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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Rolling Front vs Rolling Back Many people probably don't even know why we have these 3 gun firing options in Naval Action. Firing Front Firing Back Random. (Useless ) This visual guide is made to explain people why Rolling Front Shooting is very important when two ships are passing each other. Timing first shot will always guarantee 100% broadside hit on enemy ship. Note* if you are using Rolling Back firing mode half of your shots will miss (depends on how fast 2 ships are sailing, speed times 2). Remember to always use Rolling front when 2 ships facing and about to pass each other. You can use Rolling Back when 2 ships are parallel and sailing in one direction. Ex. Catching a trader will require you to slightly angle and use rolling back. Final Tip - use T and break while unloading broadside. This will make sure timing is right. Example of 9 Guns Ship.
  2. Your feedback is very important to developers of Naval Action. My personal thanks for writing this review.
  3. Enjoy. http://burningsail.com/
  4. Devs said content production will start after bugs are fixed. So, you will see game is taking shape soon enough.
  5. Good job guys. 4 heavy armed frigates will join US the fleet soon.
  6. I tried installing it, but it did not work for me. Can someone provide a small guide on how to get it in NA plz.
  7. Listening to nice tunes. tunein.com Search - Classic
  8. Try to Update DirectX drivers. Try to update Windows. Try to update Video card Drivers.
  9. They ether steal the script from other writers or re make shi*.
  10. Those who can't sail will fall to any size ship. Main goal on Cerb is not to let Cutter get close, so grab long guns and keep distance. If cutter is on your ass, get distance, flip fire, get distance, flip fire.... one side chain another side ball. You have x3 sail value or more.. he can't stop you. He flips, you flip and fire..all done with manual sailing. Don't rush and place each shot accurately. Flipping through the wind can be another trick and will force enemy to do the same or flip opposite side that will expose him and improve range. Tip - bigger ship - smaller (long) guns, Benefits - fast reload, accuracy on long ranges. If you are trying to duel cutter in close range on larger ship - you are dead.
  11. Welcome to all new members. We will invite another 5 active players who would like to grow with us. Send me a PM.
  12. Get Brig,Snow or Mercury. I prefer Mercury with 6lb long guns and reload mods.
  13. Stone Age. Will give them appropriate warning and then ban if abuse continues.
  14. Hey just a quick report. Jumped(fast traveled) from Isaac outpost to Charleston. Had 2 mods in my ships hold(last used), During jump mods traveled with me to my basic cutter stored in US Capital. Will keep an eye on it if it happens again.
  15. Same thing happened to me. Unfortunately they can't fix guild name tags. So, you are like me wasted 100k. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. P.S. don't create a new one, this might happen again. Just wait and save $.
  16. Well it would work, but player will need to get materials and labor to refit it back to warship.
  17. In simulator yes, in MMO it's not a good idea. It will destroy many features game already has.
  18. Through wind to the left <-- Sails A Q-\-/-C Through wind to the right --> Sails D E-/-\-Z T - to quickly stop F- reset sails to auto
  19. Please move here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5396-what-music-while-playing-naval-action/ Locked
  20. Please report all problems with F11 button inside game. Thanks.
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