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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Ned Loe

    Mac Freezes

    Set graphic settings to low and turn off AA.
  2. Go to Esc - Settings -Graphics and set all to Low and start from there , make sure AA is off.
  3. Here is a large collection of early 50 gun frigates and 4th Rate ships. I will be adding more plans soon! Enjoy.
  4. Nerfing mods will kill shipreck hunts. Keep it as it is, 80% of player don't even have good mods in NA. So, whatever they find is theirs to use in pvp.
  5. экипаж покупается из главного лобби в кнопке "manage crew" если его можно докупить то пишется текст hire crew
  6. We don't know anything yet and our discussion has no firm foundation. Let's wait and see what they bring us and then try to balance it.
  7. Thanks. Do you think her plans survived? btw, someone fix wiki
  8. Malachi please help us find info regarding this French Frigate 54 guns for 1696 Frigate is interesting. I have a feeling it's a 2 decker mini lineship. Battle of Dogger Bank (1696) Maure, frigate, 54 cannons, flagship of captain Jean Bart: 15 killed, 16 wounded. Need more info on French ship. (This is very interesting frigate with some nice battle history). Worth researching. Battle of the Lizard http://3decks.pbworks.com/w/page/913092/Battle%20of%20the%20Lizard ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name mentioned here, but could be a British ship: https://books.google.com/books?id=Y35nAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA513&lpg=PA513&dq=Maure+54+ship&source=bl&ots=YBqHDaRBAw&sig=nJow7WnKtcCg3obLjWAqRxj58zs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjnMzsqcvNAhUGoD4KHRMhD5cQ6AEIOjAE#v=onepage&q=Maure%2054%20ship&f=false Disaster of the Portugal Convoy
  9. I see. What guns do you think she was carrying? 18lbs +9lbs?
  10. Thank you for this information. I also found that this ship took part in Battle of Texel and was capped by Maure. Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Texel_(1694) Also, it would be nice to find it's armament size. It says it carried 58 guns during the battle and was a Flagship. It could mean 4 more guns were added on topdeck per side. -------------------------------- Battle of Dogger Bank (1696) Maure, frigate, 54 cannons, flagship of captain Jean Bart: 15 killed, 16 wounded. Need more info on French ship. (This is very interesting frigate with some nice battle history). Worth researching.
  11. 'Prins Friso' History The ship of the line 'Prins Friso' carried 50 guns. Length 144 foot, breadth 42 foot, depth in hold 14,5 foot (all amsterdamse voet). The ship was build from 1728 to 1730 on the Admirality shipyard in Harlingen. The construction was pre-aproved by the Admirality of Amsterdam, due to the wish to consult the English shipwright Thomas Davis regarding construction. The wood needed was bought and fabricated in Amsterdam and then transported to Friesland. Characteristics Dutch Republic Operator Admiralty of Friesland Launched 1730 How acquired Purpose Build Shipyard Harlingen Navy Yard Constructor Thomas Davis Category Fourth Rate Rate Fourth Charter (Dutch rating) Ship Type Ship of the Line Guns 50 Note. Ship was already mentioned on this forum, but never in details.
  12. I can't stress this issue enough. We need reward system and loot. People feel they waste time and will eventually leave the game if Developers do not reward their actions.
  13. Admin said it will take long time to raise hostility to 100%. This means it could take 48 hours and will allow 2 time zones to participate. Even if they stage fleets it won't be enough.
  14. Made corrections. Old post was deleted, so I wanted to make the dedicated thread for her and provide good quality plans.
  15. I like it, but I have a feeling it will end up like Niagara if added to NA.
  16. 'Rayo' The Rayo was an 80-gun ship of the line of the Spanish Navy. As was traditional for Spanish ships not named after a saint, its second, dedicatory name was San Pedro Apóstol. It fought at Trafalgar and was dismasted as a result of damage sustained in the battle. When she sortied after Trafalgar in order to recover prizes, the warship was captured by HMS Donegal. Subsequently, she ran aground and was wrecked in a storm. Her broken hull was set ablaze and destroyed by British sailors on 31 October. Characteristics Class and type: 80-gun Rayo-class ship of the line Tons burthen: 1,750 bm Length: 55 m Beam: 15,80 m Draught: 8,68 m Sail plan: Full-rigged ship Complement: 80 guns, 1752: 453 men 100 guns, at Trafalgar: 812 men Armament: As a 80 gun ship (1751) 30 × 24-pounder guns 32 × 18-pounder guns 18 × 8-pounder guns 2 × 3-pounder guns As a 100 gun ship (1803) 1805 - 100 guns Lower Gun Deck - 30x Spanish 36-Pounder Upper Gun Deck - 32x Spanish 18-Pounder Spardeck- 32x Spanish 8-Pounder Roundhouse - 6x Spanish 18-Pound Carronades Plans Bonus. Identify these ships. HD Plans.
  17. Why are you guessing? Did you actually test it yet to tell what nation will do and won't do. You will be able to provide feedback very soon.
  18. It won't because I am sure there will be a limit on how many zones you can have. Let's just wait and test it. Balance will be found eventually.
  19. They confirmed it on russian forum it will be here this week.
  20. I couldn't find any plans there. Can someone compare her to Constitution? What are the differences.
  21. Making them carry light armor will be a smart move. In my opinion they should be compared to Destroyers with very light armor and should be allowed in all Port battles. Developer made Niagara useless ship, but it can be easily fixed by reducing it's armor almost in half compared to Mercury, but keeping the gundeck. This means it can provide nice punch at close ranges, but will be easily destroyed if remained at close ranges for a long time. Devs wake up!
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