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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Add spawning with limited timer , same as teleport. Player can spawn at any friendly port once every 10 mins and has to pay (x amount of gold). Timer will prevent people from jumping too much .
  2. Add lantern to the back of the ship. Many players complain night is too dark, so let them illuminate the sail and also be able to spot ships in the distance. This will enable night hunting and fights. Player should be able to turn it on or off. Light up time could be up to 10 seconds. Extinguishing is instant.
  3. New patch just came out, devs will investigate it. Make sure you report everything by F11. Try to restart the steam and update it. Hold on tight you are not alone.
  4. Ned Loe

    Hello !

    Hello and welcome. You can find latest game screenshots here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4225-open-world-beautiful-places/
  5. Simply add ability to NPCs (NPC Abandoned ship) / (NPC Offering Surrender). This should only happen when enemy ship is badly damaged. When surrender is offered by NPC certain % of gold and goods can be taken. NPC ship leaves the battle and can't be attacked. When enemy abandons ship, that ship becomes a derelict and can be captured.
  6. Please add this icon to the top right corner of your map.
  7. Devs please inspect it. Possibly it was broken after updates?
  8. Ebay sells nice ones as well. Every sailor should have one on their desk.
  9. Can you update map view with one of these? https://snazzymaps.com/ Also found this editor: http://mapmaker.education.nationalgeographic.com/
  10. Tolu - not far from Portobelo Just use the map and find the port name: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=znKaQtPyLToc.kX_Q0oqZjfCY
  11. I agree, make a vast variety of modules, this makes game interesting. Each module should have a % chance drop or can be unlocked at a certain rank. Break modules into sections: Damage Reload Sailing Armor Crew Boarding Open world exploration etc.. Choose how many module ranks you want to have. ex. Basic - Premium Basic - has only 1 bonus value Premium can have 3 with 1 will be negative. (+5 damage +5 reload -5 crew defense.)
  12. They do, the actual game navigation is under development I believe. Use this map: coordinates marked on each port ex. x 750976.9 z -93071.5 Grand Anse https://www.google.c...oc.kaQduRE0l4HU
  13. This will be discussed in a new topic when economy and conquest development open up. Any ideas are welcome. Current development - pvp, pve, open world, ships.
  14. https://www.pinterest.com/sashaotaku/%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%8B-18-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0/
  15. Please take a look here maybe you can find something useful: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4017-period-sailor-costumes/ http://www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55524&page=37 French
  16. I think they decided to completely get rid of interactive mini map and just use map charts (ex. goodle map) to find your location. I would love to have a mini map as well and I believe they will realize it when game is out. Without mini map players will be lost all the time.
  17. French 2nd rate is nice. In the distance you can see pirate ---> oooh nice a xebec very cool all those artwork/concept arts keep up the nice and good work
  18. This might explain why there are no npcs in player battles: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5572-bug-no-bots-in-pve-in-sea-trials/
  19. This should not be a problem. Add the 'Black Flag' option. When 'Black Flag' is enabled any nations can enter battle and fight with other nations.(Optional Hardcore mode). Such mode would reward players with greater skill xp and gold compared to normal mode pvp. Also, port battle or contest points will be generated faster. Must be enabled by a player or a group before multiple nations can join battles. By enabling the feature players agree to take the risk where they can loose everything. In my opinion, multiple nation battles is a must have feature to keep the game interesting and competitive.
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