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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. New player was hit by Pirate 2 ports away from Capital when he was exploring. Problems 1. No warning system that let's players know before they set sail. 2. No visual safe zone on the world map.
  2. There is no promotion. I am being sarcastic and explain how hard it is to get alts. In real life it's so much pain to run 2 accounts from 1 PC. Also, you need 2 computers to have 2 alts running at the same time, trust me it's not that bad compared to other games like potbs. Let's try to come back to the topic and help new guys.
  3. Welcome to Pirate world. We have cases and reports. Suggestion: Let rank 1-2 set up white flag. White flag means Neutral. Neutral Flag can be purchased in Capital and only active around capital or 2 nearest ports. This means they can do missions/fleet safely until they reach higher level and get better ship to defend them. Once player leaves White Flag zone his on his own (warning message let's him know).
  4. Devs would welcome alts $40 per account is not bad and it's that easy with Steam.
  5. Some new players complain about high rank players gank them. This results in players leaving game before they can even try it. So, let's discuss if devs should restrict Rank 2 or Higher from attacking Rank 1 (Only). or Provide your opinion/ suggestion.
  6. I was ganked 1st day I joined potbs, later I became a hunter and payed back. Simple as that. Yes it will kill population, but devs allow it and there is no restrictions to hit rank 1. Also, read the survival guide that I wrote in Guides section.
  7. Pirates camp American coast because we pray on their shipping lines. (They lost 3 traders in few hours filled with tons of cargo). They use fast boats and prey on small ships who sail alone, mostly new guys who can settle their anger.
  8. Hunting is hunting, back then no one asked about your skill or rank. Got killed be careful next time.
  9. Quick idea for Archeology Fans (Expolation) Archeologist House - Searches remote area around ports for valuable gems. 200 labor hours can have a chance to discover and mine gems: Basic - 90% Fine - 35% Precious - 5% chance Resources / treasures that also can be spawned during search: Rock Artifacts (find better use for these) Gold Gems can be used for whatever devs want.
  10. Stop teasing us with Naval Action 2. I know it will be awesome.
  11. lets say 200% unrest of the required amount, they might conquer the port with this open sea campaign without the need of a 25 v 25 instanced PB... This will result in the same 25 1st rates go into pvp around the port. I disagree. PB must dictate the final outcome.
  12. No idea. Just hope they don't ignore it and bring it to NA.
  13. Please don't forget about achievement system. Let players complete achievements and collect trophies. These trophies can be displayed while waiting for Port Battle. Also, add war room and Port Battle map, so everyone can discuss their strategies before PB.
  14. I would say try gaming with your Ethernet cable directly connected to your PC/Laptop. If it fixes the problem this means you need new 'Gaming' router.
  15. 'Charles Grant' Many of the East Indiaman that traded between London and the East were built in Indian dockyards. The 'Charles Grant', for example, was built at Bombay in 1810. Ships built in India were constructed using superior tropical hard-woods such as teak. They were more resistant than vessels built from English oak to the sea-worms which ate through the bottoms of many ships. Wherever they were built, each East Indiaman had a limited life expectancy - 4 voyages to Asia over 8 to 10 years. Between 1600 and 1833 the East India Company's ships made about 4600 voyages from London.
  16. I guess it all depends on the nation and how much they want to spend on flags.
  17. I hope you are saving these goodies for one nice content patch in the end of Summer.
  18. With new patch lineships will only be used in pvp or Regional Capitals. Frigate era is upon us.
  19. I am only interested in Frigate version. We could have 24lbs on all decks or all 32lbs caros. In my opinion it can fit well in tree above Constitution. with slightly better speed, but worse turn and better armor (lineship class). This can be a great addition for Port Battle Skirmish groups and NA needs them badly.
  20. Thanks for sharing, but Cut down has nothing to do with build. I could be cut down in 1815. I means it remained 1814 ship all the time until shortened. Devs have to comment on this, but I would accept it.
  21. 'Independence' USS Independence was a wooden-hulled, three-masted ship, originally a ship of the line and the first to be commissioned by the United States Navy. Originally a 90-gun ship, in 1836 she was cut down by one deck and re-rated as a 54-gun frigate. Launched on 22 June 1814 in the Boston Navy Yard, she immediately took on guns and was stationed with frigate USS Constitution to protect the approaches to Boston Harbor. Independence remained in ordinary at Boston until 1836 when she was razeed (cut down to one covered fighting deck with poop and forecastle). She was rated down to 54 guns as her configuration gave way to that of a very large frigate. She proved to be one of the fastest and most powerful "frigates" of the Navy. ​Original armament - 90 × 32-pounder (15 kg) guns Possible Frigate armament - 54 × 32-pounder (15 kg) guns Do you think we need this ship as 54-gun Heavy Frigate? Discuss and post plans or more info. I would pay coin to see her in NA who will take over Constitution. 90 Guns Cut down to 54 Frigate Possible look
  22. I love this ship and it's straight lines. Miniature consti Capture of HMS Frolic
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