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Everything posted by Cabral

  1. The british that gonna switch to pirates are doing it in search of OW pvp, you swedes should know that this game is not only RVR. Probably you will get more empty PB's, like before patch.
  2. So what you propose is that only KPR should be uncapturable, the remaining ports of Jamaica could be? Do you accept the same to Martinique, you only keep Fort Royal?
  3. Don't quit the game, join EU server. Leave Global to BLACK.
  4. Yo no represento a los ingleses, por eso dijo que debían hablar con los diplomáticos, sólo estoy dando mi opinión. Sólo quiero dar consejos amigables, si piensas que eran amenazas es porque piensas igual a los traidores VLTRA, sólo quieres la guerra a costa de los demás españoles. Y esta respuesta puedes meter donde quieras, excepto en Radio Macuto.
  5. Lo siento por estar intrometerme en vuestro forum. En este momento el futuro de la nación española pasa por la diplomacia, a corto plazo es la mejor solución. Pónganse en contacto con los diplomáticos ingleses y hagan un acuerdo que asegure la supervivencia de la comunidad española en el juego. A pesar de lo que ustedes piensan, los ingleses no son sus peores enemigos, no queremos reducir España a pocos puertos. En este momento el orgullo nacional no ayuda en nada, la solución es la comunicación y buena voluntad.
  6. Jesus... that server is a mess. On Eu server we are losing some players but we don't have that unbalance. That map is getting all black and 2 nations already dead?
  7. You are joking, right? That server is getting painted black again like in pvp2. Global is more unbalanced than EU by far.
  8. They were brave, they showed that there's still spanish with cojones.
  9. No se dejen engañar por ellos, ellos pretendían atacar a los Piratas, España y Gran Bretaña antes de la declaración de guerra de Dinamarca. Ahora que tienen que enfrentarse a una nación fuerte, se hacen de santos.
  10. Acho que já é tempo de Espanha entrar em relações diplomáticas com Britain. Aposto que os suecos também têm planos contra nós.
  11. You are dreaming, we already have hands full with the dutch.
  12. The 2 strongest nations of the server are not supposed to be friends to each other, it's not good for RVR and pvp health of the server.
  13. It seems Sweden is no more the server police, to much power corrupts
  14. Troll, I don't have time for you. Leave this topic for adult people and go play somewhere else.
  15. Funny, I thought was you trolling with those ports given by devs and help from swedes. So all that bullshit wasn't trolling?
  16. If you came to troll, go play some missions instead.
  17. Don't give lessons about helping allies, you almost never helped the french when they needed the most. Not even to screen Castries pb's
  18. In the mouth? Lol, maybe you lost all your teeth after that Total War failure.
  19. I don't have a screenshot, but your nation reduced the dutch to one county. Or you will deny that?
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