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Everything posted by Cabral

  1. It's a pity it wasn't one of the 3 choices for the new nations.
  2. You? You are a forum warrior.
  3. They atleast have the balls to be at war with everyone, you instead, are allied with half the map.
  4. Next patch will solve the exploit of Spain trading ports with Russia. Pity it comes a little late...
  5. Yes, the alts... that's why we see more logins per day and don't find players anywhere. I think these rare resources will promote more alts than RvR.
  6. That's not the point, demasting is getting even worse patch after patch. I'm not gonna waste time with chains anymore, masts it is.
  7. Lol, that's crazy. The devs should see this video, that was plainly stupid.
  8. Otto doesn't need to farm pvp marks, he is a well knowned player. But, apart from this, since the introduction of Fleet Practice the complaints about abuse of pvp marks farming reduced substantially (we can't throw around accusations to one player because he might be in Fleet Practice, Combat News doesn't make separation). Fleet Practice is a nice option for the game and we all welcome it, but why was introduced? To give devs a break in investigation pvp marks farming exploits that waste time instead of working on the next patch? To kill NA Legends? Just thoughts...
  9. Was incredible how they left him alone to be smashed by the british fleet. "Run Babay, run"
  10. Cabral

    Inger flip

    You enlisted in the prussian navy few days ago and already done that? Not a good start for an ex-pole
  11. There you go giving them ideas again, you just can't keep those things to yourself
  12. Neither is the captain responsibility to steer the helm, drop the sails and turn yards, but you do that ingame.
  13. Pitxagorri come to GB, you will have plenty pvp and fun if you join Hachi adventures. Last time I was with him in deadman chest fleet event, we had alot of fun and pvp marks.
  14. Why? Because you don't know how to answer at that?
  15. I hope you have many experienced pvp members because after your announcement here saying that you have many outposts around Gracias a Dios, you gonna get more content from now on.
  16. But their content is only with Britain, they don't mind to be allied with the rest of the server.
  17. Don't know if VLTRA will agree with that, they are very weird with those things
  18. Atleast say why you think is a bad idea.
  19. During the boarding battle the crew have morale, that decides the outcome of the boarding. Why we don't have crew morale during sea battle? Could be represented by another bar that would go down accordingly with ship global damage, could go down faster if suffered a shock damage, could recover if inflicting shock damage on enemy.
  20. Setting bounties on friends? Things in Sweden seem very bleak indeed
  21. BF is Denmark for what we all can see, it's their strongest clan in the moment.
  22. How anyone will find him if he doesn't play the game? He only trolls on the forum.
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