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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Why not? You still will give shipbuilders business by asking them to craft you an 'upgrade kit' for your grey ships.
  2. I've heard wappen von hamburg will be added. Anyone got any info on that?
  3. Issue is Definitely on your router side. I would go into router settings and inspect what is on and off.
  4. This game doesn't have any rewards/loot that will make players go pvp, port battles etc.. Such small additions such as 1 dura ship upgrade can help with that issue. Unless you want to play in a very dull environment. Drops from today fleets or pvp are a joke.
  5. If you invest time into something and then loose it next day , you will say no thanks. That is why we need investment protection. So, you can come back and try again with less work.
  6. Did you just call shipwrights useless? Thanks a lot. Not sure who is building your ships, but they surely serve you well.
  7. It can ruin player economy. This can easily be fixed by shifting upgrade feature directly to Player Shipbuilders and not NPC. This means player shipbuilders will start crafting 'upgrade kits' for (small, medium and large ships) and sell them on the market for those who want to upgrade their 1 dura grey ship. On the other hand, ship certification will require pvp, port battle and pvp missions. There is no other chance to get points and stacking ability. This gives us benefits such as: -New Ship Builder jobs and ways to earn money. -More pvp and port battle numbers.
  8. In a week or so Developers will roll out new patch that will include rare 1 dura ship feature. So, my suggestions are strictly attached only to 1 dura ships. We all know that such ships will be free and you will be able to capture them in fleets on OS. These 1 dura ships most likely will be Grey build quality (minimal benefit). So, to make things interesting Devs need to add 2 things. Captured ships can be upgraded. 1. Request NPC/Player to upgrade your captured ship to any color (quality) by providing required supplies directly to NPC/Player. Player shipbuilder will craft 'upgrade kit' for that vessel. Ship still remains in 1 dura mode, but build quality/stats are improved. Randomize upgrade locations for NPCs(not all NPC shipwrights will want to upgrade your ship). You will need to haul materials = more traffic on OS. Certify your upgraded captured ship and you can stack! 2. Certify captured ship, so it can use regional benefits(like all other player crafted ships) and can be stacked. Certification should be done in Capital Admiralty office for special PvP/Port battle rewards/currency. Once players collect enough (reward money/pendants) they can certify the ship. Once ship is Upgraded and Certified it suddenly meets all requirements and can join National Navy in other words (can be stacked). Stacking What is stacking? Stacking simply means if you capture 2 Grey ships ----> Bring mats to NPC and have him upgrade both ships to (green,blue, purple or gold qualities) + Certify both ships in Admiralty office, then you can stack them together and make them one 2 Durability ship. Combining 2 ships. Combining 2 green upgraded and certified ships = Green 2 dura ship. (2% blue 2 dura ship drop) Combining 2 blue upgraded and certified ships = Blue 2 dura ship. (3.5% purple 2 dura ship drop) Combining 2 purple upgraded and certified ships = Purple 2 dura ship. (5% gold 2 dura ship drop) Combining 2 gold upgraded and certified ships = Gold 2 dura ship. (N/A) *if you are stacking different colors, system should pick the highest quality. ex. green + gold = gold So far we know that 2 grey captured ships can be upgraded using NPC/Player tool. We also know that after we upgraded our 1 dura ship quality and made it let's say gold we can now work towards Ship certification. We would need to go PvP, do Ports battles or do missions that can help create Port Battles and earn special points or pendants. Our battles reward us (we have enough points) and we now can Certify our Ship in Admiralty office. We now have 1 Gold Certified ship with stacking ability. This ship can be added to already built any amount dura ship or can be stacked with another Upgraded and Certified ship. What about insurance for my Gold Certified ship? Developers should add a special one time fee for 1 dura upgraded+certified chips only. Insurance will recover 80% of materials used in upgrading cost for your ship and 50% of points invested that were required for Ship Certification. Simply put, you will get 50% of your Admiralty points back and 80% cash back if you sink in your Upgraded+Certified ship. Discuss.
  9. Why hiding quality? If I know a players sails exceptional I will try to take it from him. Otherwise most players will remain passive.
  10. I agree. Attaching regions to ship bonus is an idea that needs testing. I would rather see unique rewards per region or certain currency that only specific region will give away after port battle is won. Collecting/ accumulating such rewards can let players exchange it for ship paint,rare ships, mods etc...
  11. Hostility missions: Battle will be opened all the time. Wait for enemy fleet to engage and start fighting. Give it 10 or more minutes, so they will get damaged by npcs and use their repairs. Now take your team and hop in and just finish off damaged enemy team who is trying to kill poor npcs and get some points. Easy kills you say?
  12. All ships should get effected. Mods will become less valuable, but ship build quality will increase some ship stats. In my opinion closing doors on mods will hurt future reward/achievements system(if one will ever be added) and might limit reward variety. Unless new more powerful mods will be introduced.
  13. 'If we know exact time we will show up to defend our Country' - US Navy Captains.
  14. Hot fix will fine tune it after 1-2 weeks of testing.
  15. Please hold off on this awesome patch until Hurricane Mathew is over. You don't want to have Rokkie Casualties on your hands.
  16. I play with only 125 ping and it's seems to be ok.
  17. I did not say do it now. It's here, so they can add it to their to do list.
  18. When I delete/abandon outposts they are scattered randomly on my menu screen. Please make them auto sort by alphabet and function.
  19. Hey Devs. So, I reached Rear Admiral, but I am still getting XP from ships that I sold. When I redeem it just vanishes. So, simply put it is useless feature when you get to the top rank. So, to make things work please add convert XP to Gold Button. Also, let maxed out players keep collecting XP from regular missions and have option to convert it. Discuss.
  20. Indeed, but Alpha rules apply here until release.
  21. When customers purchased this game they knew well that it's in Alpha. Devs said it many times player base varies and will remain in the same state even after complete wipe(if there is going to be one) or release. I am 2k away from Rear Admiral and I don't care if I have to start over with everyone during release (more skill for me). Logically you can't kill the game with numbers what we have right now, while double that amount is waiting for game release before buying it. Most players I know agree that if a total wipe where to occur and you simply lost all the time and effort put in then you might as well go just find a new game. You are not here (in Alpha) to store pixels, you are here to help Devs create a Final Product that everyone can enjoy and knowing your time spent in NA made a difference.
  22. I like that. Please make Legacy level in gold letters and also, add gold crown (on OS) over veteran after he reaches top Legacy Rank again. I will grind again just to get the Crown. It can be switched on or off if desired. or Place Black Crown on his ship sails.
  23. you forgot to mention game under development and numbers that we have today really = to loyal testers who are patient and able to help us improve Naval Action. Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.
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