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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Warships could sail into a harbor only if country or port lets them. In this case to make everyone happy only Trade Capitals should allow warships inside ports. Such ports should be very well armed and maintain fleets outside the port. So, any Warship who wants to dock in those ports is being inspected and watched closely before entering docks. This eliminates any risk to take over the port. Governor can also set up extra tax for storing a Warship in their port.
  2. I think many people will support this and I will too. Open ports to other nations, set up governors (players) and let them decide what to do, control traffic in and out of ports. Governors should be able to set up tax for each nation, close or open doors and use national tensions as a guide, but not as forced action that prohibits and closes all ports for all other nations. Historically Port Royal governor would allow 'Privateers' (aka Pirates) trade and operate in British port. What about pirates? Developers let's make it more interesting and introduce a package for PIrates that will let them become legal mercenaries for Nationals. Once package purchased they will become Privateers, but always can go back to Pirates and repeat. Package cost should be limited to Game Store Only. Feel free to share ideas. This suggestion touches Open Ports, Governors, Pirates and Mercenary topics.
  3. That's a developer fault and should be taken into consideration. I have noticed a bunch of players asking why they can't enter other ports if nations are in peace and trade goods. In my opinion I would just add governors for each port and let them control open and closed doors with taxes for each nation. I do agree with you on that one.
  4. I think developers work on better reward system. Rewarding players with loot and unique items is very important and should never be ignored.
  5. Hello and welcome aboard Captain. Naval Action in my opinion is one of the best realistic Age of Sail games that soon will be available in stores for everyone to fully enjoy it. What you can find in Naval Action. -100s of realistic ships will be added after release and many are already in the game. High detailed ships will take you back in time. You can sail a small boat and progress to a higher ranked 120 gun 1st rate line ship. -Auto and manual sail control lets you experience real sailing and make you the captain who writes the rules of how you sail your ship. -Realistic Open World, so huge it will take you days to sail from one end of the world to another. -100s of Ports and many Nations. -Economy. Building ships. Gathering materials for your future projects. All these features are being improved as we speak. -Conquest. Fight in a bloody war against your enemies, capture ports and destroy their economy. -Pirates, free life on high seas lets you do whatever you want. Pirates can attack each other if they wish to do so. -Exploration. In development. -Ranks and missions. -Port battles with 24 ships fighting in one instance. -Endless PvP .... etc many more features are being added, stop by and give us your ideas that will help make Naval Action a true masterpiece. Thank you.
  6. Hello, Game currently is in testing phase, once all tasks are completed game will be available for purchase on Steam. We do not have exact release date. Thank you.
  7. Not really, National ports are closed for them, they can get under attack from other Pirates and Nationals. I think this is enough punishment.
  8. Pirates are free sailors. They can earn XP by any way they want.
  9. Hello and welcome. Pirate is a good choice for a person who is searching for adventures and gives **** about National politics. True hardcore pvpers should always stick to this option. Pirates when organized can do a lot of damage and I am sure this is what being forged as we speak. I myself will be organizing an elite fighter force on Pirate side as well after game release.
  10. Clearly explain to players Only rank is saved between the servers. and add *warning in game when switching servers. You don't want to loose anymore players because of simple problem like this.
  11. Ned Loe


    Hey, welcome aboard Captain!
  12. Sailing with open gun ports in storm weather will sure cause damage to a ship and make you loose guns.
  13. You will see more and more posts about Navigation difficulty, every new player will feel the pain and only the strongest will remain. A simple dot over Nation Capital can make life easier for everyone, unfortunately developers picked 'expert difficulty' as default for all.
  14. I would also try different power strip, surge protector. I had one issue where it would cause my gpu to act weird. Once I switched to a more powerful surge protector everything worked well again. I hope it helps.
  15. GeForce GTX 760 - On your average system the card requires you to have a 550 Watt power supply unit. GeForce GTX 760 SLI - On your average system the card requires you to have a 700 Watt power supply unit.
  16. PSU : Corsair 430W <--- Need more Juice. You are running on fumes. Get 500W+ at least to fully supply all pc components with power. Also, could be case ventilation issue. Hot air has nowhere to escape and case gets hot when gaming causing GPU/CPU to hit max safe temperature before auto shut down kicks in. -Get Arctic Silver CPU compound and replace it with what you have now. Get better CPU heat-sink or use water cooled kit from CoolerMaster. War Thunder won't cause CPU/GPU to heat up that much. Naval Action will.
  17. This was addressed to devs multiple times. I think after game is out they will add more pictures and icons.
  18. Merry Christmas to all brave sailors.
  19. Rep is always good as long as it rewards player with something every level earned. Also, I think this topic was already discussed somewhere on this forum I believe.
  20. Hire escort and order them to chase enemy. Works every time. It will help you lvl up and feel more in control.
  21. Hire escort from Port window. Start small with hunting same size ships and just sink them. Put as much shots as possible into the target, it will be your xp. Your hired Npcs will help you catch boats. When in Battle open up mini map and give orders to your NPCs. If you play for USA, then sail to Road Rocks, best shallow area to hunt for new players and very close to deep ports.
  22. They used to have big storms, not sure what happened to them. Miss them too. Now I all I see is light rain and waves. There is a big number of people who loves storms.
  23. Devs if you need help organizing guides just ask forum members. You have big support here. Locain is right, such small thing like new player guide will cost you players and $. For example, announce open community official guide design suggestion. Get info on what would be the best way to structure it and what questions need to be answered in such guide. Or start a topic 'Ask a question get an answer', where new guys could ask any questions about NA and get and answer. Btw, if you need pictures of new ships for this web page let me know. We are here to support you and make this game N1. This is what we used to have:
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