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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Definitely these 2 -Overhaul of War & Peace mechanics and national relations, pirate role and national alliances -Open world PVE: epic events, more variety of fleets, more missions (incl delivery missions) Here is why: Open World PVE - Over time game becomes extremely boring for PVE people. Constant fleet grinding and lack of variety and fun. Because of this, Players leave or take break until more content will be available. This in my opinion must be N1 priority. Otherwise player numbers will be decreasing with every day if there is nothing to do. -Add more content, missions, treasure hunts, epic missions and loot and you should be good in that field for quite a bit. Overhaul of War & Peace - This would be my second important choice that needs fixing. Creating clear and fun conquest system will introduce more players to fighting and defending ports. In general it will result in better cooperation and pvp. Don't forget about reward system. Make sure players get something in the end. -Add War Map with contention zones. Show players where is the action. Introduce points system with rewards and monthly leader boards with stats. Just by adding these simple tools you will boost player base and hours spent in game. Good luck.
  2. Just you. Hit them at the right angle. In most cases they will sail downwind.
  3. Можно отслеживать положение игроков? опасно...
  4. Few days ago I witnessed 2 guys got killed by a 3rd rate NPC because they sailed slow and did not have boarding prep. NPC boarded and killed them in 2 minutes minutes. One of them was Surprise from 'Stars' I believe. I myself almost got killed in pvp in my trinco when new mechanics came out. Learned the lesson.
  5. Rage boarders! It's about time they finally operate on OS. That's how I hunt Traders btw Using Basic of Fine Marines doesn't hurt that much. Exceptional Marines are now garbage. Hammocks help out as well.
  6. Here is my quick view on Naval Action today: Game Graphics -Game graphics look great. Skies are beautiful and ocean is perfect. No need any work here. -Land got great improvement, but trees still look ugly. (Maybe it's just me) -Ships are very detailed, but could be better. (We don't feel wind on sails, gun ports stay open all the time, ship camera should be adjustable similar to GW2 zoom in/out. In battles it's not enough to see what is happening around you with camera locked in that close to a ship. More crew on ship would be nice. (Only visible on player ship, not any other.) -Ports need more randomization and new buildings. Smoke and stationary fishing boats that go in and out of port (passive). Currently there is no life around Ports. (Birds, Jumping whale from time to time on OS, active volcanoes). In general it's somewhat 80% complete. Good job! PvE content and Gold Naval Action has no loot items at all. This makes game little boring and disappointing for those who love to Fleet or even pvp. Rewarding players with random loot and adding content attached to that loot is a must. Players spend 40 minutes fighting and all they get is XP and Gold. What about treasures? Gold and silver goblets! All Age of Sail fans love to see treasures in their cargo hold. In my opinion this is very important and needs to be added. So much gold, but nothing to spend it on. Ok we have ships and mods, well that's it. NA needs more content, so players can spend gold on items like ship customization, Private Port customization, Captain Cabin etc... Treasure hunt missions, events, Epic Events. We need them asap! Fleets becoming a boredom and players leave game because there is nothing else to do for PvE people. In general NA lacks all these goodies. Remember Potbs loot and how many people loved to cap it, sell it, trade it or just store it and show others how rich they are. Just with these small features you will secure a good amount of players who will stay and play. I hope this will be added in a short period of time. PvP It's all about zerg. No matter how many guys you can put together if you don't have enough numbers you will get killed. Don't wan't to play with zerg ok get fast ships and gank people. Game lack 1vs1 duels and Training Missions for same nations. Better rewards and bounties. Leader boards and stats are not available in NA yet. My sugestion - keep Port battle numbers as they are and limit OS pvp battles to 6vs6 only. This will make sure you can add more content in these instances. Sailing Ship mechanics are very good and only few minor things will need to be fixed. With time devs will tune ships to perfection, Nothing to add here, great job! Conquest Conquest is in a very early stage of development and needs many additions and improvements in order to work. Right now for me it is simply broken. I know devs working on improving it. All we can do now is wait, too early for review. Conclusion, Naval Action looks great, ships are beautiful and it's fun to sail them. Unfortunately ugly UI and lack of content and poor Conquest system is turning many new players away from this beautiful game. Only time will tell what new content NA developers will bring to us.
  7. Ned Loe

    The Essex

    I would use it in a group with Frigates that's about it.
  8. Ned Loe

    The Essex

    So, armament and crew make her a boarding/support ship? Why would you pick Essex over Pirate Frigate? .3 speed is not that much.
  9. Ned Loe

    The Essex

    I think it should be compared to Frigate in Handling. Am I wrong?
  10. There is really none. It's just a short cut for a regular ship builder who want's to start production for his Nation faster and on much larger scale. This can be beneficial for small nations as well. Crafters will be able to produce much more high quality ships in shorter time and make sure players are well supplied with them. So, their Nation can defend their ports more efficiently. Also, reduces fear factor - oh S*** I am afraid to loose my ship I will just Fleet.
  11. You mean Ship Skins? They will have same specs as their Crafted brothers and Sisters. Developers said it many times, there will be no Premium ultra Powerful ships. You will be able to get Same spec ship, but different look and that's all.
  12. Why would you quit a game if someone will purchase Figureheads for their ship?
  13. Well, remove Econ and this game will go down hill. Half of my clan are ship builders and they will be very unhappy if you mess with their hobby. Econ is a part of a game that needs to be invested in, not removed.
  14. There are no Premium Ships and there won't be Premium ships. Only ship skins as we like to call it. Balance will remain on all ships.
  15. I agree. Current Port Battle system restricts people participation from other time zones. It is too easy to abuse. 1 Option - What Heibges said have lottery type system that will let attacker select only 3 available ports for an attack with random windows. 2 Option - Make Port battle window larger or add flip port and wait 24 hours for PB. Also, we need visual activity zones on world map. Show players where action is.
  16. Adding Econ slot Expansion will reduce extra Alt numbers.
  17. I know people who got 3 or more accounts. $40x3=15 slots or $40x5=25 slots. Why not make life easier? and just add option to buy extra slots instead of game. $8x25 slots=$200 5x$40=$200 or 5 game copies Labor hour restriction is a bad move on dev side. They could make lots of money faster by implementing slot expansion option. Is it Pay to win? -> Craft more ships, help your nation and new players. Have fleets in all regions and be able to respond to any threats at any time with quality battle ready ships.
  18. Hey devs. Will it be possible in near future to buy more Econ slots? Let's say 25 slots max per account. Each slot $8 USD. at rate - ($40/5 slots). I am sure there are many people who want this option and have money in their hands waving at you. Type +1 if you agree.
  19. This topic was mentioned several times in past, but there is no clear response from devs on Ship names. I myself would like to see it as well + Hull/Sails customization tool.
  20. Here is a Dev post. http://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/1/392183857622419418/
  21. Any info on Niagara? Not sure what ship can drop BP for it now.
  22. Just a friendly reminder to those who missed it. Essex and Niagara are added to the game and can be crafted now. Essex can drop from Belle P. / Frigate (Confirmed) Thanks .
  23. In one of the posts you proposed to make Santisima a purely spanish ship for example. It is impossible in game because it increases the required amount of content 8x which is extremely expensive and time consuming. Most players are fine with the fact that they can sail this ship and many other vessels, they don't care what you think. ​Could you at least add customization for ships? This will fix all this crying. Let people change their ship and sail colors and you will kill 2 rabbits in one shot. Everyone will pick the color they like and by doing so we will see many different ships in the game (same but different).
  24. Epic open world events. You mean something like 24 Players vs 23 NPCs + Boss?
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