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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Adobe Illustrator Tutorial - Creating a Map Outline with the Pen Tool
  2. Post map making tutorials here Basic Photoshop Use & Basic Map Coloring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXN3L0NzcP0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veFHw9_CMQs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHrWqm0EQZo
  3. Try this: http://www.cartographersguild.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14320&d=1245557518 or this: http://www.cartographersguild.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19894&d=1262251614
  4. It would be true with pirates only. Surrendered crew would join pirates in some cases.
  5. Add local villages to refill men, add survivors on the os that can be picked up. Also, wounded sailors would heal back and some % will be restored back over some time (depends on the surgeon you will use. ex. master surgeon can restore up to 80% of lost crew).
  6. I think flag system will be introduced in later stage.
  7. Clean up roads and Modern town names it does not exist in the game. Manually place in-game towns and names when exploring. Also try this: http://www.maps-for-free.com/
  8. You can also use this map if you want. It is a very close match to what devs use.
  9. Quick news. Potbs forum grand reopening will happen within next few days. http://portalusgames.com/
  10. Radeon R9 395x2 would be a great replacement. This is the first time that we’ve ever got to see the R9 395X2. This is a dual GPU card just like the 990 Ti. Featuring two Fiji XT GPUs each rocking 4092 GCN cores for a total of 8184 GCN cores. Each GPU features a 4092bit wide IO memory interface feeding 8GB of stacked HBM1 for a total of 16GB of HBM running at 1.25Ghz. Resulting in a massive 640GB/s of bandwidth per GPU, twice that of the GTX 990 Ti. Each Fiji XT GPU is clocked at 1080Mhz which once again makes this the highest clocked graphics card ever produced by AMD. And easily the fastest, outperforming AMD’s previous R9 290X by nearly 300%. Add DX12 and you are set for years. Btw, nice rig. About 1.5 year worth before next upgrade need.
  11. I can't simply explain the whole system, but it is one of my favorite ones. I can simply convert their system into realistic NA any day for comparison reasons. Please let me know if you need it. Some best features include: User friendly interface. On the go sale ability. Current buyer/current sellers option. Very good organization of products and resources. (Filters). More info: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trading_Post Crafting disciplines: (Runes, Sigils, Runes add extra % to stats we need these similar items in NA) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting ArmorsmithHeavy armor (Used by soldiers — guardians, warriors and revenants)RunesMetal boxes ArtificerMagical weapons (Foci, staves, scepters, and tridents)SigilsPotions Tonics Tuning crystals ChefFood-Dyes HuntsmanProjectile weapons and off-hand utility items (Short bows, longbows, pistols, rifles , harpoon guns, torches, and warhorns)SigilsMaintenance oils JewelerTrinkets (Amulets, rings, and earrings)Jewels- LeatherworkerMedium armor (Used by adventurers — engineers, rangers, and thieves)RunesLeather packs TailorLight armor (Used by scholars — elementalists, mesmers, and necromancers)RunesCloth bags WeaponsmithMelee weapons and shields (Axes, daggers, swords, greatswords, maces, hammers, spears, and shields)SigilsSharpening stones Great amount of resources around the world. Nice crafting system with tiers and recipes. More info: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting Recipe levels: Armorsmith Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master • Grandmaster Artificer Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master • Grandmaster Chef Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master Huntsman Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master • Grandmaster Jeweler Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master Leatherworker Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master • Grandmaster Tailor Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master • Grandmaster Weaponsmith Novice • Initiate • Apprentice • Journeyman • Adept • Master • Grandmaster https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recipe Crafting levels and experience: Crafting Level Experience per Level 0-100 1% 101-200 2% 201-300 3% 301-400 4% Crafting levels are grouped into ranks. Level Rank 0-74 Novice 75-149 Initiate 150-224 Apprentice 225-299 Journeyman 300-399 Adept 400-499 Master 500 Grandmaster
  12. Ned Loe

    Direct x 12

    Direct X 12 update won't require you to buy a new graphics card. Both Nividia and Microsoft today confirmed that most modern PC gaming hardware will work well with DirectX 12. Devs might add new features if game engine will be able to handle it. Dx12 release should make no effect on the game.
  13. Some shape and color examples that can be used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/34m4mrmadsxd1q4/Bowles%27s_Naval_Flags_pga00276u.jpg?dl=0 These colors are nice:
  14. 1. Pirates of the Burning Sea. - Can't beat that, years of economy development that is still being expanded. 2. Guild wars 2. 3. Railroad Tycoon 3 4. Port Royale 3
  15. Probably not many, this is a game and devs need to create a feeling that every player sails a unique ship. It will be so boring to see 10 Surprises , same colors same everything chilling together. On the other hand a team could paint their sails black, drop their soc emblem and let others know who they are and who is defending these waters. You know what I mean? I would even add the feature to show a soc emblem over a group of soc members who are sailing together.
  16. I would like to suggest the system that would let players create and customize: Society Emblem Flag Sail Pattern or emblem. For comparing purposes only - If anyone played BF4, they will know what I am talking about. Sail pattern and emblem: I would like to see similar system for creating and editing designs, coloring ship parts and creating flags. Treasure chests feature would be ideal combination with this feature as well as premium gold chests that will drop new colors, shapes and unlock new things. It was a very popular feature in potbs and many players enjoyed creating art. Also, add ability so sell player created flags on the AH for doubloons. Please discuss.
  17. Fresh screen: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4225-open-world-beautiful-places/?p=95598
  18. Potbs name: Wind Catcher Potbs server : Antigua Potbs society: Seek and Destroy (SnD) Potbs nation: Pirate/France NA IG name: Wind
  19. But you can't see detailed ship a mile away, can you? We talking blur objects in far distances. Our eye can't pick details on far mountains.
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