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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Think of a ship as a skin. You buy skins from game store, but have the same or weaker armor stats. You will be able to capture premium ships and have it for free. Sounds like a good deal to me. Roll Pirate and start hunting.
  2. Don't cry yet, all this needs devs confirmation In the end , no one will force you to pay$. This is how developer will keep the game alive and will have the ability to add more content. I myself want to see game store and tons of items for sale $$$.
  3. Yeah. I remember Admin mentioned it months ago. Same performance, unique look. Some people want to sail their favorite ships and will pay $ for it. For example I want to sail Barfleur and will pay extra for it to see it in game. Let's say some people will collect ships.
  4. Haha. Not that crazy. Well crew cheering would be something to start with. Bell sound or anything to let us know we are hitting the target.
  5. Add sounds when shot hits enemy ship and show damage numbers. Make different sounds for sails, critical hits and powder room. Currently, it is little too realistic without sounds and hit points. If you played WoWarships you will know.
  6. Yeah, but you still have major issue with water going through hull and ships dive under water with distortion around them on the Open Sea... Other than that, Instance battles look ok. I will call it perfect when I see it is being fixed.
  7. I recommend win10 clean install to everyone who is upgrading. Expect better FPS vs win7. in most games.
  8. Achievements is the easiest way. Before you can unlock a ship you must complete the achievement and unlock it. ex. kill 50 npcs, earn 5000xp on current ship and dock at (NAME) Port for discovery purposes. People love achievements
  9. It would be nice to have drops and mist on our screen when sailing on the OS. Similar to telescope view. (as optional feature that can be enabled or turned off.) example:
  10. We need telescope with limited zoom. Add a variety of telescopes. x20 x50 x100 x200, they can be unlocked with ranks.
  11. Insurance could be a great addition. Players could benefit from having insurance and be able to secure their expensive ships or at least a % of money spent. This can promote pvp.
  12. Great idea and should be added to lost posts thread. I do believe this will get polished and improved as soon as developers are done with boarding/open sea. Please feel free and post detailed ideas in this post: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6376-lost-posts-request/
  13. Hello. Show players cannon compatibility before purchase. This means if player is in Lynx and he selects 32Lb carronade, it should show in red text on the bottom of selected item(item is not compatible with your ship class). Player can still buy it, but message would ask Are you sure? I had few cases like this when I first started, made wrong purchases and ended up with useless cannons and money wasted. Don't let this happen to new players. Thanks.
  14. After many years they finally fixed it. Old players can stop and say hi. http://forums.burningsea.com/
  15. Welcome aboard. Stay active and you might get beta access.
  16. Ships can't sail with 0 crew, add NPC abandon ship. Too many complains show players kill npc crew, but ship still operating normally. I tested it myself and had crew at 0, but nothing happened. Crew started restoring and npc operated as it was before. Please take example from potbs abandon ship system and fix it. Thanks.
  17. Please add smooth transition from Loading screen to OS. I have noticed that when game is loading there is a 4-5 sec delay and game feels frozen. After that camera chaotically placed next to the ship. I would suggest something similar to GTA character switch effect. Make camera start far from the ship and slowly fly closer to the default location. Just looks more professional. Thanks. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkE8IWFldmQ
  18. I would make Europe an expansion for the future.
  19. Agree. I already posted the same topic somewhere. We do need better sounds. You can merge if needed. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6150-players-should-recognize-cannon-caliber-by-its-sound/
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