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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Sounds good. Fresh start for all. You are a tester, you spent months helping Devs create a game for all the players out there. I have tons of gold ships and I don't care if they get deleted. I love this game and I can build new ships with all the players after release.
  2. Total wipe includes all ships, blueprints and all materials?
  3. Hmm , never had any issues with them.
  4. You can't really mess up a case. Break a plastic panel yeah, but the rest is all metal frame. In case you will modify it in future this should be your first stop: http://www.frozencpu.com/
  5. Can't build a Rig without modifying a case. Take a look here: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?288278-Build-Log-Haemato-(working-title)-NZXT-switch-810
  6. Take a look here: http://www.navalactioncraft.com/craft-module/barricades
  7. Why not add a sailor floating on a wooden plank right in the middle of the open Ocean? Random spawn locations help you get rewarded for sailing long distances. Survived sailor's ship was under attack and got destroyed. He was drifting for a week and he is able to provide useful information as a Thanks for saving him. Process 1. Click on floating debris with a sailor on it. 2. Read a note. Dear Captain (Name) (text) blla bla bla blla bla bla blla bla bla blla bla bla blla bla bla.... thanks for saving me. I know some useful information that can help you find Please select the following: -A. Treasure -B Shipwreck -C Treasure Fleet 3. Select what information you want to know. (Only one info can be selected) 4. Start your Adventure! More content is more health for this game.
  8. Well it did teleport me to a free port with whole coast of other national ports. On 1 dura ship yes. You will feel it in the next patch. It's not that bad if you have duras left.
  9. After you get killed in action, please teleport us to our closest outpost. Teleporting us to the nearest free port is just silly. (this will effect 1 dura ships the most) 1. Forces you to build an outpost in order to teleport. (Money+Time wasted for nothing) 2. Forces you to use teleport to capital feature. (Waste of useful teleport that can be used for other things) 3. Forces you to look for other alternatives in order to get back to your outpost. (time wasted looking for a trader to hit) 4. Tons of time wasted while we could already refit in our outpost and go back to action. P.S. why players always have to remove guns before selling 0 gold ship? (time wasted) This needs fixing asap. Thanks.
  10. Hey all. I was thinking why not split ship storage in Towns into 3 sections. -Public -Shipyard -Trading Company Public will work the same way as it works now. You can store any ships there. You should be able to pay for slot expansion. Shipyard storage is little different. Here you will auto store freshly built ships. Shipyard storage only holds ships that were recently built. Once you move ship to Public storage, you can't move it back to Shipyard. This means all ships that you click go to Shipyard storage first. Shipyard storage should hold 6 new built ships. From Shipyard storage players should be able to have options such as: List Sell (to NPC) Breakdown into materials Move to Public docks and so on... Trading Company Players who engaged in trading can join Trading Company Club. Such club membership can open doors to trader ship storage, trading tools, prices etc... Membership fee should be a one time fixed charge.
  11. Based on my research it can last up to 3 months. All depends on how quickly you recover. A fusion is like a broken bone trying to heal. ... If bony fusion does not occur, eventual failure of the implants can occur, sometimes leading to breaks, pullouts, and chronic pain. A patient may experience recurrent pain many years after a spine fusion surgery. If it won't stop after 3 months I would contact your surgeon. Also, make sure you supply your body with all needed vitamins to speed up recovery. ---------------------------------------------------------- http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/fast-surgery-recovery/ In addition to your normal multivitamin-mineral supplement regimen, you also need to make sure you are taking certain vitamins at least a couple of weeks before and two to three months after surgery. Research studies have shown that taking as little as 250 mg a day of vitamin C after surgery cuts the healing time in half. I recommend you start taking the following supplements at least two weeks prior to the surgery: additional vitamin C (1,000 mg to 2,500 mg), bioflavanoids (1,000 mg), zinc (50 mg), vitamin E in the form of wheat germ oil capsules (50 mg), and a good B-complex (that contains at least 50 mg of pantothenic acid). Also remember that zinc can become toxic if not taken with vitamin A as well as vitamin C, so it would be best to include 20,000 to 25,000 IU of vitamin A daily. Wheat germ oil can also help in the healing of any scars immediately after surgery when applied directly to the scar area. (Simply puncture the wheat germ oil capsule and squeeze onto the area.) P.S. get you medical weed prescription ready.
  12. What do you mean regenerate? Buy med kit or hire more crew in ports.
  13. One you max out your Rank, Redeemable XP from your built ships goes to waste. Not Fun.
  14. Ned Loe

    New Patch Hype

    Ok time to put on my clown outfit and go for a walk.
  15. Ned Loe

    New Patch Hype

    Naval Action players spotted outside Game Labs Studio walls waiting for next patch arrival. It is still unclear when Game Labs will release the patch , but many already spending days on fresh air away from their desktops. Meme time!
  16. That's understandable. Will 5 teak 1st rates turn faster than 5 live oak? If they do, then Teak has better chance to do critical hits on live oak ones. Here are the tactics where more maneuverable group will smack any heavier slow turn group.
  17. Live oak is horrible on 1-2nd if you like maneuvering. Yes it's tanky, but turn rate is bad. If you doing line fights it's acceptable. It could be just me, but that speed penalty/reduction when turning is not my thing.
  18. I had to post 2 sets of 3. 1. Ship sinking and destruction are too simple. Ships should have larger sinking animation variety. Also, there should be floating debris after ship is sunk. (Floating broken masts, planks) Add timer so it will vanish after ship wreck sunk. If ship exploaded have debris on fire floating around for a short time. example: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pirates/images/3/33/CotBPPrincessMerchantVessel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120925040344 2. Poor variety of loot. It's so much not fun to end the battle and get a grey mod. Where is Junk loot (rings, goblets, necklaces,,,)? Make leveling fun and rewarding. Make game more interesting. 3. It's not fun to sail through the storm and not feel heavy thunder, lightning and wind on your ship. (Add torn sails look after/during storm sailing). Also, It would be awesome if we could see distant storm clouds with lightnings moving closer and closer. 4. Chasing NPCs and waiting for them to sink. It would be nice if you could speed up sinking speed on NPC ships only. 5. I can't see if that ship is fishing Captain. Add an icon or net around/behind ships who use fishing button. 6. Same boring wind sound. Add more wind sound variety such as howling, whistle, breeze etc...
  19. Teak+Build Strength. Teak is the best all around wood.
  20. Wood hardness in real world. The Janka test measures the force required to embed a 11.28 millimeter (0.444 inch) steel ball into wood to half its diameter. This method was chosen so that the result would leave an indention 100 square millimeters in size. It is one of the best measures of the ability of a wood species to withstand denting and wear. It is also a good indicator of how hard a species is to saw or nail. Devs take note.
  21. 2 new wood types confirmed in new patch. All wood characteristics will be updated soon. -Bermuda Cedar -Mahogany Bermuda Cedar Juniperus Bermudiana is the generic name of the variety of cedar tree indigenous to Bermuda which was growing most abundantly on the islands of Bermuda when they were discovered in the 14th century. Early settlers and their descendants thereafter used cedar to construct everything (cedar cradle to cedar coffin and everything in between). Bermuda Cedar was even exported to England for ship building. The exotic perfume aroma of the wood is heavier and more complex than its North American cousins. In 1944, the oyster shell scale and the juniper scale, two parasites, attacked the cedars and within ten years, 90% of the original cedars were dead (about three and a half million trees based on a density of 300 trees an acre growing on Bermuda's 13,000 acres). During the 1950s as many as 75,000 dead cedars were cut down and the wood stockpiled as re-forestation took place. Many more were cut down as Bermuda rapidly developed and have either been destroyed or extravagantly used to make beautiful furniture, house doors and windows, ceiling beams, floors, and the like at great expense. The wood has become a rare treasure indeed and getting harder to find each year. The Bermuda Cedar items that you buy are made from small pieces of old stockpiled wood and can only be made when such pieces become available to our craftsmen. Because newly planted trees are protected, this old cedar represents the last of this treasure. We are fortunate to have a little of it for our customers. ----------------------------------------------- Mahogany Mahogany is a kind of wood—the straight-grained, reddish-brown timber of three tropical hardwood species of the genus Swietenia, indigenous to the Americas, part of the pantropical chinaberry family, Meliaceae.
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