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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Good idea, but first of all we don't know anything about Forts. We do know Forts are in development and they can change and balance battles with even 15+ first rates. If Nation is Defending and has Fort guns and walls maxed out, Fleet of 3rds with Fort can Crush 15+ 1st rates in enemy fleet. We shall wait and see how Forts will effect balance, but if they won't do much then your approach will be the best option. Mortar brigs will be 1st Rate killers. (Devs). Let's wait for more info on this too.
  2. Ned Loe

    Premium Ships

    When can this be possible? I really want to fund these two: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3292-hms-mordaunt-1681-british-4th-rate-with-plans/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7883-vanguard-british-3rd-rate-1787-with-plans/?hl=vanguard
  3. Fresh Windows reinstall would be the easiest fix, so drivers are not messed up and default. Can try this:
  4. Some people requested performance specs for this laptop Acer Predator G9-791-735A Gaming Laptop Intel Core i7 6700HQ (2.60-3.2 GHz) Skylake 16 GB DDR4 1 TB HDD 7200 rpm 128 GB SSD NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M 3 GB DDR5 17.3" IPS FHD 1920 x 1080 HD Webcam Windows 10 Home 64-Bit http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315185&cm_re=acer_predator-_-34-315-185-_-Product ------------------------------------------- My NA preset: Everything Ultra Water - High AA - Off FXAA - On Full HD Screen on Predator makes NA look amazing. FPS: OS - 50-60 Skylake Intel CPU makes it a smooth and enjoyable gameplay. Battle - NPC Fleets 60 and up. Amazing cooling system keeps this beast cold, I had 2 games running. One was Division the other was NA, yes it can handle 2 open games, Photoshop and Maya with not a single glitch. My room is cool so I get these temps: CPU temps 68 System 65 Ordered cooling pad, so it will be even colder and faster. The colder you will get your laptop the better it will perform. It also has reversed air flow to clean dust from your system and comes with side cooler. You simply pull out hard drive and insert cooler in the same slot. Laptop comes with build it sub woofer and awesome surround HD sound. No complains, will buy again in future. If you have extra $600 you can get 980m with 30% performance boost. Honestly $600 for 30% is too much. You can also wait until Fall and get new AMD Zen systems that will put Intel back where it belongs.
  5. Ned Loe

    Premium Ships

    Please don't call them Premium ships, call them Premium ship Skins. This means these ships will be same or weaker compared to those in game. I can confirm devs said Kickstarter packs with multiple new ship skins will be available in near future. This means you will simply select your favorite ship and start funding it's development. Once set amount is collected ship will go into Game Production. Devs must comment on more details.
  6. Great find indeed. I can't recall anything like this in POtbs. Are you talking about this? http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5758-hercules-danish-heavy-frigate-38-guns1719-with-plans/?hl=hercules
  7. Please visit our History Forum http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4498-recommended-reading-for-new-captains/
  8. I got this one, New Acer Predator Line. Awesome machine. Quality Built with cheaper Price tag compared to all other Brands. Stays very cool while gaming and outperforms Asus, MSI with same hardware -$300 cheaper tag. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315185&cm_re=acer_predator-_-34-315-185-_-Product
  9. Read what I proposed. It touches this issue, but still brings content.
  10. Training Duels and Tournaments. Add these: Can't loose ship in any Training Duel. (Only in Tournaments). Training duels are same nation fights with no risk or reward. Call them 'Training duels' because they are meant to train players and prepare them for PvP and Port Battles. -------------------------------- Warning! Allowing other nations to fight these Duels will make a significant impact on OS PvP! So, make sure to restrict duels and assign them to same Nation Only. Unless, you want to keep everyone in Ports and make OS empty. --------------------------------- This means players from same nation can fight (train) endless times without loosing ships. Once per week Devs will open tournament doors and allow Nation vs Nation duels with rewards. 2 Types of Training Duels: Same BR 1vs1 (only 1vs1) Multiple BR Duels (1vs1 any ship ,2vs2+ up to PB size any ship) No rewards, no xp. This should be Potbs skirm type training Duel for same nation players. (Training duels) Introduce tournaments every Week within the same system, but lock it for Nation vs Nation after 1 day Event. Add tournament rewards Add tournament XP Add tournament points that can be exchanged for something unique. (To promote participation) To balance 1st rates and other ship population add the following: 4 Tournament Battle types (ships can be lost) Small ship Tournament (Reward x5) Medium Ship Tournament (Reward x10) Huge Ship Tournament (Reward x20) Line Ship Tournament (Reward x30) How to get into the tournament and be qualified? Have 10 kills in Training Duel (same nation, no ship loss) before Tournament doors are open. Introduce Tournament Leader boards This should include tab for Tournament data Tab for Os PvP Conclusion Add Training Duels for same nations with no XP, rewards or Ship loss. These will prepare players for Weekend Tournaments. Include 4 types of tournaments to Balance ship population once per week for 24 hour period, but should reward gold and xp for participation if killed. Tournaments once per week will be risky and will cause ship loss if killed in a duel. Tournament should reward players with xp, gold and Tournament Points that can be exchanged for cool items. Leaderboards will show leaders and their data. If found interesting feel free to develop this further.
  11. Good fight guys. 3rd rate made it safe to nearest US port.
  12. I think admin mentioned Spyglass. I think it would be awesome to have one on the OS. The only thing, it should be added with custom Flags system. Player should be able to spot another player and recognize him by his Flag. Spyglass can also help with spotting ships around missions before starting them.
  13. Land in battles will be interesting for sure.
  14. This post reminded me of my childhood days. Sandbox and toys.
  15. Surrender should be restricted with armor less than 3/4 and or sinking in progress. Simple mechanics abuse.
  16. Flags kill FPS. I heard developers want to remove flags from Ports. So, I am not sure if ship flags will even be present on OS. I would add them as an option. Want flags - Enable, Don't - Disable.
  17. You don't have to play both games. Come back when you are done with dark souls, NA is still in Alpha anyway.
  18. Dev post for those who are thinking when is the next big update: for the next hot fix we are going to do 2 changes 1) Slightly reduce the crew requirements for sailing for all vessels from Cerberus and higher. 2) Slightly lower crew number per gun for heavy guns The separation of yards from sails requirements will be done in the next content patch (ETA 10-15th april The ability to lock right or left decks from reloading will also be done in the next content patch (ETA 10-15th april) Now give me some Rum!
  19. Essex and Niagara are released and can be crafted. More ships will probably be here April 10-15 when big content patch is released.
  20. Ship customization is on dev list I believe. When will this be introduced remains a mystery. This can include Figureheads, Hull paint, Sail colors, Flags, Banners etc..
  21. Previous dev post suggested extra repair for every kill you get. Based on this I can suggest following. What do you think about this system? Up to 24 repairs in Battle (because we can carry 24, so why can't we use them?) 1st repair stays the same (currently used) repairs x amount of armor/sails. after 1st repair is used timer starts - 10 mins (or any preset value) 2nd repair % calculated by damage dealt (let's say in order to get better use of your repair player has to do more damage). Bonuses should be applied for Crew, Sails, fires...etc Example values 100 damage = .5% in next repair on small ship (set desired value) 100 damage = .4% medium ship 100 damage = .3% large ship 100 damage = .2% line ship 100 damage = .1% on huge line ship This is how it will work: So, I used 1st repair and it repaired (X%) of my ship armor/sails, timer started and I have 10 minutes to collect damage that will be converted into repair % on my next repair. A) I do enough damage and enable repair kit, after that all my damage is contributed towards my repair kit % repaired. B I did just enough damage to enable repair kit, but don't have any extra repair %. I still get minimum repair and try to collect more damage on my next Repair cycle. C I did not do enough damage to enable repair kit. I have to wait another 10 minutes and try to get more damage. What this means is if you want to get a good repair you have to fight. Please discuss.
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