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Everything posted by Cabral

  1. Is like I said before, this war declaration is ridiculous. They just want to destroy a weaker nation to feel good about themselves.
  2. "That a single clan like Vltra is able to achieve all this...", sorry but you forgeting the help you had from a certain pirate clan in getting CM's and ports switched. Don't be ungratfull.
  3. Ah, thank you. If it was not your plan all along.
  4. Have fun with spanish, or you afraid of them?
  5. And this Casus Belli letter is just ridiculous, why they declare war twice at same nation? That hostility fleet was coming with peace in their holds? Maybe some humanitary help?
  6. Lol, real smart ass. Ok. let's leave this or mods will start deleting posts.
  7. I play in both, and you should take care of your language.
  8. Your thread? lol You are like your master, you can't accept other's opinions.
  9. Who are you to say who belongs here or not? Maybe you should be kicked out. Never saw more salty guy than you in this forum.
  10. And you learned with your master to throw the blame on others. Only you were good on that battle
  11. The Lord Vicious fan, Christendom, escaped from sinking. What a pitty.
  12. Even HMS Surprise resupplied herself on Brazil coast and at Galapagos when was after Acheron.
  13. Why there's no rig repairs and rum to buy on freeports. Every freetown I visit there's only hull repairs, how I gonna refit my ship in remote areas?
  14. It seems you don't remember when your "Eastern Alliance" attacked 7 british ports in the same day. In those times was sustainable? Maybe it was... your Alliance lost all 7 PB's.
  15. You should join them on EU server. Must be hard for you not to sail with them.
  16. The rest of the pirates must do what the US players did in the past, you must fight them. In the past he tried to enforce his tyranny over US nation, they didn't give up and fought him.
  17. Now I understand why you diplomacy is getting better
  18. Things are getting better, now atleast you offer diplomacy, in the past was more like backstabbing. Maybe was because RAE ruled the nation on those times.
  19. Cabral

    Nation Change

    Only x2? I think should be x3 *sarcasm*
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