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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Found these: http://hangsim.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=4367
  2. I have started to update slowly. I was little busy with Finals.
  3. I doubt they left, they play Pay to Win game. Multiple accounts on all Nations. This means they can keep multiple Nations under attack. Worth a try USA.
  4. It's time for nations to Unite. Today USA, tomorrow nation X.
  5. I hope it will be selected in next ship vote, I heard many people want this in the game.
  6. You don't like it then take a break and wait for final release. There is no need to rush.
  7. Manual Gun Aim in Naval Action I believe is Finalized and I do not think it will be changed to any easier arcade system. The more you sail the ship the more you will feel when to shoot, where to shoot and what presets to make before approaching enemy. ex. I am closing on enemy ships stern from Left to Right with wind behind me. I preset - 100m, Fire From Front to Back, Switch From Full to Battle sails and wait to hit T (break). All this gives me perfect timing feel and in most cases I unload whole broadside into enemy ship stern.
  8. This is how I see Pirates right now EU PvP1, We are in step N3, I wonder how long it will take for NAtions to realize they need to follow Step N5.
  9. I think it will be a sister ship for Ingerm as 4th rate, there is another 2nd rate under construction and I think this russain one as well based on my research. I could be wrong.
  10. Wapen von Hamburg (III) 66 Guns Armament: 24x18lb 24x12lb 22x 6lb 4x Stern chasers 2x Bow chasers http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3833-german-konvoiship-wappen-von-hamburg-iii/?p=152572
  11. I agree, turning feels flat on all ships. I hope devs will review this post. Only one problem here, stern camping when ship slowed down will be very easy. This will make rage boarding popular.
  12. I believe it has to do something with Ping. I get the same. It always was slow, but now it takes little longer. (5-7 seconds after I click Craft). For some reason it's not instant.
  13. Raids on port: can be called any time to help reduce the influence of another nation and gives you access to that port for one hour. If there is a garrison of ships and troops you must destroy most of the defenders to gain access This is already in development. Food and Water: With this point you can safely assume its it meant for sailing long voyages which it is but also for your port as well. to produce food building can only be built at certain ports two big ones are regional capitals and your nation capital and then some in between . (to note food building at regional and nation capital can have all the assorted food types while the other port can only have what that port produces). to note this is towards feeding garrisons in ports This was already mentioned by devs and could be in development as well. (Provisions) Some interesting ideas that definitely could be implemented in future if Devs find it useful.
  14. Is it possible to add dedicated Conquest window that will show: -My Nation Ports That are Under Attack -Port Battle Schedules and Windows -Ports controlled per Nation I would like to have a window where players would: Log in the game Open window Vissually Understand Nation situation and conquest Check what Port Battles are available Plan ahead
  15. I think you will find everything you need in this article. Full Article Here: http://www.orbitals.com/self/history/rowing.html General Commands Preparatory command is "Stand by to..." Modifiers: Easy: very slowly Handsomely: Do it slowly. Cheerly: mid-speed Smartly: Do it with vigor. Man the Boat! The boat crew is called to and boards the boat. If one of the crew is appointed to handle mooring lines, that man stands by the mooring lines. Attention! or Eyes in the Boat!9 Stop skylarking and pay attention to the captain. Thus! or Very Well Thus! or Steady! Keep doing the current activity just the way it is being done. Belay That Command! Cancel the last order. This can also be used more specifically, such as Belay Casting Off! Knock Off There! Stop a task. Not urgent. That's Well!2 Stop a task. Not urgent. Avast! Urgent stop. Bear a Hand! or Light (a task)! Help out. Ready! A response from a crew that is ready to carry out a task. Most often used by a gun crew after preparing the gun for action. Disperse! The crew is dismissed from duty. A note on Larboard and Starboard: These phrases refer to the particular side of the boat, not of a person. The starboard side is the right side of the boat when in the boat and facing the bow. The larboard side is the left side of the boat when in the boat and facing the bow. The term port was used in the 18th century, but only when referring to the rudder of a ship to avoid the confusion of the similar sounds of larboard and starboard. It would not be used in a bateau, but, just the same, its meaning would be understood.
  16. Is this 1785 Prosephine - Hebe class? or 1809 Prosephine 44 Guns - Amphion Class. It does look like Hebe.
  17. If you are using laptop consider investing into these cooling solutions. Remember - Heat is your N1 enemy. Laptop Cooling Pad If you are using PC consider investing into: https://www.google.com/search?q=pc+overheating&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjv9p36menMAhWJ7D4KHcxtDR0Q_AUICCgC&biw=814&bih=533#tbm=isch&q=cooler+master+cpu+water+cooler
  18. The Royal Yacht Henrietta of 1679: Identification and principal dimensions http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00253359.2014.901696?journalCode=rmir20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HMY William & Mary (1694) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMY_William_%26_Mary_(1694)
  19. Ah nice. This one looks like what we have in the game, but way more guns per broadside. Stuart Royal Yacht Plans:
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