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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Hello dear Devs. If possible please add: 1. Group Leader Has the Crown. This way you can tell who is the leader of the group on the OS. 2. When Group Leader starts the Group he should be able to pick flag color, so all 11 group members will have same flag. This is very useful if you are forming a big fleet with multiple groups. Group (green) is a heavy group of 12. Group (red) is a frigate group of 12. 3. Add option to Change Leader (pass the crown). Useful when Leader is about to leave the group, this won't result in complete disband of the group. If you have more suggestions please share. Thanks.
  2. Very poor loot drop. Are there any plans to add more variety junk loot? I see you expanded loot slots, but there is nothing to fill them with when attacking fleets.
  3. It will be fixed tomorrow. They are tuning calculations.
  4. When my ship exploded next to my Santisima it killed 3/4 of my crew just by a shock wave from explosion. So, I think it existed long time before this patch. http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/27/slow-mo-guys-strike-again-cannon-ball-blasts-cocktail-pyramid-in-slow-motion-4710468/
  5. Technically it will drop from: Compass wood is no longer a separate resource. Compass wood (curved trees) can drop from any forest during wood production. Fine logs (e.g. fine oak) will drop some times when growing trees in forests. P.S.>Grow trees.
  6. It all should depend how many suppliers are listing such resources. If there are many they will start undercutting each other and yes price will go down. On the other hand, if resources are rare and supplied only by one trader then price will be high. I can list 10k of rare logs and they will cost a fortune if there is no competition.
  7. You can help tune splinter damage and other things here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16935-splinter-damage-feedback/
  8. Shock wave is real and we have facts it existed and did casualties. It will definitely get tuned down after public testing.
  9. Well, l personally gave out multiple warnings that this will happen and people will get stuck inside enemy waters. Unfortunately, now we have to beg and waste precious Dev time, so we can move your ships.
  10. Devs warned players and advised them to move out 3 weeks before update.
  11. If it is unbalanced it will be adjusted. Patience. Let it soak in.
  12. Have you tried to tag one? Guys let's stay on Patch topic. Not Chemistry.
  13. There are people who want to see this game fails. It won't happen.
  14. Replace Controvercial Drug name to - Painkillers or Medical Supplies
  15. You are a tester and things will change. If such small things effect you then maybe you should wait until final game release when all things are tuned and in place. Don't forget about Final wipe before release (it might save you some nerves). Wipe will include all your ships, mods, structures and goods. Only Rank and Craft XP will remain. Do you realize that You are helping construct the game, you can't play it as Final Released Version. Customers have to understand that they paid for Alpha (Under construction) game. We all are Guinea Pigs until release. Unfortunately, some people want all at once and now.
  16. Bermuda Cedar is almost extinct. It's a very luxury and hard to find wood. Mostly used in expensive crafting with a fat price tag.
  17. Please don't give this game a bad review just because UI will be added last. We know some people already rated this game 'bad' without even participating in development, all just because they see UI is at it's simple form atm. Everything has it's time.
  18. Here it is. Thank you for your hard work. Those who did not rate this game on Steam please do. Say thanks to Devs if you can. P.S. Haters gonna hate.
  19. Naval Action should have similar board in PB room.
  20. Some games have only 200 dedicated people for testing. Here you can openly participate because you paid for 'product under construction'.
  21. October 20-25, all the info is there you just need to find it.
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