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Everything posted by Snoopy

  1. Grundgemunkey is a French Royalist you see
  2. I hope it is an oversight The ship has little enough alpha damage that it probably won't completely displace the Inger as the FOTM port battle ship if it were admitted. Good boarder though.
  3. I'll bite anyway. There is no mechanic in the game to win, so yeah logically wars "simply drag on" because that is the actual game. They irony of your WW1 trench warfare analogy is that that is precisely what happened when trying to 'crush Spain'. Your approach led to the stalemate you are accusing current RvRers of. Mantua? Corrientes? Those are the actual Verduns of NA, but you seem to have forgotten that. Thankfully, we are fighting all across the Caribbean now but that is of course hard to see from the safety of Kingston.
  4. This is a game. It is not WW1. "Burning down" your opponent so much so that their players leave is bad for the game. This has been one of the few verifiable facts of EA. What is so hard to understand about that? I didn't plan anything in RvR, and I do not agree with everything but I still try to help when I can; if you want to make changes it won't do just to be petulant about it. Get in touch with the people who plan this, they are easy to approach, but they also can only work with the number of players that are willing to contribute, right now, Spain outnumbers Britain in PBs. And while I didn't plan anything in RvR, as an outsider it looks to me like the combined VP/US/GB push against Spain was to get some breathing room in the west and then help the Dutch who have been holding the line in the east alone and push against the French. Which is exactly what you seem to have wanted minus the ludicrous (and toxic to the community and health of the game) goal of "wiping out the Spanish". .. which Dutch port have you tried to defend lately?
  5. Did you try to defend ports that were "totally undefended"? If not, maybe, just maybe that's the reason they are undefended. Nations cannot be defeated, La Habana cannot be taken. There is no knock out blow in the game. Your entire premise is wrong it has been tried with 5 times the ships we have now and it hasn't worked. Big mouth about RvR, but no clue, and contributes nothing. It takes a lot to set me off but you just did. Good job. Get on national TS and start helping. There are no dictators. You can influence what is happening. But it is ofc easier stamping your foot and whine that there is no Nelson in charge and quit. Will this change things? It is people like the OP who make me want to leave GB and camp their sorry self righteous selves in front of KPR.
  6. Wow! Nice to see her but hell that paint looks like someone was sick lol
  7. You are only looking at it only from the RvRers bubble. The problem is that good for the faction does not mean good for game. It is true that once a faction has been hammered the hardcore RvR crowd plus few new die hards from rousing the general public (and it is easier to do so when the 'barbarians are at the gates') remain and so short term this means a boost to RvR capabilities. Chaff, wheat and everything, however, losing players is harmful to the game because by "eliminating" people from a faction you get a lot of people who do not only turn their back on their faction but the game itself and may even harm the game's future by negative reviews etc. It is in the RvR/PvP crowds own selfish interest not to p*** the PvEers off, it is the reservoir of future RvR players. There may be a slightly wrong view on the part of the non-RvR players in thinking "dis nations sucks they be unorganized" (and a bit of irony because they are part of the problem when they are not contributing) but at the same time the game and the community make little to no attempts at explaining the realities of the shifting balances of power to the general player base. They only see massive loss of ports of their faction and associate failure with their time spent in the faction/game and once it starts interfering with the solo players life, when production ports are overrun, capitals are camped and missions disturbed we are needlessly driving people away from this game. Every nation had this experience since EA, and it has always been harmful. We need a safe zone, and good explanations that once you sail outside of it you are swimming in the big pond the sharks are hunting you and nothing is safe including property.
  8. Yeah there needs to be a way to 'win' RvR without harming the general playerbase. This time it probably has a lot to do with the upcoming port reset as well though.
  9. Yeah Steel your idea would be best, and it is something the devs may have on their list of things anyway but it requires a lot of code, whereas BR caps require only a few lines to close a battle instance once a given BR has filled up. [And: this was an existing mechanic a while back]. The BR balancing is something that could be easily offloaded to us players, and changing a ship's BR after a healthy discussion across the playerbase just means changing a single number for the devs. BR balancing needs to happen for open world battles anyway, I think we can kill two stones with one bird here: While waiting for forts and land in PBs we could have more diverse battles while tweaking the BR. Changing BR could also keep us on our heels and constantly change what the "optimal" BR/PB setup is considered to be.
  10. Yes, this idea has come up a few times and I couldn't agree more. The workhorse of the era, the 74gun SoL has no place in PBs currently, and that makes me sad. It will require a lot of fine tuning and balancing though to get the BR caps right so that 15 first rates vs a mix of 25 first/second/third rates yield a balanced and fair battle.
  11. I think Vicious has a point. Without planking ("armor") the Essex has 8-10 minutes of what is effectively complete invulnerability and god mode. You can do a lot of damage during this time where nothing the enemy team can do will harm you (putting more broadsides into the 0 armor side has no effect) and afterwards you can simply repair up and do it all over again. I think that this is such an outlier that until fixed the Essex needs to be retired from the tournament. If not, well I will be sailing one then
  12. I can understand extending the buffer zone against the Spanish is necessary in order to have a few days worth of breathing space when fighting in the east. However, the British conduct is very heavy handed again and undermines what the Three Admirals treaty has achieved, even considering the Spanish renewed the hostilities. Taking more Gulf ports beyond the northern Yucatan, even if it is just done on a shoestring, serves no strategic purpose, it reeks of pride. I don't understand that but at least the ES/GB relations are on clear terms: it is war and it is total war now as much as I hate that, both from a historic/rol eplaying perspective and as it makes reciprocal relations across the playerbase extremely hard and harms the game long term. This is a lose/lose situation, and an unnecessary one. What I also don't understand is how much the US/VP contribute to the GB flag pulls (and yes, you guys are awesome and not enough has been said about it!) yet the Spaniards are left alone by their allies. Wars are global now, and maybe it was excusable to drop the ball on this for the first few days but you'd expect Danes or French to show up near Tumbado or fill up Spanish ports in defense eventually. That never happened, the only flag intercepts I have witnessed were done by the Swedes and Pirates and of course Spanish. I haven't seen a single Spanish Ally the entire campaign, only useless milling about around KPR and Haiti, and it even makes me angry even though I am the enemy! Why can the Dutch and [bloody] Colonials show up in the far West of the map, and not a single French warship? It can't be the timers, because the Spanish set them faithfully to EU prime, much to their cost. This has made the war in the West a completely lopsided Blitzkrieg with Spain being more heavily outnumbered than the actual balance of power indicates, and this is not fun for the attacker nor for the defender. This is a lose/lose situation. TLDR; Britain: what's with the insatiable craving for Spanish ports Danes, French: get your act together and help the Spaniards US, VP: GB owes you one now
  13. I like that idea. Some ships were quite famous for survival .. thinking Captain Bubbles' all-carronade Santisima, Survivor of The Wars Of Old.
  14. Thinking ahead: The alliance system is perfect for balancing between high/low pop factions. Smaller factions could have their alliance cap raised incrementally according to total XP gain/week gap to the biggest faction or a similar metric. This would allow to introduce historically accurate "flavour" factions like say the Kingdom of Sicily which likely won't attract many players but could still be viable as contributors in a large alliance and there would be no drawback in playing them.
  15. After testing is done: 1 week ballot 4 week alliance 2 alliances
  16. It was never intended that the EU server is for EU players only, its only the server location. It also used to be *the* server when there was only one. The Eu server = EU players equation is a myth that has been repudiated by mods and devs time and again. It seems to die hard..
  17. Awesome work gents, thanks for arranging all this stuff, looking forward to those streams
  18. Just to illustrate this a bit, the initial costs of a few select vessels: Three decks: Ville de Paris 110 (1795) £78,830 Victory 100 (1765) £57,748 Barfleur 90 (1768) £49,222 Two decks: Foudroyant 80 (1798) £60,685 Bellona 74 (1760) £43,391 Vanguard 74 (1787) £39,116 Agamemnon 64 (1781) £24,415
  19. I don't think eco-limiting works very well in a game, only the grind requirements will increase by making them more expensive. If they are the weapon of choice (like most people seem to assume) players will have them no matter the cost, you only make having them a more miserable game experience by increasing cost or by (say) demanding rare drops. Having said that, I do not mind having balancing done across the board to get ship cost in alignment to their historical price escalation through the classes [1-6]. But thanks to the damn accountants of the era, we know fairly well how much each ship type costs and first rates were never really unicorns that needed dragon hide and virgin blood to make. They should not be in the game either, but ideally limited in usage by other factors (BR/draft). I think what curtailed their usage is just that they had limited return of investment when looking across the entire budget of a navy. They did have good combat value in large battles but wars where you really needed them were rare enough that a 1st rate could be laid up for decades, whereas the RoE on Frigates and other cruisers which would be continuously employed until they were worn out was much better and as such three deckers were prestige objects and luxury items. If you look at the National News section in the forum the 'prestige' part is already there - and player made. When a first rate sinks or is captured, you will see gloating&screenshots enough.
  20. Yeah we may have to drop out as well (unsure at this point) but that's life I am unsure if tournament matchmaker was working when we tested it on wednesday: We got into a small battle under the parameters of the tournament alright [also checked the duel room, didnt work at all] but we had to wait for the regular Small Battles countdown. This may or may not be intended, and it would be a bit klunky for match scheduling.
  21. I hope changing Alliances will become the norm, rather than the bi***fest it is now. That way, we get to play with all players on the server, and it also reflects the dynamic nature of coalitions in the era. Was fun while it lasted; until next time, Swedes o7
  22. Über die Reihenfolge der Entwickler kann man streiten, aber die (Segel-) Physik ist nochmal besser geworden finde ich. Santi war bekannt als endschlechter Segler, ein gewisser (spanischer) Admiral zu der Zeit hätte das Schiff lieber als stationäre Batterie benutzt. Sie hatte den Spitznamen El Ponderoso .. also ja, NA hat das Boot zumindest nicht böse unkorrekt umgesetzt Und wenn dich die AI so weit runterschiessen kann ist es auch wahrscheinlich dass die Gegner hinter dir sassen und du zwischenzeitlich kein Ruder mehr hattest.
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