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Opinions of a Newcomer

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2 minutes ago, TheHaney said:

This is the kind of nasty shit

No, it's my opinion. I mean c'mon... "useless chest-beating" ? Really?

4 minutes ago, TheHaney said:

Personally as a new player, the AI combat is fairly critical for me.

I'm not saying as a new player you should jump into PvP right away, now did I?

5 minutes ago, TheHaney said:

The point is that while this is and will always clearly be a PvP-focused game, there is still plenty of room for PvE content. The two are not mutually exclusive, nor is one necessarily "harder" than the other.

I don't have anything against people playing PvE but i really don't want to be forced into it with NPC attacking me... watching the grass grow outside is more entertaining to me. I'd argue PvP is definitely harder, because as i mentioned a real human player is unpredictable... it's not about numbers but you actually have to outplay him.

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1 minute ago, Landsman said:

I don't have anything against people playing PvE but i really don't want to be forced into it with NPC attacking me... watching the grass grow outside is more entertaining to me. I'd argue PvP is definitely harder, because as i mentioned a real human player is unpredictable... it's not about numbers but you actually have to outplay him.

It's an open-world MMO. That comes with some expectations, such as PvE content. Especially a super-niche indie MMO that will always have a low playerbase.


Currently, yes PvP is generally harder in this game. That being said, there are oooooodles of methods to make PvE equally, if not more, challenging. A great example would be AI reinforcements, missions for boosted special "famous" ships to kill, or more advanced, scripted encounters such as AI blockades, smuggler patrols, etc. If it's too expensive to develop better sailing AI, then just give them some bonuses. One example would be boosting AI turnrate in a headwind, giving them better repair abilities, etc.

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1 minute ago, TheHaney said:

then just give them some bonuses. One example would be boosting AI turnrate in a headwind, giving them better repair abilities, etc.

They already did that with the epic events and beating those OP NPCs isn't as much of a challenge as it is tedious, because you have to kite them, kill one by one with focus fire and get as much repairs as possible. It's rather time consuming and teamwork dependant, than really hard to beat them... they don't outplay you, they just have broken stats. Not much more interesting than normal PvE...

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33 minutes ago, jodgi said:

... baby?

You would have to barter with the pvp'ers to get that horrible nuisance back into the game. 

I guess an option or a perk to switch on/off AI aggressiveness is conceivable. Or AI aggressiveness on the PvE server only. 

You called me... 'baby' ? :D

Edited by LeBoiteux
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1 minute ago, TheHaney said:

Saying it's among the best PVP fighting games as a whole is just silly.

I do not joke around with this.

I could clarify that I mean MMO sim-like games.

There are many other kinds of, probably, fantastic fighting games that just doesn't make it tingle between my legs. It's only me with my list.

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1 hour ago, admin said:

shit yes :)) sorry

2 man months to ONLY integrate (60 man days)

Good thing you corrected that.. I was about to say, are you actually building the ships in real life too?  I think it took the Nuestra Senora de la Santisima Trinidad, 12 months to be built and it is a 112 gun 1st rate.


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3 hours ago, Intrepido said:

I like to see that a new player realizes that the lack of pve content and ow emptyness is something that needs urgent fix. Way more important that some things that are in priority list now.

And increasing nations just was a strange move that the game didnt really need. 

From memory added content was the next highest priority after Unity 5?

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10 hours ago, Christendom said:

I guess.  A simple variety in missions might be a good start.  "Kill 3 trade ships in the x region".  Sail to this location and recover this shipwreck.  Sail to Beaufort and bring 200 logs to Charleston.  Something like that.  If there was an option to have player created delivery missions I'd love to use new players to haul my shit back and forth.  

It seems like in the mission and new player development aspect of the game the @admin says....this is a sandbox, it's up to you.  But then in other stages of the game it's not a sandbox and we have timers and various restrictions...can't attack your own nation.  No reputation system.  The game tries to straddle the line between a sandbox MMO and an Combat sim, but not really achieving either one.  

Yes, handhold by having missions of escalating difficulty.  Also fix the darn trade missions.  Or remove the darn things.

AND GET RID OF THE TWO SHIP MIDSHIPMAN MISSIONS.  Let those guys fight one rookie brig that lost it's bowsprit.

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12 hours ago, TheHaney said:

My worry is that the developer is burned out on the game.

Have been afraid as well.  Devs please, don't get burnout.

11 hours ago, admin said:

Some player once even said that Bucentaure (the legendary french ship) is not content.

Often when players say content, they mean something to do.  Buc is something to own, an item, gear, vehicle.  You then use this item to do something, play your content.  Just clarifying what many think when they say content.

11 hours ago, admin said:

i think we should adjust statements on steam page a bit (which are very basic anyway) to actually explain that the main content is sinking other real captains who are diverse and hard and are all different and even talk to you like real people in chat (amazing for ai ;)

This would be ok. Make sure that the game is supporting players to actually play the main content.

10 hours ago, George Washington said:

They are beautiful and we can admit that there is no game on the market that can beat NA ship quality. Unfortunately they can beat NA in everything else. So, yeah we rock with 20% of epic content and fail with the rest?

Naval Action is the best PvP game I have played, ever.  Today it has some issues but I am sure those will be fixed.  I would say Naval Action has plenty to offer.

10 hours ago, TheHaney said:

A great example of this is Warframe.

Personal preference.  I don't know if I was able to play Warframe for an hour or 2.  I have thousands in Naval Action.

To me Warframe is a brain-dead shooter.

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" I know I will very likely put the game down after 200-300 hours'"

in this game at the moment YOU are a tester, to begin with 

300 hours  is not much testing things for yourself to become a skilled captain, join a group and your experience will grow and become a dedicated player 

live at sea can be very hard or made very simple by joining some good captains, to begin with

there you fail, or you grow

its up to you what you are going to do now 


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14 hours ago, admin said:

The other statements depend on the position - the game shines in pvp and conquest, captains who stop doing pve and start fighting other captains never run out of content after that. This game is about age of sail ships - ships are content. there is no other content in game and we don't pretend there is. Ships are complex and amazing. all other content is basic (its on green light promise on steam page and we never backed down or backed out of this promise)

ahh yes that glorious content of pvp............ been sailing for 4 hours now w/o seeing a single player....  if pvp is the content then how do you plan on fixing this problem? at least port battles have gotten better with the br limit though. so that's something we can do. as far as open world pvp its virtually impossible to find. (guess that's what happens when you make a safe zone that includes everything a player will ever need in the game. it was built for newbs but its used by everyone....max rank players mostly.)  that doesn't even talk about forts and ai fleets out there that make pvp even harder to do. 

I quit the game for two months because as a hardcore pvper content was gone on global server and RVR wasn't an option because we didn't have a 25man fleet. back now only for the port battles mainly because that's the only content to access. content being rvr and pvp. then why have a map this huge that is 99% useless.  just some thoughts. 

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3 hours ago, Rychu Karas said:

"Ships are content", hehe nice. another SCAM CITIZEN instead?

Ships itself should be only a tool. If not, please rename the product. It shouldn't be a game.

It's Naval Viewer

So what your saying is basically once the 'game' is launched updates should stop!!! (as the product is finished)

On the scam citizen comment I'm suggesting you look up what's happening with that development and go outside, try taking your tinfoil hat off!!!

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10 hours ago, Thonys said:

" I know I will very likely put the game down after 200-300 hours'"

in this game at the moment YOU are a tester, to begin with 

300 hours  is not much testing things for yourself to become a skilled captain, join a group and your experience will grow and become a dedicated player 

live at sea can be very hard or made very simple by joining some good captains, to begin with

there you fail, or you grow

its up to you what you are going to do now 



That's extremely true, it's up to me. It's also up to the thousands of people that purchased the game and don't play it. 

It's not a matter of opinion when I say the game isn't doing well. Less than a thousand players a night for an MMO? That's rookie numbers. We need to pump those numbers up.

The only real discussion is WHY is the game struggling? My thoughts on that irrefutable issue are what prompted this thread.

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17 hours ago, monk33y said:

So what your saying is basically once the 'game' is launched updates should stop!!! (as the product is finished)

On the scam citizen comment I'm suggesting you look up what's happening with that development and go outside, try taking your tinfoil hat off!!!


I am saying what I said. SHIPS are NOT a content itself. But we use them to get any in battles.

ohhhh here we've got a fanboy, hope you enjoy your "investment", hue hue hue hue.... 

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On 11/15/2017 at 8:41 PM, George Washington said:

Sad part is no one cares about ships as content, players want real MMO content. SO, we are doomed. 

I'm still patiently waiting for the first Dutch ship to be added.

I vehemently hope it will still happen, but since it takes 2 months for 1 ship to make it into the game, i'll have to exercise patience.

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1 hour ago, Rychu Karas said:

I am saying what I said. SHIPS are NOT a content itself. But we use them to get any in battles.

ohhhh here we've got a fanboy, hope you enjoy your "investment", hue hue hue hue.... 

Consider comparing Naval Action to a race game/ sim. (perhaps not the greatest analogy, but you can see where i'm going with this)

It's fun to have 100 cars to drive in, but if you only have 1 race track you can choose from it will get boring after a while.
The opposite is also true, if you only have 1 car, but 100 race tracks, that too will get boring. (people just need a certain degree of variety)


  • We need many "cars" to drive in, so more Ships (this will promote more variety in OW, will cater to different play styles and approaches)
  • We need a variety of "tracks", so a larger variety of PVE and PVP content.
  • It would be nice to see a certain degree of customization in the game, after all, you can't just change engine parts of your car, you can also choose new paint, rims, spoilers etc

The combination of these 3 elements, none of them excluding the other, will ensure that players stay for a longer time.

This being said, as this game is an MMO, i believe development of the game cannot stop after release.
To keep interest of their player base, there will be a need to add content in the future, even after release.

This is true for pretty much any MMO that i know of or have played.


Now, i'll know people will say that this is a PVP oriented game, and granted, this is true.

But speaking from personal experience, sometimes I don't have the time to sail around for hours hoping to find an enemy player.
And if I don't find any players, I'm left with a feeling of disappointment, and time ill spent.

To this, people could say, then wait for Naval Action Legends.

But this is not an option for me, for while i might not be able to sink in the time for OW PVP action, neither am I willing to give up on the RPG side of the game like crafting, trading etc.


Just my 2 cents,



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Yngvarr  I catch your point and of course, agree with you.

As you mention, at the moment we have got some cars, maybe not so many, but enough to pick any favorite. But there is only one pve track. one stupid and boring to the grave mission. zero variety, no storyline missions, no chain mission with a nice guaranteed reward at the end, instead of stupid grinning the same one shitty mission to get skillboks.

pvp is great, because of the damage model and fight itself is a very strong part of the game. but still, as you mention, it needs a lot of effort to get any.

ATM I am one of these waitings for NAL  and watch the Liq's tournament recordings: ]

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