from anywhere on the map. Numbers will matter less. Skill will matter more
Nations should stop the attack during hostility.


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25 minutes ago, CdrNexoe said:

OK   Historically Major Ports... Does that mean NO Russian, Polish, Chinese ports?  As they never was in the Carribeean? Nor in fact Danish and Swedish, as they were later than this period..? 

All nations who were present in the Americas are or will be in game eventually. This is a game where YOU make history.

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