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Player Raids Explained - Small group content for War and Peace Server

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@admin wouldnt this be more suitable for treasure fleets?

I like much more hethwill's suggestion, where you sail close to the port in instance, anchor down inside a circle maybe after killing a fort or tower and send 50% of the crew into the port to bring contraband to the dock which i dont know you can click to loot some kind of chest.

Constant battle instance so if 2 groups wants to raid the same port they can fight in there before moving on to port (ffa zone btw) and maybe an alarm for the defending players in the port, maybe a Town crier begging you the admiral for help saying they are getting attacked or something

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1 minute ago, Angus MacDuff said:

My question remains.  If I am a third party who comes along and steals the chest from the successful raiders, how do I open the chest?  I am in a warship and if I have the captured Indiaman in my fleet, I still can't enter the originating port.  I need to be able to open it in one of my ports.

if you have a key

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Just now, Wyy said:

@admin wouldnt this be more suitable for treasure fleets?

I like much more hethwill's suggestion, where you sail close to the port in instance, anchor down inside a circle maybe after killing a fort or tower and send 50% of the crew into the port to bring contraband to the dock which i dont know you can click to loot some kind of chest.


whats the difference between the dock and the stationary cargo ship near dock?

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28 minutes ago, admin said:

whats the difference between the dock and the stationary cargo ship near dock?

In one scenario you raid the port, in the other scenario you rob a escorted ship like we do today.

Ask Henry Morgan why he raided Panama instead of waiting for the spanish treasure fleets to come out from their docks

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@admin what should I understand ? I made comment and I do not need to agree with what you say, or what you do. I think that this is a failure for pvp, so you need me to wait 1 hour or who knows what time, outside battle instance hope to catch some raider, great action ! Why can not the owning clan join from port and make it a pvp battle instance, clan can give rights to friendly list to join. I see a content which is not well thought, to make it just a content, to annoy players more.

Why are you so defensive Mr.Admin, why can I not criticise, I think I have given enough positive support on this forum, I have made many suggestions which was liked by many. Yet you decide on stuff by yourself, present it to us, and wait us to behave like some others which all we know, "ohh such a great content, I need to defend it, no all other players are wrong", bla bla...

So far both NPC raids (omg to this) and Players raids seem to be awful. So TIME WILL TELL, we shall see, if they are success, even I have the right to criticise, I will apologise. So this game is released, is it ?

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9 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Which open world activities will reward you a key?


You do not need a key if you open the the chest in the raid mission origin. 
Having said that - we want to make raiding chest carriers interesting without lots of hoops jumping. 


10 minutes ago, Wyy said:

In one scenario you raid the port, in the other scenario you rob a escorted ship like we do today.

Ask Henry Morgan why he raided Panama instead of waiting for the spanish treasure fleets to come out from their docks

Asked him - he said its fine with him.. Loot is loot. It does not matter if it is on the docks or already loaded into the ship. 

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Seems fun at first.

My very first tought was:

What if a large populated nation (will not say the name of that nation but we all know who that is ;) ) will do raids on lets say Cartagena (Dutch) and a large clan-warehouse is there, will it not be a bit unfair for the Dutchies side who can't do anyting but watch the raiders do their job? 


Lets say 10 misisons on that port...I know it can be captured afterwards... but do you really think the defenders will have a chance after it? You end up with 10 players carrying the chests and 50+ players who are defenidng the chests.. easy win for the raiders in my eyes. Or the Dutchies can spawn in 50+ players for getting the loot back, which is not likely to happen.


Imagine..... 10 groups of 6 players raiding the same town....



Please tell me I'm wrong on this thought




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12 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

Why can not the owning clan join from port and make it a pvp battle instance, clan can give rights to friendly list to join. I see a content which is not well thought, to make it just a content, to annoy players more.

Perfect example of the comment which is not well thought - please think your posts through - it will help to see at least 1 steps ahead. 

So you say clan can create the battle instance and join from port. And you say clan can give rights to friendly list to join. Great

But if the same clan also have 6 alts? So they raid themselves? Locking everyone else out - like it was with port battle flags?
What if there are 10 other groups who want to raid the port too? Will clan have enough people to be everywhere?
What if there are 6 trolls who join just to waste your time? And everyone just waits for that raid to be over?

No i dont need your proposal
What you are proposing is content for trolls and alts. Imagine if we allowed parallel port battles for same port.
Did you really think your proposal through ? For all outcomes (including people trying to exploit or troll or waste your time?)

Do it next time. It will help you to become less annoyed.

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9 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Honestly, I expected that the ones protecting the indiaman could be real players instead of NPCs. Cant be done this, @admin?

Scort NPCs could spawn 10 mins after the battle begins if no player joins.

What if they are not there? You and your 6 friends want to raid NOW at night (while all are sleeping)
What if they are trolls and just sink their own indiaman?

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3 minutes ago, Norden said:

1. Can solo players do this raids by them self?

2.What ships will spawn inside the battle?

Example,if me in a Victory wanna try solo this raids,will I face 5-6 npc victory's or 5-6 5th rates?

Think it wil act like a normal group mission. U should be doing it alone, can't say what kind of ships there will be for defending the Indiaman.

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57 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Honestly, I expected that the ones protecting the indiaman could be real players instead of NPCs. Cant be done this, @admin?

Scort NPCs could spawn 10 mins after the battle begins if no player joins.

No, this can be cheated, exploited and all you can imagine to get rewards for free

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3 hours ago, admin said:


Player raids will be implemented soon. 

Here is some information that will help you prepare and train for this feature. 

Raid creation

  1. Raids are small group content - raid is only for 6 people or less
  2. Raids are pre-determined and are available on one rich port in the vicinity (by investment or tax)
  3. Each region can have 1 - 2 ports that can be raided on that particular day
  4. Raids are available for ALL members of the nation which have ports in the vicinity of the raided port
    1. Player can take 1 raid mission per day (but can help others participating in their raids)
  5. Raids are potentially profitable if you are raiding the rich port (this means not all raids are equal)
  6. For future reference lets assume that
    1. The raid origination port is Maracaibo - raid mission origin
    2. The port to be raided is Cartagena - raided port

Raid mechanics

  1. Player group (raiding group) of 6 captains sails to the port that can be raided (raided port) and joins the mission (indicated by the sword)
  2. Mission spawns 5-6 escort ships including the stationary cargo ship
  3. Stationary cargo ship contains the Raid Chest (weight around 3500 tons - to allow for guns and couple of repair cycles) 
  4. All ships must be destroyed and stationary ship can be captured or looted
    1. Players can bring their own indiaman or can just take the stationary ship, repair it and use it or add to fleet
  5. Raid chest contains % of port investments (items including combat marks, victory marks and doubloons)
  6. Raid chest is capturable 
    1. This means if you cap the raider (steal the chest) you can deliver it yourself to the raid origination point
    2. Because chest is heavy you can easily identify the ship carrying the chest
  7. Raid chest must be carried back to the port of the raid initiation
    1. If you taken the raid in Maracaibo on Cartagena - raid chest must be brought to Maracaibo. 
  8. You can open the raided chest in another port if you have the key. Raid chest keys can be obtained by open map activities
  9. Raid chest has the timer (like the Deadman chest) - which means you cannot log off and hide with it.
  10. Raid chest cannot be opened after the timer expired and becomes useless.

Meta gameplay

  1. If your nation has available raids for rich ports you just do the raids and use looted goods for game contents or upgrading your ports
  2. If your nation does not have good raid missions today due to its location you can arrive to raid area and try to capture the ships that carry the raided goods.



I like this idea. Could be improved but is good. 

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Alts are allowed, even part of the game by development, and now he has to think how to avoid them, at the end blocking all real action and good content we need.

I say "friends list", so if they do the alt thing they are no more in friends list. What am I missing here ? Port owner gives permission for raid defence, clan only or + friends or +nation and clan owners know the consequences !


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1 hour ago, Rickard said:

did you ask the community for possible sollutions to abuse, holding, taking fake raids, etc.?? the flag system can be made better and more user friendly so what ideas did you have for possibly eliminating abuse, holding, taking fake raids??

Raids were EXTENSIVELY discussed with the community from the end of 2016. There were even detailed explanations of options 

There were even polls by us

and by others… 
Alts and trolls and griefing was also discussed with the community in public and in private. Your question assumes the opposite. 

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