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Naval Action Launch information - June 2019


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Hmm, very sad to see, only we already veterans of NA know about the Release ! Where are the advertisements ?

So why did you guys wipe everyhing ? When new players join, we will greet them with at least Hercules and LRQ with many slots unlocked.

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A Dejavu

Call the horizon forever.

When I got up from the dusty mattress of the inn "The abandoned ship" in Zoutman where I was suddenly robbed that night of my rank marks, without money I was immediately thrown on the cobbles by the manager without money and without a morning meal, half drunk, I was sampled by inclement individuals who threw me into the hold of a frigate stripped of all the comforts of the officers' hut soberingly looking around the sea with Zoutman in the distance heading for dark places and hamlets in the caribbean waters far from everything and everyone where the boatswain treated me like dirt. prey to the sailors in dirty clothes who spit on me, the first food consisted of ships biscuit and half a pint grog, my god it is a sailor's life for wealth and the hard sailor's existence.

It seems like a journey that I have endured three times.

Eeuwig roept de horizon

Toen ik opstond van het besmoezelde matras van de herberg " Het verlaten ship"  in Zoutman waar ik plotseling was beroofd die nacht van mijn rangonderscheidingstekens, zonder geld werd ik pardoes door de uitbater op de kasseien gegooid zonder geld en zonder een ochtendmaaltijd ,half dronken werd ik gemonsterd door gure individuen die me in het ruim gooiden van een fregat ontdaan van alle gemakken van de officiershut ontnuchterend in het rond kijkend over zee met in de verte Zoutman opweg naar donkere plaatsen en gehuchten in de caraïbische wateren ver van alles en iedereen waarbij de bootsman mij behandelde als vuil. ten prooi van de matrozen in vuile kledij die me bespuugden, het eerste eten bestond uit sheeps biscuit en een halve a pint grog, mijn god het is een zeemansleven naar rijkdom en het harde zeemans bestaan.

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If we can retain 800 out of this 1100 players the  the game has hope.

With 1000 players on the water there is just so much more content for everyone. 

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5 hours ago, admin said:

In the next 2 weeks we plan to stabilize the build, provide final updates for localization (including the steam page) and publish the roadmap for 2019. 

I got a feeling the are going to prob officially announce it at the end of the month with this comment.


971 War 241 Peace....and with that I'm going to bed. Try not to burn down the game before I get back up in a few hours.   

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33 minutes ago, Davos Seasworth said:

I'd be content with around 600. 

800 honestly was the sweet spot with just right amount to keep folks busy.  I don't think folks remember when it was around 1K+....the lag, the wait time to log in, the ganks while in your cutter.  You couldn't pisss off the side of your ship without half a dozen or so ships ganking you back than.  I hated it so went to the Us server where it had a smaller pop.

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15 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

800 honestly was the sweet spot with just right amount to keep folks busy.  I don't think folks remember when it was around 1K+....the lag, the wait time to log in, the ganks while in your cutter.  You couldn't pisss off the side of your ship without half a dozen or so ships ganking you back than.  I hated it so went to the Us server where it had a smaller pop.

I'm hoping to get back to being full 2400 player servers....

Non-stop stuff to do and attack...


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41 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

800 honestly was the sweet spot with just right amount to keep folks busy.  I don't think folks remember when it was around 1K+....the lag, the wait time to log in, the ganks while in your cutter.  You couldn't pisss off the side of your ship without half a dozen or so ships ganking you back than.  I hated it so went to the Us server where it had a smaller pop.

Some people cream over 1,000+ players, and for pure PvP folks that is cream-worthy, but will end just about all other functions (eg, trading).  But since trading has been destroyed anyway I guess it doesn't matter....  :(  

Feel guilty about griping about the game's success.  Hard to please I guess.

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