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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. You can't have same serial for both accounts. You will have to buy another one and use Sandboxie or just another PC to have 2 accounts run at the same time.
  2. Suggestion: Crew transport from port to port. If one port doesn't have enough hire NPC/PLayer traders to move more sailors to this region or Crew transport missions can be added to regular missions. All it takes is time and navigation skills. Deliver crew to a port who needs people and get paid. For example add Hammocks and carry extra crew, unload at needed port and start operating from that port filling it with people and building defenses for future needs.
  3. I don't think so. This was asked in the past.
  4. Thanks, we will send him a warning. Do not click any links posted by players or do it at your own risk.
  5. What about solo hunters and their variety of ships? I am a lone wolf. I only have 2 ships to sail, that I don't like. Why can't I modify a frigate with chasers? I have guys to roll the guns on ship bow. They look strong and healthy and I don't hire crippled.
  6. Read history and facts. I think devs can prove it to you any day.
  7. But, if I like pvp and a ship I am sailing, but I can't chase people, what is the point of even having this ship in the game? I want to modify it to be able to use as I want. Take example of Black Beard. Real facts and history.
  8. They restrict pvp ships. By adding them to all ships we open doors to new adventures. Here is my suggestion: - To mount Chaser guns it takes time, 2 mins let's say. (Once moved it's permanent during battle). - Loose 2 guns from actual Gundeck
  9. History states - Captains used chasers when they needed them. Bow chasers could be regular guns brought up from the gundeck and aimed through specially cut-out ports on either side of the bowsprit, or dedicated weapons made with an unusually long bore and a relatively light ball, and mounted in the bow. Stern chasers could also be improvised, or left permanently in the cabins at the stern, covered up and used as part of the furniture. In the Age of Sail, shiphandling had been brought to a high art, and chases frequently lasted for hours or sometimes days, as each crew fine-tuned theirsails to take advantage of small variations in the wind. A single lucky shot could cut through a critical line, or cause a sail to split if the wind was strong, so if the ships were within range, the best gunners on each would use their chasers to make carefully aimed and timed shots at the other.
  10. Why not let people use their favorite ship with chasers in pvp under right weather condition. I like my boat , but now it doesn't have chasers, so I am forced to take some other one I don't enjoy sailing. Why:?
  11. If I sail in Heavy winds and have chasers on my 2nd, I will catch your Frigate . You better check weather before sailing, unless you want to get ganked by a 2nd rate. Some ships will have better speed and maneuver than others based on weather, so it will make every ship unique. All will pick their style of sailing and fighting. I feel it's time for Xebecs!
  12. Sailing 1 dura ship is risky, do you like risk? If no, then don't sail one and use it for PvE.
  13. You don't have 2 minutes to sail to port to refill your crew? Don't make people laugh funny sir.
  14. How long will it stay? A Day or an hour? If players got Lineships and sail with heavy winds, got in the battle. If battle takes long time, will it transition to normal winds or stay Heavy all the time? Overall this is great, in Port battles weather can turn if favor of a loosing team with frigates and beat attacker at last moment. You never know what can happen and this is very cool realistic feature.
  15. Is this only for OS? Will heavy winds make sure SOL go from point A to point B in x2 speed compared to today OS speeds? I like it. Check weather, set up ship and go hunt. or Check weather and schedule Port Attack knowing Line ships will get there fast. Enemy on the other hand can predict attacks based on weather conditions.
  16. 1.) Because they can, game allows it and if you have a good tag they won't. It's all about skill. 2.) What grinding are we talking about? All I see is port captures. Port battles are fun! 3.) You don't loose crew if you still have duras. This means on your last dura you won't end up on OS after ur killed.
  17. I express my opinions like everyone else here. If 'cry' and 'baby' are offensive and makes you uncomfortable I advise you to bring this case to martial court and clearly explain why it makes you angry. Here we share our views on what is really happening in the game and try to figure out ideas for it's future. Wind. Please stay on topic.
  18. They won't, only if they keep bringing 25 1st rates and keep loosing them. (D-Day everyday type of thing, until they run out and have to wait to recharge)> I am sure crew will recharge at slow rate and every caped port will add % to recharge amount. There can not be 100 000 bank and that is it, people are born, they grow up and get skills. Life moves on it never stays still. So, numbers should always grow, but at what rate? Devs have to decide. Making a fixed crew amount for each nation will cause problems. Have crew recharge at slow rates.
  19. People want to sail 1st rates, push one button and get kills. If there is a risk they get uncomfortable and cry. How I see this game - once you undock and go on OS it should make you very very uncomfortable and force you to pay attention because now you have those 300 sailors you are responsible for. Stay careless and you will loose them all. Who needs to go search for more guys in taverns telling them you wasted 300 lives on your previous voyage? No one. Scout horizon for sails else you as a 'Skilled" Captain and your crew will be talking to Davy Jones and his team. .
  20. I can't believe people call it too complex. What is so difficult? Hire crew sail as you did before, loose crew only if you sink (only dangerous for 1st rate cry babies). Cap more ports to get more crew. You will not run out, only if you take 25 1st rates and they all sink 5 days in a row. Here are the numbers: Populated Nation - total crew pool of 250,000 for 1000 players Less Populated Nation - total crew pool 100,000 for 100 players (Better Value) This will bring great balance. If you can't fight in battle and constantly loose 1st rates, it's time to step down in next PB because you need more people. You can't command and you loose lives, err maybe you should go Practice more and stay away from PB and 1-2nd rates? Recharge and let someone else try. It looks like everyone want s to push 1 button and have everything on the plate for them. Great ideas devs, I hope you will go forward with it and let us test it.
  21. Wars (Suggestion list) Wars must be declared. Wars cost money (Add National Bank to store funds and donations. Lords will use these funds to take actions. This means money come from port taxes, sell/buy taxes, Bring ship to admiralty taxes and just from player donations. Go to port and deposit $ to support your nation) and/or (Add small tax to all fleeting and missions, the more you do these the more $ you will auto deposit in Bank for your Nation). Wars have limited time. (Once National Bank collected enough money for war or other political things. Lords can trigger it by pressing the button. Let's say war will be active for 4 weeks and during that time war is hell. After war is over set 1 week rest period for Nations to recover, collect money and start over). You can only capture ports during war. (4 Week window, your time is ticking, so prepare well before going to war otherwise you will be exhausted from resources half way through the war). War can be won one the nation reaches certain number of the war effort points (I like it! Once again, well preparation, ship supply etc will need to be planned ahead before starting war. 4 weeks is enough to get a winner. Add, 1,2,3rd place winners and reward them as well. Give defeated Nation underdog bonuses to recover, so we don't have dying Nations after wars). War gives rewards in form of ships, ranks, xp etc. (Rewards are very important. I would suggest to add exchange system for points earned in War/PBs. Exchange point for nice items, ship customization perhaps in future).
  22. From reading all this I can say you are on the right track. If this implemented correctly, you will have another strong foundation to what you have already built. Port Battles (Suggestions) I like the idea for 1-2 days notice before Port Battles, this will change the game for many. I hope you will add a simple system that will randomly pick time schedules. One for EU players and one for US time zone players. For example: EU players fought and spawned timer, but it spawned for US time zone. They still get a credit for participating if US time zone wins PB. Same can happen with US time zone, they can attack a port, trigger timer, but it will spawn for 2 days EU time. Both time zones will get partial reward if Port Battle is won. Both time zones will have enough players to fill port battles since they are going to be slowed down and scheduled 2 days ahead. This will resolve issue with US players can't fight in BPs because they ended up on EU servers. Do not let players set windows! Let system spawn them. We all know players abused this system and set up timers when there are no one online to make an attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Could you give us more info on 3 capture zones inside PB? I assume this is Battlefield style system with tickets and capture and hold zone until you run out or all players are killed.
  23. Just few words, this is awesome guys. I am glad you are looking into a much larger picture and approaching it from a different perspective. Do I feel like provisions, crew management and forts will be somehow chained to all this? All together it will make a one hell of a game. Bravo.
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