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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. If developers want to be successful they must create environment where players operate on their own and don't rely on other players and their availability. No one has time to sail for 1-2 hours with every trader in the game and why would you take other people away from pvp just to help and protect traders? This is not logical. NPCs can take care of that and provide more protection and entertainment in gank situations for both parties. Such Escorts must only be attachable to solo or grouped Trader ships. This means - Traders should be able to hire stronger ships and combine them if they sail in the group. There is also must be a rule concerning attack vs traders. Anyone who attacks trader alone or in a group will not be able to spawn their fleets in that battle vs trader while trader ships can. (This rule is for Players in Trader ships only). Close harbors are risk free in 90% of cases and require little to no escort. We are talking people who sail long distances, we also look at what is happening in general and not single cases.
  2. Naval Action is home for many hardcore traders who sail long distances in order to make hard earned coin. I have a big respect for those people and I would like to suggest NPC Fleets/Escorts to make their journeys safer from ganks or other threats. With Fleets making it's way back to NA I think devs must give Traders some love and protect them. Here is an example of how NA is loosing players in easy way and doesn't realize it - Player spends 1 hour sailing to load his ship with goods and another hour to bring it back to his destination, but right before he reaches his destination port he gets attacked by 2 players and they take his ship and all his cargo. Problem - 2 hours lost, money, cargo lost and most importantly the reason/will to go back and try again vanishes. Player loosing his interest because he knows he is an easy prey and wasting 2 hours on nothing is not his thing. -1 Player for NA. Bad review etc.. Now. On the other hand, if traders will be able to hire Fleet/Escort they will be able to fight or maybe have time to escape. These NPCs will give traders new hope. This will result in more fun battles when 2 players jumped a solo Player. In the end, traders can hire Fleets/Escorts based on the amount they want to invest and loose when ganked, but such investment can result in safe cargo shipments and fun gameplay.
  3. So, maybe you need to build and outpost closer to your favorite pvp zone. Taking captured prize back home is required and you will have repairs and crew to fight on your way back home.
  4. Key West is N1 pvp spot. Who will be crazy enough to haul through those waters?
  5. Domox. Could you please create a video tutorial on how to create ship hull in Maya. Something simple, maybe a frigate hull. I have searched you tube and there are no detailed tutorials on ship Hull in Maya. I would really appreciate it. I know a lot of people have hard time starting with hull and your video tutorial could help many beginners. Wind.
  6. How much cash do I need to send you guys, so you can add treasures and loot to the game?
  7. Lower Gun Deck 28 French 36-Pounder Middle Gun Deck 30 French 18-Pounder Upper Gun Deck 26 French 12-Pounder Quarterdeck/Forecastle 12 French 6-Pounder I love combination of 12/18lbs + 36 lbs. They create heavy punch with decent reload on 18/12 lbs. decks. This means DPS until 30lb guns loaded and punch! DPS and repeat...
  8. Incredible paint job with those straight lines. I always was a big fan of Vanguard, but when I saw Foudroyant, it became the dream to sail it in the game. I think it looks better than Pavel and would definitely be my most used ship in NA.
  9. Hosting site deleted uploaded images. Always choose the good one.
  10. Wood is wood. Oak is oak. Hull shape and design can increase handling, but not necessarily penetration. We need to talk artillery. I can put 18 century cannons on 16 century hull and it will stay afloat and do the same damage as 18 century ships. You know what I mean? We also have to take into consideration build quality. We can assume that 18 century ship was build with with different wood quality and craftsmanship. Sometimes Older ships could last longer and were heavier, means more armor (heavy wood), but very slow.
  11. Here is one http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4685-l-ambitieux-french-2nd-rate-1680-with-plans/ here is two http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14692-foudroyant-80-gun-3rd-rate-1798-with-plans/
  12. I doubt L'Egyptine would do much harm with its tiny deck of: 28 × 24-pounder guns 12 × 8-pounder guns Constitution would put a nice fight in close combat ,but it's not a match for a 2nd rate ship. If Captained correctly, 2nd rate 80 Gun ship can cause very heavy damage to both ships that you proposed. If you read history Constitution was only fighting frigates with much smaller guns and gun count. --------------------------------------- L Ambiteux
  13. Definitely. It should look like this: Friend List +Your Nation -Player Name [Rank Number] [Active/Offline marker] -Player Name [2] [A] -Player Name [5] [O] -Player Name [3] [A] +Pirates -Player Name [4] [A] -Player Name [4] [A] -Player Name [6] [O] -Player Name [3] [A] +France -Player Name [2] [A] -Player Name [6] [O] -Player Name [6] [A] -Player Name [2] [A] etc..
  14. Not sure if anyone already had this idea, but I would like to suggest Medals as rewards. Players should be earning Medals as they progress, fight and spend time in Naval Action. These medals can be designed for each category: -Rank medals -Get X amount of PvP / PvE kills. (Action Medals) -Time spent on OS. (Explorer/Navigator Medals) -Port Battle (Wins, visits etc..) medals -Fishing achievement medals -Trader achievement medals -Ship builder achievement medals etc... Feel free to add more ideas! I already suggested a display where players could place their Medals and show to others their Naval Action rewards. This combined with leaderboards will make Naval Action a unique masterpiece. Here is an example: Here are some medals that I found in the museum: In the end, imagine earning new rank and receiving a letter! You open it and you get the message with a gold medal saying Congratulations Captain your duties are recognized! Thank you and here is your Medal. Unfortunately now we do not get rewarded for our duties or ranks. I really hope developers will add this to Naval Action and let their Captains know Admiralty cares.
  15. Negative. Looks similar, but way shorter and less guns on Vanguard This is Caesar 1793, sister ship of Foudroyant.
  16. 'Foudroyant' HMS Foudroyant was an 80-gun third rate of the Royal Navy, one of only two British-built 80-gun ships of the period (the other was HMS Caesar (1793). Foudroyant was built in the dockyard at Plymouth Dock (a.k.a. Devonport) and launched on 31 March 1798. Foudroyant served Nelson as his flagship from 6 June 1799 until the end of June 1801. Foudroyant had a long and successful career, and although she was not involved in any major fleet action, she did provide invaluable service to numerous admirals throughout her 17 years on active service. In her last years she became a training vessel for boys. Plans Design Her designer was Sir John Henslow. She was named after the 80-gun Foudroyant, which Swiftsure and Monmouth, both 70-gun ships, and Hampton Court (64 guns), had captured from the French on 28 February 1758. Foudroyant was a one-off design. She followed French practice of favoring large two-decked, third rates mounting 80 guns rather than the typical British preference for building three-decked second-rate ships mounting 98 guns. The two ship types, despite the difference in absolute gun numbers, had similar gun power but the British thought the second rate had a more imposing appearance and some advantages in battle, while they considered the 80 gun ship as usually faster and less 'leewardly'. Career: 12th October 1798: Fought at the Battle of Tory Island which was commanded by Commodore John Warren, during which the French 74 Hoche (renamed Donegal), and the frigates Bellone (renamed Proserpine), Embuscade and Coquille, were captured. (Capt. Thomas Byard) June 1799: Arrived at Palermo, where Nelson took her as his flagship. (Capt. Thomas Hardy) Nov 1799 - Feb 1800: At the blockade of Malta. (Capt. Edward Berry) Feb 1800: Captured the Généreux (Capt. Edward Berry) March 1800: Captured the Guillaume Tell (Capt. Edward Berry). The Guillaume Tell and Généreux were the only two remaining ships from the Battle of the Nile, and Nelson was delighted to have caught them. 1801: Assisted with the British landing at Egypt under Admiral Lord Keith. (Capt. Philip Beaver) 13th March 1806: With the London and Amazon, captured the French Marengo(74) and La Belle Poule(40). (Capt. John Chambers White) November 1807: Part of the blockade of the Tagus (Capt. Norborne Thompson). 1808: Rear-Admiral William Sidney Smith's flagship in the South American Station. 1812: Returned to England. 1820: Became a guardship at Plymouth. 1861: Became a training ship. 1892: She was sold to be exhibited at seaside resorts, but she became grounded and wrecked at Blackpool. But, aside from Victory, she was the only other of Nelson's ships to survive long enough to be photographed. Nelson's flagship as Rear-Admiral from June 1799 - July 1800 whilst he was in Palermo, although sometimes he just had his flag raised in her whilst he was ashore. It was aboard her that the Neapolitan Admiral was controversially tried and sentenced to death, and it is likely that Nelson and Emma Hamilton's daughter, Horatia, was conceived on board when Nelson took the Hamiltons to Malta in late April or early May 1800.
  17. You can find vote results here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14663-restrict-high-rank-vs-low-rank-on-pvp-server-seal-clubbing/#entry272053 Clearly no one cares about Players attacking low levels.
  18. Vote showed it's results. Sorry new guys you simply have to deal with it.
  19. There is always a way. We need this bad. If you let players know where is the action you will boost pvp and also make players fight. Do not record active fights, record finished battles. 1. Zone A - Start collecting information after each player kills an NPC/Player, but do not send it to the client yet. After 10 minutes send report. Do not include players who are still fighting, only report battles that are over. - 5 minutes is enough to vanish into your vast ocean. - Do not put zones or circles! Use swords as center point of all battles sent. This means somewhere in this zone was Acton 10 minutes ago. - When player moves mouse over swords display info about: Amount of players, kills they did, gold taken and approximate zone range. It should look like this: Swords. Local fishermen report sightings of smoke in the distance. Report expires in 30 mins. (Report will be removed after timer is up). 10 Players. 23 NPC Kills. 3 PvP Kills. Gold Taken 267000 Approximate Zone Range: 10mi. This means, you will have reports every 10 minutes and will erase reports every 30 minutes or any timer you preset. Also, anyone is using an app called Waze? https://www.waze.com/ In this app/map people send reports and confirm what other people reported, if it's a faulty report, other people's reports remove event Icon. Same thing can be implemented here, but every report should cost gold or something.
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