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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. I wouldn't waste that much money on that garbage. Honestly for $320 you can have AMD8core CPU+16GBram+Mobo, save few more hundreds and get Video Card+Case+Power Supply with total $500-700. You will curse your purchase when you will find out you can only run Naval Action on low with 25 FPS. On Low-Med Settings - Game looks like crap. So, save more money and get decent build unless you want to play Atari.
  2. Read topic name - 3rd vs Connie, Nothing specified. I posted it for those who want detailed comparison.
  3. Look here for Gun/Damage comparison if needed: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=642807736 Cerberus (CE and red), Renommee (RE and brown), Surprise (SU and pink), Belle Poule (BP and purple), Frigate (FR and green), Pirate Frigate (PF and black), Trincomalee (TR and blue), Constitution (CO and blue). http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/318999824710746574/DB2CC738E065BE31F47E2EA35EFFDF087AD077A4/ 3rd Rate (3R and orange), Bellona (BE and blue), Pavel (PA and red), Victory (VI and green), Santissima Trinidad (ST and purple). http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/318999824710746808/852120C1B43684B784BC44E9F0217E704C806B7E/
  4. It's not a bad idea, but it should be somewhat difficult to find it. I would add points that would indicate stream areas (see bellow). Players have to look for them and streams should be temporary. This means once you hit it, stream timer starts counting until you loose it. Each zone should provide different timers on how long you can ride it. Points that indicate stream. Birds Different color ocean (warmer) Debree OS speed boost x1.5
  5. Can this data be used to code a new public interactive map?
  6. I hope they are working on it and will bring it back more beautiful. If not that is just lame.
  7. Please change mission swords color to something else. During day have them dark color and during night glow bright. Some monitors are blending them together with the skies during sunny days. It's very difficult to see them. Thanks.
  8. What do you think, are new turn values are too much? ok? or too fast? Share opinions. Picture shows 3 captains try to turn, pass each other and end up colliding and stuck sailing together. Never drink and sail.
  9. Ned Loe

    Huge FPS drop

    I used to get 58-65 FPS before patch, now it can't go past 32 FPS. You guys messed up something. I Put everything on Low and still get 32 max.
  10. Not sure why people pay 300k-3.5m for them. This is just crazy.
  11. Hit ships at right angle and you will be able to catch anything.
  12. Ask developers, they will tell you if this is possible or not. I am here to provide ideas for them.
  13. Game is slow paced, but if they add these: We need more random loot. Loot that can be exchanged for something nice. (Loot example - jewels, sapphires, diamonds etc..). We need treasure maps. We need demand items for every port. Such items must be crafted and delivered for a reward. We need every 2 hours a massive 24 player vs 24 NPC mission with awesome rewards. ( AKA - Boss mission) will make game play more interesting.
  14. Not every ship, and only basic quality applies to NPC ships.
  15. Well it's up to Captains how they cut through the wind . Definitely need around 4-5 knots to be safe. If they use auto sailing and stop it can kill them. Will test it soon. For 3-1 rates it's a nightmare. Niagara is released. The rest is still in testing. High along with Gold is for Rates I think. Make few low/mid level ships (frigates) and you will be fine.
  16. Crafting notes were renamed to High Grade NotesYou should have High Grade Crafting Notes then
  17. He means you can, but production will be very expensive.
  18. Very nice first Patch. Thank You. Highlights -land in battles preparation -better and more detailed rewards and achievements in battles -enable Render Decorators function
  19. Make him permanent Pirate with no xp or gold (Wipe everything his account got). Give him no other option in new player creation menu for 3 months. You must use no mercy with this case. Else you will see more people abusing it. Do not ban him from the game, but make him slave for XP again as Pirate.
  20. East Coast 11pm. About 290 was the lowest I have seen in few days. Not sure what is the max number during prime time. I think in total we lost a good 1000 players (who are waiting for patch) compared to release. Just my observation.
  21. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10571-1st-big-content-patch-information/page-1 http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10386-production-buildings-discussions/
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