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Everything posted by Cabral

  1. I agree with you, but we had these mechanics before and the game lost alot of players. It's a miracle we have 450 players online how the things are at the moment.
  2. Sorry, but the left side or up side is always the tagger.
  3. Malachy, you lately are very salty with the game, what's happening my friend? ALOHA giving you hard time?
  4. The problem is that the safe zones brought more people to the game, if we remove them, those russian "heroes" that spend all day in KPR farming pvp marks from newbies will have even more hard time because many players will leave. Like Elite said, people play the game differently. Btw, I'm in favour of reducing even more the safe zones size.
  5. Both ships are tied with graples and is alot of weight to push.
  6. If you think closing all ports on that area will stop other nations of hunting prussians and dutch... you are very wrong. That's only an escuse to give the ROVERS port to dutch.
  7. It's not his fault, he's just exploiting what devs did wrong.
  8. You just fear british clans hire pirates to hunt you down, that's why you hide your true identity.
  9. I agree with you, but some will stone you for saying that.
  10. He couldn't resist to mention "gb", it's stronger than him.
  11. There was no pvp between french and dutch, only cheating.
  12. Your thing about Britain, you should go over it. You may have nervous or heart problems later in your life.
  13. Brits and dutch were allied in the past until some of their clans start raiding Belize waters, and was them that declared war on us. Mistake or not I don't see Britain helping them, and your agression against EDR won't convince british navy to join your war. What I see is some british privateer clans working with swedes, already happened yesterday.
  14. Lol, you shouldn't let Black Sails go over your head, Flint didn't had a good end either.
  15. You shouldn't use the word "king", in the past left a bad taste in your mouth
  16. That's why devs made Legends for you and others that don't want to waste time.
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