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Game is bleeding players

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We use to have at least 800+ at primetime during most days on PVP2, now it seems the population is quickly bleeding people. Not sure if people are moving servers or they are quitting the game. Anyone else notice recently a drop in players?


Its really sad when you go over to a small nation and their chat channels last message was 3-5 hours ago.. (cough Danes- PVP2).



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The longer you go without a patch, the less players there are. It's a cycle that has already repeated half a dozen times.


The only difference now is that people may have left because they got zerged in RvR. But that's the kind of player who will come back once the mechanics are fixed.




 (cough Danes- PVP2).

Pretty sure all the Danes are on PvP 1, taking over the Caribbean.

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PvP3, there were 5-600 players at primetime in february, now it's more like 400 usually. That said, I heard that an entire danish clan with around 100 members moved to PvP1 last week or the one before that.

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It's boring atm. All are waiting for patch. Dring evening pvp 1EU numbers were around 290.


290 I get right after maintenance... and it reaches 1000+ very quickly... Evenings it's around 2k. We dropped some players, sure, but 300...? Since when?


Unless you're saying USA time...?

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290 I get right after maintenance... and it reaches 1000+ very quickly... Evenings it's around 2k. We dropped some players, sure, but 300...? Since when?


Unless you're saying USA time...?

East Coast 11pm. About 290 was the lowest I have seen in few days. Not sure what is the max number during prime time. I think in total we lost a good 1000 players (who are waiting for patch) compared to release. 


Just my observation. 

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I apologize if this has been covered in other threads, I haven't been around long enough to know and I don't think search would be viable. 


Are there any plans to consolidate servers? Ping clearly isn't a big issue and this community is too small to be spread so thinly. If the server limits could be increased one server could accommodate everyone. PvP2 is getting very sparse.   

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It's almost a shame this game has missions and fleet grinding. I gather that this was added to give players something to do when there's nobody to fight, but I think it has created a mentality where people try to approach this game as a pure PvE game, which it's not -- and it's very boring to try and play it that way.


The wars should be a lot more vibrant and continuous than they are but you can only have so much PvP when literally 80% of the server are hiding in missions or grinding fleets somewhere, as if they just don't want to PvP at all until they can get into a 1st rate.


And then people spend ages on politics, essentially looking for reasons to not fight each other when really every night should be "tonight we attack!" with just minor changes on who, exactly, they are attacking, with an eye towards an opponent that can give them good PvP.




Basically the boredom problem is player-created.


Granted the game could do a better job of driving people to PvP, but right now a lot of people seem to be intentionally avoiding the best part of this game.

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I see nothing wrong with going away from a game in development still in Alpha revision and return at a later date.


Many of the testers did the same for months on end.


It is not a sign of anything, it is a cycle necessary and quite refreshing.


There is nothing that is forcing the "bleeding" other than "hightened expectations".


Salute !

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I really hope you are right. It would be bad to see this amazing game die.


I see nothing wrong with going away from a game in development still in Alpha revision and return at a later date.


Many of the testers did the same for months on end.


It is not a sign of anything, it is a cycle necessary and quite refreshing.


There is nothing that is forcing the "bleeding" other than "hightened expectations".


Salute !

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I'm seeing the same thing as everyone else during my hours. The lowest numbers being probably about half of what they were. I'm sure as with all games a certain percentage of players stopped playing and moved on to the next game while the rest are playing less while waiting for the next update.

The population has probably mostly stabilized to the core player base at this point with some minor shuffling between servers. We've seen this happen before during Sea Trials etc. This is all the more reason the community needs to be friendly and respectful and not divisive toward each other.

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And then people spend ages on politics, essentially looking for reasons to not fight each other when really every night should be "tonight we attack!" with just minor changes on who, exactly, they are attacking, with an eye towards an opponent that can give them good PvP.

This. This is kind of what I've seen on PvP1 since I joined SLMFr: "We (nation 1) can't attack nation 2 because we're allied with them. We can't attack nation 3 because we're pseudo-allied with them. We can't attack nation 4 because they're allied with nation 5. We can't attack nation 5 because they'll murder us. We can't attack nation 6 because they're allied with nation 4, and therefore with nation 5. We can attack nation 7, but they're on the other side of the map from us."

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game needs more content and fast, I know there are several new patches coming out and some down the line but for them to be being put in place just now is too long, they should have been at steam launch.


the game needs a bigger dev team putting more ships in and more involving content to make people stay instead of waiting months and months for more content, it's becoming like DayZ.


I have been a fan of this game since 2014 and for me I will still be dedicated, but what I am saying is casual or new players may be turned off fast.

Edited by Lord Roberts
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I have only been playing for a few weeks but I think the player population Euro 1 PvP is holding steady (not declining). I agree that a patch will reignite player enthusiasm. However a late patch, well tested, is much better then a premature, rushed and buggy patch.

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The game has three big problems right now.


The first one is that content is not being pushed fast enough. Like it or not, even if it doesn't amount to much, frequent patches makes players come back and see what's up and takes them away from whatever else they've been doing while not playing Naval Action. It's like a TV channel always playing the same reruns... It gets old fast, even if only one new episode gets out a week, it keeps the audience captive unless the content is terrible.


The second one is dare I say the price tag. I'm not saying its not worth it's cost, on the contrary, so far this game has been an extremely good "investment" for me, if I slash the price by the amount of hours I played, I dare say there is no other activity in the world that is better than this on the price/fun ratio. That said, the price tag scares away new players who, because of it, will never get to try the game and realize it's potential, how fun and relaxing it can be, how amazing the combat system is, etc. Basically, the game is currently hiding behind a cash wall. If the price was cut in two right now, I'm sure we'd see that 2-3000 active players mark jump to 10-15k if not more... 20$ is something you can spend without thinking... 40$ you start asking questions, weighting, comparing, hesitating and ultimately not making the move or waiting for a sale, etc... Talking about the average gamer. As good as this game is, if I can grab BOTH Hurtworld AND Rust for the same price, I'm sorry, but you guys aren't even close to being in the game in terms of contents. Lower that price, make a sale, do something, because this kind of price tag in early access is going to kill you.


Last but not least, the grind is unbearable for the average gamer. I have lots of friends who play games like 6-8 hours a week tops. Many of them looked at me playing it hardcore for the past weeks and decided to join in on the fun... end result? They didn't even get to level 2 on their first 2-3 days and I never saw them online ever again. People need to feel the progression FAST when they start out... That first 1-10 hours is CRITICAL to capture the interest of players and having the average non-hardcore gamer take 7-8 hours to get to level 2 after failing 2-3 missions that each took 30-45 min to find/try is just bad business.


IMHO, everything should be much easier at lower levels and the progression should be faster. I want the average noob that has no clue what he's doing to get to a point where he can buy and sail a fully crewed Snow within 2 hours, including the flumbling around, not knowing how to shoot or sail, etc.


Wanna keep the grind for higher levels? Fine... Once anyone pasts the 10-20 hours mark, they either like it or hate it, those that like it won't mind the grind so much.


The devs really need to wake up and changing things, otherwise the numbers are going to keep plummeting and we'll end up with a ghost town of a game. 


Oh also:



There is a clear decline

Edited by OJ.Die Antwoord
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Also the fact that you only have a teleport all 4 hours, if you work  until 7 pm and you want to do a few missions and then pvp and then get back again, it should at least be on a 2 hour cd, i think the players quit also because they miss a lot of action and flexibility because of this.

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