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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. This is a good point and I suggest you to start a new thread about it and see what devs say. My suggestion for developers. Give deals to those who already purchased the game. Let's say 50% off for current players who already purchased the game. So, for *($19.99) you would get another account for your family member. Seems like a good deal to me. or have Seasonal Sales. It can work like this: Provide your current game code and get 50% off your next account purchase.
  2. potbs had similar system and it did not work, people abused it and killed the game.
  3. ASUS VH242H Black 23.6" 5ms HDMI Full 1080P Widescreen LCD Monitor $170
  4. If players want more accounts they can always purchase them. 1 character per account is reasonable.
  5. I think developers mentioned something similar in their previous post.
  6. Use 'Hearthstone' name system. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/
  7. Pirates should have access to Pirate 3rd rates, ships that are captured and rebuilt versions. Larger guns, but with handling penalties. The purpose of this is to keep Pirates interested in getting one without pvp.
  8. We are Glad to have you here. You my friend picked the right place to start your journey back in time. Naval Action community is very big and has a serious amount of skilled players with many years of experience from previous Age of Sail Games. We have people who are experts in 3d modeling, History, Shipbuilding and even classic music compositors..etc. Thanks to this great community, NA forum has one of the biggest amounts of old ship plans you will find on Internet. New website is coming soon with many updated things that will promote player interest in this game. New game trailer is WIP and Steam page is getting update too. Naval Action is still a very young game and needs more time to expand and develop with your support.
  9. Ned Loe


    Hello and welcome. Please feel free to ask any questions about Naval Action.
  10. Don't use AA, Use FXAA it gets better FPS.
  11. Concept Structures can be destroyed (hardcore mode) or Damaged with production stopped for captured period (preferred). SO, after port is back to your nations hands, player must pay money to restore structures and continue production. (Players can always scrap all structures and move on to another port or wait when it will be recaptured).These 2 options can work for my ideas plan 2 is the only plan (structures generate xp by using them). Slow labor regeneration will take care of how much material is produced. Let's say lvl 1 structure can produce only 100 oak logs in 24 hours when lvl 5 can produce lets' say 300. To get lvl 5 structure players must stay in the same port and use same structures. This will make sure port gets taxes from each item made/sold for future Defence - Fort/Cannons expansion.
  12. Concept You generate labor and use it to harvest resource. Labor is 24 hours in real time. Exploration should be random. For example instead of port producing .... it should say Port resources. Each player gets random exploration resource drop from Port Resource List. Player 1 sent out explorers and found Iron, Player 2 found Wood Oak, Player 3 found wood teak....(this means players unlocked these resources and ready to produce them, one time thing), exploration should be limited to 5 per week on a singe port. (Explorations are time consuming and expensive). So, if you found oak you can buy large land and build 10 structures and start selling oak. Once oak is on the market in Port window it should say Port Produces - Oak (Quantity). Also, NPCs deliver goods from Europe every hour one random resource goes on the market with huge quantity up to 10000 for much higher price compared to what last player listing was. I would like to hear developer opinion on this.
  13. Concept Suggested econ progression: Build Outpost--->Open Warehouse--->Send out explorers--->Discover Resources--->Purchase Land--->Purchase Structure Blueprint--->Gather Structure Materials--->Build Structure--->Start Production Structure upgrade options: auto upgrades by using structure/crafting. Level 2 - 500 hours (+2% prod rate) Level 3 - 2000 hours (+4% prod rate) Level 4 - 5000 hours (+6% prod rate) Level 5 - 10 000 hours (+8% prod rate) Structure Labor 24 hour real time. Structure can collect 3 days of labor when player is away. Each structure uses different amount of labor time to produce or harvest materials. Draftsman's office (Sells structure blueprints) Blueprints learned from University, Each blueprint requires Rank and hours to learn. Land sizes: Extra structure slots can be purchased inside owned land window. Tiny - starts with 1 slot and can be expanded up to 2 structure slots. Small - starts with 1 slot and can be expanded up to 6 structure slots. Large - starts with 1 slot and can be expanded up to 10 structure slots. Huge - starts with 2 slot and can be expanded up to 20 structure slots. Structure list: Forge Logging Camp (Type of wood) Lumber Mill Mine (Metal Type) Plantation (Type) Quarry (Stone type) Refinery (Type) Shipyard (Large) Shipyard (Small) Shallow Textile Mill Asembly Yard Hunters Shack Provisioner Powder Mill Farm Vineyard Winery Slaughterhouse Tanner
  14. Can someone post list of materials that we have in-game.
  15. This will change soon, when Nationals will form 2nd character and roll Pirate just to exterminate and pvp vs Pirates all day. No worries on this one.
  16. Agree 100%. Remove Pirates from character creation. Pirates were sailors who got tired of abuse and became freedom fighters.
  17. Another idea is when Port is 'raided' or 'captured' by pirates all Player or any other Nation, ships inside port are Damaged. Why? Battle just happened. Players can pop out outside 'captured' or 'raided' port, but can't pop back in. All repairs and access to market is locked while they are inside capped or raider port. This, means you have to sail damaged ship to nearest port and repair or use stored repair kits to restore ship health. Only those who captured/raided the port have full assess.
  18. Nice idea. Nationals can pay Rats to get info on their fellow pirate location and ambush them, letting the spy go. In fact this practice was well known in potbs. There always be the one who likes gold coin.
  19. In fact they did own ports, ports were small enough for their own operations. In this game it would be the best to keep what we have. Your idea suggests an invisible zone for pirates. The thing is, once players find that wonder land they will farm pirates day/night at that location. Nationals will blockade that zone from spreading, so Pirates won't be able to move in or out any goods from that zone. I agree with 'raiding' idea similar to Potbs. Raid, destroy Port infrastructure and in 3 days leave. 'Raiding' should give pirates extra cash reward. This idea might be added if Conquest points are added to NA. Also, Pirates can have 50/50, which means some ports can be captured by Pirates and some only Raided. I also, have made a suggestion not long ago about Pirates who can be hired by Nationals as Mercenaries and always go back to Piracy without problem. This can expand Conquest and it's impact as a Pirate. Let Pirates build ships, but call them refits with different names. Imagine this, you don't craft Pirate ship from scratch - you refit ship to Pirate needs by using same amount of materials. Let's say the idea is not to limit any players of any nation. Crafting should be equal for all. Removing crafting from a nation will hurt player base. As we all know, Pirate nation will be one of the most popular nations in this game. If there is raiding there should be Port Battle. I hope developers can add these ideas to their list. *Note that Conquest system is not fully finished and will be expanded.
  20. In real life situation if small cutter fired on a Frigate or Line ship, they would wipe that tiny boat from the face of this Earth with one broadside and kill everyone. Everyone knew this and would not risk life of whole crew for suicide attack. You need example? Take a look at one of the episodes from Black sails where 2 frigates are trying to attack 1st rate ship and get blown to pieces, 90% of crew killed and wounded. 2 Frigates Carl! In my opinion tagging right now needs more work. I do not like timer, it should be instant hit when close to enemy ship. Why we need timer on OS? It just looks like player is sailing a ship then screaming - I am attacking you! I am next to you, but wait! I have timer...hold on...oh almost there! .. oh still 5 seconds...just give me a sec and I will attack you ..lol Oh well, we have what we have.
  21. It's been confirmed in one post from the past. Needs confirmation.
  22. Depends on wind, lost at sea factor and stops, they all can make travel for days.
  23. There are definitely will be packs with ships on Kickstarter, confirmed. So, my bet is 100s.
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