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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Join guild. Start team fleeting. Earn at least 5k per battle. Repeat. Get promoted and buy a new player built ship and so on...Even on your own you get rewarded just to fight in battle and we are not talking about ship capture reward. To me it seems really good and steady income. Btw, no one forces you to go pvp.
  2. Does it say no cash? It says small %.You will sell it for gold, but let's say to build price of brig is 25000, you should only get 500 or 2% of 25000 and 2% of parts when scraped or whatever devs set up from captured ship. If it's a player built ship then you get all 100% of ship cost and 60% cost of parts when scrapped or whatever devs setup. IF you don't agree then you are one of the duppers devs are looking for to ban.
  3. I do not understand why it's so hard to fix it. Here is a solution: Make NPC ships specs change after battle is over. This means in battle they will perform as usual, but after battle(npc boarded or battle is finished) is over they will be reset to 'useless' mode. 'Useless' specs mean players can capture ships , but ship stats and slots will be -50% of original in battle stats. Same for bonuses when breaking ship into parts. This will quickly change dupping and promote player driven econ. Even if player wants to sell captured 'Used' ship, it will be cheap and won't provide good coin. Code structure for NPCs in battle example: -Battle<Start<All<100% preset strength -Battle<Boarding<Start<100% -Battle<Boarding<End<50% after battle change -Battle<End<All<50% -Reward<Capture<5% Ship -Captured<ShipCost<2% -Captured<ShipParts<2% vs Player built -PNew<ShipCost<100% -PNew<ShipParts<60%
  4. First of all, how many characters can you have per account? If more than 1 then this will work fine. I can lvl up Naval Officer who will sail big ships and then lvl up my Trader who will do econ in trader ships. However, if you can only have 1 character active, then we will have a problem. I would start creating ship trees for each class similar to World of Warships.
  5. Title changed in order to keep this thread open and users happy. Please post appropriate sailor recipes. Thank you. I gave user once chance.
  6. Read here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4498-recommended-reading-for-new-captains/
  7. I have mentioned it many time and will do it again. Add small fishing ships around ports. Add birds and smoke from chimneys, fortifications. OW sailing is depressing, but seeing empty port doesn't make it any better.
  8. Once again you have to reward players with gold bonus or unique items when they get new ranks! Right now ranking is boring. Also, I would use this simple form: --------------------------------------- Promotion Requirements Sink 5 ships in 'Ship Type/Name' - 0/5 Sink 5 ships in 'Ship Type/Name' - 5/5 Reward Rank - (Name) Gold - (0.000) Title - (Name) or Mod - (Name) ---------------------------------------- Example.
  9. I believe something like this was mentioned by devs. You would pay merchant and it will sail with your goods 'unprotected'. You will then need to pay extra for escort or sail along to protect it from Pirates or other nations. No guarantee it will deliver all goods safe.
  10. World of Warcraft. Learn from the best and make no mistake.
  11. Post screenshot with your video settings, it looks like your water is on low.
  12. These pictures were taken with very high ISO and post processed in PS.
  13. Hide front/back ammo button on ships that do not have it. It seems that you can still select and load ammo even if you don't have front or back guns. Thanks.
  14. It's simple fix. Bad wind angle timer should be no more than 1 minute. Players can sit for a minute and wait for wind change. I do agree that current wind timer is way too long and boring and will effect 1000s of players. Port battle wind code should be separate from open world because it will be an instance.
  15. Devs can set up how long bad wind can last for all in one code. As I said before it needs one code to dice wind changes for each region.
  16. Divide map into regions like in potbs. So, each region will have it's own weather code running and will control wind change. I do not see why this can be a problem.
  17. Just make bad wind timer shorter(payers spend less time annoyed) and randomize wind angle turns. Ex. Turn clockwise 25% (timer until it reaches needed angle 45 secs, freeze angle timer 2 min) Turn Counter Clockwise 5% ( timer until it reaches needed angle 30 secs, freeze angle timer 1 min) Turn Clockwise 45% (timer until it reaches needed angle 1 min, freeze angle timer 3 min) etc... I think you can code this easily. This will create realistic feel and random wind movement.
  18. I want players to manage ship names. I hate to see 10 Constitutions.
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