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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Looks like Port reset will happen soon. How many points each team gets? How will you balance points per side to be equal to another side?
  2. Many times I would send out an invite to new players, but when they log in they never get an invite message. So, to me it looks like the Clan invite system requires two parties to be online in order to receive an invitation and makes Clan invite tool somewhat useless. I have people want to join clan. but we can never meet at the same time. This means I will not be able to add them, or I will if I get lucky with time. Is it possible to make system send out a pending invitation until player logs in? Something like Potbs had. Once you log in you get a message. I don't think it can be difficult to code. Thanks.
  3. (main rework will come with the politics patch) This is the foundation for what is coming. So, 4 weeks of slow conquest will not hurt anyone.
  4. Many people suggested this already and I did as well. I think we will see change when UI work will start - End of Summer if I recall correctly.
  5. Currently, (cargo)weight doesn't effect ships default weight in Naval Action, but it should. So, we can't do much calculations here and only use what we have. I can go in deep research on this and provide you some interesting sailing performance effects on 2 same size ships, but one of them will be loaded with provisions cargo. Once you get the data from these 2 you can, move it to 3 rigged (more heavier ships). More sails = more acceleration, more weight = wider turn arc. Also, wind angle effects turn and in some cases will make it longer and wider. Ex. if ship is turning and wind blowing from the side, it will push you towards opposite side of turn arc and make your turn time x2 or more longer. I can draw some pictures to show what I am talking about. This is just how I see weight, more sails, wind effects on ship performance. You don't have to be Einstein to figure this out, but you need lots of data/testing to provide clear feedback on performance differences. Make 4 small ship models same weight that can remotely turn or just buy some cheap ones. Load extra weight on the top when testing weight and place camera for top view. Transfer all this to pc and draw arcs and record time.
  6. Developers please add a simple group search tool to NA. Player Name: XXXX Group type: PvP, Fleets, Missions, Escort etc.. Rank Requirement: XXXX to XXXX Location: XXXX Ship: XXXX Such tool will help new players as well as players who try to do group pvp and other activities on OS. Example: Player set up an announcement for PvP group search. He went afk, other players see it and will be able to auto join by clicking the button if they meet the requirements set by the group leader. Discuss.
  7. Please stay on topic. Suggest ideas and improvements to proposed ideas. Thanks.
  8. I posted just a rough example, I will get into correct numbers after testing. In battle speed might be slightly different from what it shows in stats.
  9. Ah, finally some more info on this beautiful ship. Original Post http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4124-spanish-4th-rate-50-guns-with-plans/
  10. Few suggestions like this were posted in the past, I think it would be a nice addition to the game.
  11. I think Crew ships were real and could resupply fleets. The thing is there will be limited source of sailors. Using alt to move crew to your 50% ship is not a big deal or is it? And by surrendering you loose dura and teleport to port anyway, I could be wrong.
  12. Exactly, maybe devs can add an option trade crew on the OS while in the group? For example 6 guys in the group, 1 with only 50% crew. 5 other members can send small % of their crew to the guy who needs help to balance whole fleet population and operate whole 6 ships at 90%.
  13. That is true, but with 11.87 base sailing speed (with guns) and random wood type, no speed built, With guns speed will drop to about 10.5 ish? This is what almost every trader sailing today. 11.87 + fir(+5%) + gold speed built quality(+X%) + no guns(+0%) + speed mods(+X%)------(I pick this one ) I bet it can hit 13+. Let's calculate 11.87 + Fir(5%) + Speed Trim (2.5%) + Copper (2.5%) + Speed built quality gold (let's say 2.5%)=13.39+ pure speed (no guns) while Renom with guns will have hard time to catch up unless he is using 6lbs. You still want to trade 10.5+ for 13.39+?
  14. Not all 100%, 50% would be enough. Due to defeat and morale loss, some crew will join other side.
  15. I would add clan logo(flag) and Clan Info window when clicked. +1
  16. Half of the players can't read and imagine things from their heads and quickly post here and cry about something that doesn't even exist. I can't find words for this, can someone help me? How about place a question and get an answer thing?
  17. Then you have to go to a further out port possibly traveling in head wind and avoiding crazy huge shallow regions only to restock crew. Please re read dev post, you don't loose crew after battle, only when you loose your last dura. It doesn't change anything. Only effects brand new ship that recently got built and needs crew or last dura ship that sunk and all the crew with it. I might be wrong , but devs also said you can board ships to replenish crew numbers and store them in barracks if you have extra. Why starting this public cry? When you got no idea what devs talking about. You lose crew when you lose the ship (all durabilities) <--- last dura You lose crew completely even if did not lose durabilities if you explode <--- explosion only
  18. You don't loose crew if you have dura and you got killed. You do loose crew and last dura + teleport to nearest friendly port. Please read more carefully.
  19. Guns won't save you end of story. 1vs1 maybe if player is a nub, but not vs 2 gankers. They will camp your stern to death. Everyone can try different mix of things. My style is - speed and wind engles.
  20. Trader’s Survival Guide This guide will help you survive ‘ganks’ or other unpleasant surprises on the Open Ocean in Naval Action. Here I will share my knowledge that I have collected over the years from other naval games and will try to help you become the master of the seas. Ship Selecting your trading ship will be your first step. I prefer Fir Wood +5% speed, speed and crew built. Pick any size you want starting from the smallest to the largest based on what you are hauling. Smallest size ship will guarantee you safety almost in 99% encounters. Ship setup: Remove guns, you won’t need them, if you are ‘ganked’ guns won’t help you, all what can save you are: speed and defensive/ offensive boarding mods. Install as many speed mods as you can and don’t forget extra sail HP mod! Hamocks can be another good upgrade to be able to defend in boarding. So, your ship is set up and you are ready to sail. Awareness Sailing is simple you set sail and go from point A to point B. Wrong! Sailing requires route planning and awareness. You must know what is happening around you. Open map (M) and examine enemy ports and start thinking how you are going to make a trip. Most Traders don’t realize one simple mistake, sailing next to the land or coast is a death wish. Skilled sailors will sail away from land, but will slightly keep it in the view for orientation purposes. Such strategy gives Traders more flexibility when sails spotted on the horizon. Gankers are lazy and usually stay next to ports or coast/islands and prey on easy targets. Very small % actually goes hunting into a deep ocean. Why? Chance of finding targets is almost 0 and that is why you have to be there to survive your journeys. What to do if you spotted enemy sail and he is sailing at you? (Free Camera Feature Removed from the Game) First thing first, turn around and double check it is enemy ship. This can be done by pressing Home button x2 times and using scroll mouse wheel +WASD keys to move and increase free camera movement. Fly to the target and check what ship is it. Once you know for sure keep sailing away and test his patience. In most cases they will give up or if you are lucky you will lose him during the night or fog/rain. Never sail directly at unknown enemy ship and always try to sail around it keeping safe distance. To help you spot ships more easily use this trick – zoom in camera all the way in on your ship deck. This will place you closer to the horizon and you will be able to spot ships before they even see you. Trust me it works. How to enter ports with heavy enemy presence? First of all, before entering new port make sure you get intel on who is active around this area. Simply, park your ship a good distance away from port and use free camera mentioned above to go check the area. See who is entering and exiting port, spend some time investigating. Darkness is your friend, use it to enter ports with heavy enemy presence undetected. Try to sail next to npcs, in case you need to escape you can make desired tag and run away if you are lucky. Other than that it’s a 50/50 chance you take when entering unknown waters. Remember, always turn around and get your best angle before you get tagged! Always report enemy location to your nation chat! Your National Fleet will be dispatched to that area. PvP players need that information all the time. Conclusion, Traders are very valuable to this game. Becoming a master of the seas will require time and knowledge. Practice evading maneuvers and navigation skills will help you become one of the greatest sailors of all time. Good luck! Please share your tips and tricks. Revision 1.0
  21. Ross L. Lamoreaux Most of the hammocks from the CW period were made of canvas or hemp canvas according to the navy specifications. I have found no references to net-type hammocks for the military, but that's not to say there weren't any (I just haven't seen them). I'm not near my reference books, but I'll post the sizes of the two I've examined, as they are pretty similiar. There are references from period journals and diaries of some of them being made on board ship, which bodes with the practice of both navies to make equipment and clothing on board out of material paid for with ships funds or commutation money. This was an activity that I remember well some folks doing at the grand opening of the CW Naval Museum in Columbus. They really aren't too difficult to make with a little practice, as there are only two types of stitches visable in the originals that I viewed - the whip stitch and grommet stitch (the wrap around kind, not the buttonhole kind). They were made from a single piece of cotton duck or hemp canvas folded over on each end for the reinforcement of the grommets, and the grommets were corded for strength. I've seen several quality reproductions that were produced with small metal washers used to reinforce the grommets, which does indeed add strength but isn't necessarily period (a good tight stitching around the opening of the hole will cover them up well. Canvas made http://www.seasidehammocks.com/Naval+Hammock-sp36.html Cotton made <--- http://www.hmsrichmond.org/hamock.htm
  22. You need 2 Steam accounts and 2 game copies.
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