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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. You can see how many people are online on the bottom of your screen.
  2. Create New Character Name?
  3. I lost my Niagara to same bug. I was turning while npc was shooting my broadside and then my ship simply exploded. No fire warning and full health.
  4. Bug. This happened few times to our clan members. Report with F11.
  5. First of all thanks for taking your time typing this. Second, never listen to people and what they say it is a very bad practice. Taking a look at Pirates all I can say is they will get more booty very soon, but with extra challenge. Think of it like this, when developers add Indiamans with huge hold and nice gun count Pilates will be able to make 100k if they cap a full hold of resources. However, don't expect to see those ships sail alone and will definitely sail in trader packs. Now some Indiamans have 2 deck of guns that you will need to fight and could be fast as well. This info can be found in ships in production posts. If you pick the right angle you will be able to catch anything. I have tested myself and I was able to catch any ship if I hit it right. By now I think many players should know what is the right angle to tag traders or players. There is no need to explain here. Any player should be able to escape if they want to and it is your fault that you hit them at bad angle. Distances and long sail time are ok as long as you settle in free ports and store ships there. For each zone build an outpost and operate from there or jump to another zone and play there. Done deal. In real life if ship noticed a fight in the distance Captain made decision to join or stay out of fight. More content will come, all you need to do is to be patient.
  6. No matter how many shots you fire in ships stern. There still will be survivors who are hiding under waterline. In addition to that gun accuracy was extremely bad. You can't kill 100% of crew by raking in real life, instead you have to board and clear every cabin and hold. Good example can be seen in TV show - Black Sails.
  7. I think this was already discussed in the past. That would be a part of ship maintenance as well as limited ammo and ship provisions. Which means the whole new system needs to be implemented. Taverns for example would supply crew, while shops would make sure you get Provisions and ammo.
  8. Big part of a ship is under water. You need torpedoes to open up holes under water and cause ship to sink. (we don't have any). When waves go high ship starts to slowly leak that's all. So, when you destroy stern you only make holes in top part of ships hull.
  9. Found interesting info here: http://www.thepirateking.com/historical/cannon_tools.htm
  10. Dumped all I got, so devs can pick what they need. You need to go into deep research to find sights for specific guns and that can take long time. This would be the closest to that age, Unfortunately, early guns had only adjustment on the back. You can also see carriages were built with the same design in mind as sights above.
  11. http://www.cerberus.com.au/armament5.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.civilwarartillery.com/equipment/cannonsights.htm http://www.icollector.com/COLLECTION-OF-SEVEN-CANNON-SIGHTS_i5323204
  12. I hope crew defense mods will be added. Otherwise kill crew and cripple ship. Awesome work guys!
  13. Let players see what ports are under attack. 1. Show players what ports are under attack, show unrest zones and add defending NPC fleets. (Add visual markers to World map). - Defending port NPC fleet is a 1st defense before any port battle should be created. Players have to breach and destroy NPC fleet before blockading a port which would trigger Port Battle timer. This will give some time to nations who are under attack to gather forces. I think potbs had good approach to timers for port battles. Just my opinion. 2. Players don't know what's going on. Nations keeps conquest in secret leaving players without information. I bet 50% of players don't even know that their ports are about to get hit or they actually planing an attack on someones port. Unexpected attacks result in easy port captures, but hurt other nations. (They don't have time to respond). Example. Players ask in Nation chat what are we going to attack or what ports are under attack, where is pvp at? This information is kept in secret and results in more xp grinding instead pvp/conquest. - Add warnings and messages - US activity around (Spanish Port name) has reached high level. This will let EVERYONE know Spain is under attack. (Have 3 levels based on player count in port zones). 3. You made players grind all day for xp. You will not see players participating until they feel comfortable with their level and ships. Slow lvling results in pb participation cuts. Conclusion, open player eyes and let them see and hear about what is going on inside World of Conquest in real time. Give players time to prepare and organize. Problem is very easy to fix, but for some reason you look in the wrong direction.
  14. How about a megaserver similar to GW2. Such system would allow players from all servers to quickly join port battles and help other servers. Creating joint operations lobby can fix many issues. All should work the same way it works atm, but all servers should get message ex. - US attacks Spain Server PvP 1 EU, or Britain attacks Spain Server PvP 2 US. Players still have to sail to same port to join port battles, but from any server. When server helps another server, Nation gets bonuses. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-megaserver-system/
  15. Can you add resource icons for each port when in map mode.
  16. DOW all caps, clan tool is broken.
  17. Captain Cards Add these simple Captain cards under player info tab. Players should be able to view other players cards in-game. Name Rank Nation Skill (based on pvp/pve kills values) Navigation skill Chat activity skill Gunnery (Shots hit target) Tactician (Port battles visited) This can be connected to future leader boards. Discuss please.
  18. Early Access. Developers recently fixed many major bugs and now moving to content production. Take your time and lvl up, by the time you get good rank you will see many good changes.
  19. It will not ruin the game. It will make it more challenging and challenge is what we like. Bravo!
  20. Developers know about the issue and you are not the only one with this problem. Unfortunately there is no way to change clan tag name. I would say just wait until they fix it. Same thing happened to me. I would request a refund of 100 000 and try typing again.
  21. Yes, but only for real traders. This means you have top complete missions in order to unlock it.
  22. My r9 390x runs at 78 Overclocked and all works good. Temperatures in the low 70s under load are normal. 83 is pushing it a bit. It's not immediately dangerous, but it's a sign that it might eventually lower the card's lifespan, so it would be best to try to improve airflow to lower it.
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