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Everything posted by Cabral

  1. Finaly you cleaned your image after that fireship incident that made Great Britain lose Castries after 15 PB's. Maybe what you do best is screening. Congrats.
  2. That's the theory and I agree with you... but in practice, the majority of new players don't use this forum and read those fine advices. They will change to the top nation that provides better chances (provoking some unbalance) or they will quit.
  3. They always sail Wasas, they can't dismiss their OP ships.
  4. Look who came back, you missed some KPR ganking? They speak bad of the game and gonna quit for good, but always come back.
  5. That only works without nation and global chat, "radio comunications" in this game is already a big help, if used to locate battles... will be a big mess.
  6. Didn't know, you giving me fresh news. Who is it?
  7. Give you all white oak ports and stay with none? It's your proposal? This is some kind of sick joke?
  8. VLTRA thinks exactly like you, that's why maybe this won't work...
  9. You just proved my point, thank you. tip: if you want to gather correct informations, start playing the game instead of trolling all day on the forum.
  10. Devs please, transfer this guy to Global Server and leave him there alone.
  11. If you knew the average british players skills, maybe you wouldn't thought in that nation as "possible".
  12. You better read again, I didn't said anything about skills or better players, just said everyone is at war with Britain. Did I said a lie?
  13. I made another test and found your problem in OW, at 15 degrees does 4 knts, but at 30 degrees does 14 knts. If you want a sail boat to go fast against wind maybe you should use only the motor.
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