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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Enjoy. It has everything you need to 3d model this ship.
  2. Good. http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/archief/ead/index/eadid/4.MST/node/c01%3A0.c02%3A0.c03%3A0.c04%3A0./open/c01:0.c02:0.c03:0.c04:7.#c01:0.c02:0.c03:0.c04:7. http://www.finemodelships.com/ship-plans/Chapman_Architectura_eng.htm
  3. I suggest devs take a look at these images and if possible improve sail animation based on wind angle. Pay close attention to images 4 and 5. Here we can see a nice transition on sail turning. First you see bottom part of the sail is being turned followed by the top section. Something like this would be awesome in NA. Right now sails turn in one block and it looks very unrealistic and dull. By making sails twist a little when turning through the wind could make ships look much better. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  4. They need to allow US players move to US server without loosing their items.
  5. 5th rate Corvette. She was facing a much stronger enemy Frigate Acheron. Acheron could be considered a Super Frigate 5-4 rate. Here are some more detail about Acheron: The Acheron is a french privateer originally built in the United States. She closely resembles the USS Constitution. She has 44 guns, as well as a stronger-than-average hull, making her heavy, but fast. In 1805, the ship was sent to the South Seas to harass the British whaling fleet. The Admiralty dispatched the HMS Surprise, Captain Jack Aubrey commanding, to intercept the Acheron, sink her, or take her a prize. The vessels' only appearance is in the motion picture Master and Commander The Far Side of the World, where fills roughly the same role as the American frigate USS Norfolk in the novel The Far Side of the World.
  6. *Note - all links provided are found online, so use it at your own risk. Hello Shipwrights. links might lead to some interesting information about French ships, but not guaranteed. So, open them at your own risk. http://www.rwmilitarybooks.com/shop_image/product/4f468474d3e1db80c6f24c7efd5855a5.jpg Feel free to go through these links and and learn history. Spend some time on plans and provide info about interesting ships that you like. Let's have some fun and happy reading. Dropbox link:
  7. By removing F9 they took away my photographer hobby in NA. Just add the hidden code that would enable 4k.
  8. I've stressed this problem many times, but with no luck. I hope they will change it to - Black in day time, and white during the night.
  9. Main problem can be found in this topic: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15750-help-please/ If not fixed new players will be effected greatly and might even quit trying to figure it out. So, here is my suggestion. --------------------------- Please color code - Store section/icons for Long/Medium (GREEN) guns and their ship slot numbers. [6-8] Color code - Store section/icons for caros (RED) and their ship slot numbers [8-9] Adding Letters on the top can also be handy. It should look like this: L/M C [6-8]/[8-9] Buy Guns / Buy Guns <--- Purchase buttons Under gun slots add 'Buy Guns' Button that will take players directly to green[6-8] or red [8-9] sections of the store and appropriate guns. Store colors When player click on 'Buy guns' under carronades he is automaticaly moved to the store. Your ship is - XXXXX. You can mount - XXXXpd Carronades C - Carronade 12pd 18pd [24pd] <-- Auto selected based on the ship you are in. Purchasing another guns should display a warning (XXXXlb guns can't be fitted on your ship. Proceed anyway? Yes/No). 32pd 42pd 68pd Convenience and simplicity. Same can be applied for Mod slots. 'Shop for mods' button. Thanks.
  10. 'Resolution' HMS Resolution was a 70-gun third-rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, launched at Harwich Dockyard on 6 December 1667. She was one of only three third rate vessels designed and built by the noted maritime architect Sir Anthony Deane. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Resolution_(1667)
  11. Not all care about Nation win. Some only care about pvp and there will be lots of it. Once 10 action zones light up all ships will head there. Boring? No not with this design. I remember In Potbs we only pvped and only on occasion helped with RvR. In the end Devs have to balance pvp-rvr rewards, so both parties are happy.
  12. Excellent! Allow us to build Forts, so we can fortify regions.
  13. Don't tell me your 4 year old participated in this crime. P.S. Devs will take a look at your account shortly. Please provide in game name.
  14. If you let power gamers rule the game NA will die withing 6 months max. Not going to point fingers, but one clan already proved how easily it is to destroy nation population and eventually the game. That is why heavy restrictions must be applied per Nation. This includes hours spend in one Nation, PB participation and points earned in contention zones before you can go into Politics. Please take no offence we are just figuring an honest way.
  15. You can always choose to be a passive gamer with no attachments in politics and keep your vote. We are talking zerg cheating here. Also, can you explain why you don't want it? Saying no means nothing. Your links is pointed at the positive Pirate (Pirate nation is not effected) review. Admin - pirates are pirates - they don't participate in politics (only undercover)
  16. Well here is why I am trying to show devs how important this issue is, so they can do something about it before they start loosing players same way Potbs did. Delivering mats to unknown shipbuilders is a trust issue and players are on their own if they get goods stolen or get under spy attack. They always need to double check who the person is before they trade or disclose info. I am more concerned about alliances and votes that can 'make America great again' . jk.
  17. I heard Pirate dedicated patch will come after and we don't what to expect yet.
  18. I understand, but that challenge is not good enough. I want to see they spend required amount of hours per week if they want to be able to vote. They can spend 10 hours in Spain and then go and spend 10 hours in France. Such time investment will make sure they know why they are voting.
  19. I would suggest Devs to add the requirement where player has to type word "DELETE" and 'CHARACTER NAME'. Delete processes should take 24 hours before auto delete goes active and always can be canceled by player. or send them Delete code to their Email and force them to type it in.
  20. How are you going to deal with multiple accounts placing votes for other Nations? ex. if a clan has 100 members and they are all have 2 accounts on different nations. Can they switch and vote? I think yes. 100 cheat votes make a big difference and might just ruin the whole system. My suggestion - implement 'active hours'. Active Hours should be the minimum amount of hours you need to spend (in one nation) in order to place the vote for that same nation. Now in order to place double vote, players will need to spend x2 hours per week on both nations if they want to cheat. ex. if player is inactive and just came back to the game he will not be able to place a vote. 10 hours per week could be a reasonable start. Active hours reset every week. Also, place vote window in the end of each Week - Sunday. This will make sure players get 10 required hours. P.S. I am looking what will happen in a long run and I know it takes time to level up a character, but trust me we are dealing with gamers who will do just anything in order to get an easy win.
  21. I would say keep everything as it is, but add officers for each ship class. -Tiny ships -Trader Ships -Frigate Ships -4th Rate Ships -3rd Rate Ships -2nd Rate Ships -1st Rate Ships 7 Officers each can be set up for whatever ship you are using. Should be Very similar to World of Warships.
  22. Unfortunately they won't allow flying around like it was before. Devs must provide more info here.
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