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New Feature Proposals - Combat



Please propose your ideas in the following way.

  • 1 Post = 1 Proposal.
    • Players will vote on 1 proposals only. Multiple proposals will mix different subjects and confuse.
    • Multitiered or multi subject proposals will be removed.
  • Keep the proposals on the topic subjects
  • Do not comment. The thread is for proposals only
  • If you want to improve on other people proposals contact them so they can update the post. 
  • Best proposals will be brought up by the system based on likes and we will comment on them once in a while. Proposals which dont get community attention will be ignored and will sink to the bottom.


Example of formatting 
Correct example

  • Cannon crafting proposals
    • Cannon crafting change rationale
    • Cannon crafting current version and whats wrong
    • Proposal on cannon crafting change

Incorrect version

One post 

  • Cannon crafting proposal (should be a separate in a economy section)
  • Trading proposal (should be a separate post in an economy section)
  • Hostility proposal (should be a separate post in RVR section)
  • DLC ship proposal (should be a separate post in DLC section
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Be able to put a bounty on an enemy player for your clan and/or friendly clans. A clan member/friend of the clan kills the target and gets the bounty automatically.

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Ships speeds and diversity

Right now we have some very fast ships with very heavy broadsides, which makes some smaller and slower ships with less broadside weight obsolete.

From the historical point of view it depended on the weather conditions if the big or the small ship was faster and, of course, of the individual best point of sail. This game shows only one weather (even if there is sometimes rain), giving one specific speed for each vessel.

The result of this is that quite a few ships are barely used by players, since they offer no advantage to their bigger counterparts (not faster, less hitpoints, less broadside weight).

To increase the diversity and to encourage sailing the not so loved ships I propose the following (only for gameplay reasons, not for historical facts):

- The bigger a ship is and the heavier the broadside weight, the slower its speed shall be (when build of the same woods and the same port bonus)

The fastest ships in game will be the 7th rates, the slowest the 1st rates, even within the same class the rule shall be applied. In the 5th rate tier the fastest ship shall be the Cerberus and Pandora, the slowest Endymion and Trincomalee. With this rule, the frigate or pirate frigate can be a good choice, since they can escape from the bigger frigates and therefore would be seen more frequently on the open waters.

It is then that you can choose between firepower and speed. It will be difficult for players to attack and sink other players in smaller ships, so more even fights are encouraged. The default speed difference between the ships tiers must be significant, like 0.75 knots.

The same, at lower speed levels shall apply for the traders.


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Could we replace one of the 4th rate Patrol Zones with a 3rd rate patrol zone? 

In the line ships patrol zones there's always many 1st rates and using 3rd rates doesn't generally pay off unless you are lucky that others also take 3rd rates. But with the new Victory DLC, it will be more rare to see other 3rd rates there, I think. 

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Group Training Mission 

A simple mission with free Br where clans could train the players simulating battles without external interference. 

When you take the mission you see the two swords on the map and in Ow the sword with the two circle, team 1, team 2.

No XP. No real. Just lose the ship in the instance battle. In ow you have again the ship 


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I don't post much but I have an idea that might unhello kitty things just a little bit. 


Everyone starts on equal footing 0


Server wide outlaw battles allowed for every nation 

If you chose to sink someone from your own nation you get a mark (red skull) next to your name you are now wanted by anyone and everyone. 

Now the explanation.  If you sink a friendly national you gain infamy per kill, every kill after increases the infamy score (similar to pvp leader board) though it doesn't reset daily.  The only way to lose the red mark is to sail OW days on end and it slowly degrades to 0 unless you are killed. 

But here is the kicked as your infamy rises the bounty pay out rises... FROM YOUR OWN POCKET. 

if you have a 5 million bounty, you sink you pay out of pocket 5 million reals or the equal in doubs, AND I STRESS OUT OF POCKET. 

but it gets better, if you try to enter any port (even your own) you have to bribe an official with a fraction of your bounty say to enter a port witha red skull, you pay 1/2 of your bounty for the right to enter. But still keep the full bounty on your head and while in port or logged out lose no infamy so you can't just port and log for x amount of days. 


On the other hand. We have blue skulls next to our name. Known bounty hunters.  You kill a red skull you get honor equal to a 1/3 of the infamy of the red skull....   This is accumulates also. 

People see a blue skull and know that it is someone who is trust worthy in any nation and is out looking for bounties. 


Generally a good feeling knowing they won't hit you and you can trade on your merry way.  Or semi protects newer players like a watch dog sort of.  

Now if a blue skull says f it and hits someone the total amount of honor they have suddenly becomes infamy and they get the new red skull and their ass and bank account is on the line. 

And to balance it all out. Only red skulls collect money from killing a blue and add their honor to their personal infamy score... Kind of a reverse bounty for killing a BH. 

At a certain time/score a red skull can not enter any port period until infamy is below X amount 


The kicker.... If your grouped with a red skull from your nation and he hits someone you also now have infamy (lesser than he gets being red already) but still you get wanted for being fleeted. 


Works in rvr too.... Now people have to have a sense of responsibility for their actions and nations can even police themselves


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Fix the Open World Speed

In Combat we have this very detailed sailing profile for every ship, including wind attack angle, wood types, upgrades and books ! Its all there already in the game

  • just multiply this very well worked out Model with the given factor for Open World regarding the wind attack angle
  • when you have fleet ships, the slowest ship for the given wind attack angle sets up the speed for the whole fleet
  • when you took a Wind Boost, just multiply the above made calculation with the given factor
  • DONE ! :) 
  • now its broken !!! :( 


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Limit de damage a hull/rig repair can fix each time repair option is used:

1ºs repair up to a 90 % of hull/rig hp ; 2º up to a 80% ;  3º up to a 60% and subsequent ones up to a 50%. This would force captains to decide cleverly when to use their first repairs as they are potentially more efficient.

So we won't see any more ships with more holes than wood but actually with full health.

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Добавьте пожалуйста на карту в бою, радиус патрульной зоны.
Это расширит тактическую составляющую боя в патрульной зоне. 

Please add to the map in battle the radius of the patrol zone.
This will expand the tactical component of the battle in the patrol zone.

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First Person Shooter-like mechanics e.g Battlestations Pacific/Midway. 

  • You can control a ship and you'll be able to aim (no autoaim feature).
  • You'll be elevating or lowering the guns based on gun splashes. 
  • It's basically changing the camera and adding a way for you to fire as 'driving' your ship is already in the game with rudder and full ahead, stop, etc. 
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I see there's another new update coming to Naval Action, these look like minor coding examples. So I'm wondering how much GameLabs are going to work this game? could there be larger improvements?

Well here's one, IMO, you could address stern camping/raking.

I know in early development there were many iterations of the damage model and you guys settled on the current. But maybe there's room for one more development phase, even at this late date.



A. Bow Structure (1/8). Can only be destroyed after bow armor/planking is depleted or if side armor is depleted (and/or penetration) . 

B.Centre Structure (3/4). Can only be destroyed if side armor is depleted (and/or with armor penetration).

C. Stern Structure (1/8). Can only be destroyed after stern armor is depleted or if side armor is depleted (and/or with armor penetration). 

This means destroying Bow Structure can only be done from the bow or either side/broadside attacks, Stern Structure can be destroyed from the stern or either broadside attacks but Centre Structure can only be destroyed from either broadside attacks (not from bow or stern, unless through armor penetration). Bow and Stern Structures deplete first before Centre Structure.

So now a player can still stern rake, camp, and destroy 1/8 of the centre structure but then they have to go or face the broadside to destroy the rest of the centre structure. 

Very low ranked ships could destroy 1/8 aft against larger ships (or 1/4 if bow rake aswell) but then they would have to go broadside to face the full might of the larger ship broadside. This would restore some balance between ships of different sizes or ranks.

However, armor angling would have to be restored to previous values, you couldn't allow centre structure depletion from a bow or stern position. Armor/planking should be a thing.

Ships of close rank will still have completive battles, nothing changes there and still be somewhat based on player skills. But taking on a Victory with a Snow would be gone for good.

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Radical Idea.

There is one way to alleviate the grind but to have all the content still in place...

When building ships, the "Permanent Upgrades" slots are randomized, 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 slots, this results in an endless cycle of building and trading ships without achievement for most players. You hardly ever get 5 slots.

Ok, so we add in a new scheme.

Shipwright XP Level/Points, Per Ship Rate:

  • 0:            Randomized, as per current.
  • 500:       2 Slots.
  • 1000:     3 Slots.        
  • 2500:     4 Slots.        
  • 10000:   5 Slots.

XP:             Crafting XP. 
Per Rate:   One Shipwright scheme per ship rate, e.g. 1st rates.
Permanent Upgrades slots are no longer randomized but are set to the rate level of Shipwright.

Zero shipwright points is for players who don't craft generally, e.g. new players, or who want to play with chance, i.e., the player has to initiate the scheme. If a player initiates a Shipwright scheme, on a particular rate, their built ships will only have the number of permanent slots that their rate Shipwright level is at. The scheme could be bought from the admiralty and then assigned a rate etc.

Every other aspect of gameplay remains the same (or every chance aspect), including content (grind) i.e. the resourcing of ships, but what this change would provide is a level of certainly for building ships, players will have a concrete goal in place for achievements. They will play for certainty.

I think trading of ships will change alittle, but it will depend on how hefty the grind is for Shipwright points is. But please don't make it too hard. 

And that's the goal, revitalizing the game but in an promotional way. Dev's, let some things go. 



PS, there's something wrong with this thread, posts are placed mid topic.

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PvP ranking system. 

Everything positive you do in all forms of PvP gives you points. Doing all types of damage, winning a boarding, capturing a ship. Points gained increase your PvP ranking. Points can also be exchanged for rewards from admiralty. Like books, permits, notes, guns, repairs, ships, etc. Fighting higher ranked players gives you more points. Rotating weekly events, give you more points depending on the rating of the ship you sail. For example, sailing a 5th rate gives you 30% more points, and changing it by week to other ship ratings. 

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On 4/21/2020 at 8:17 AM, Audacious said:

-NPC offers surrender with it's loot when almost dead. Press accept or decline. 


this would be amazing.



give the reps back to the new players at least.  2 friends started the game.  one yesterday one last week.  The one yesterday quit already cuz he didn't get the same loot as the other one.    The one got a christian permit, endy permit, 1k reps of each type.    Quitter got like 25 hull reps 25 sail reps and 100 rum.   LGV refit, and christian permits.    Not to mention no naval clock.   He already requested a refund on steam too

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NPC Open-World AI:

NPC combat ships tag low/combat-karma players from other nations, and join open battles on friendly side under a separate BR counter (one for NPCs, and one for players) -- allowing for a maximum home-waters advantage of 200% BR (100% from player BR, and 100% from NPCs) before the fight closes due to BR.

Combat ships below 1/2 BR and all trade ships attempt to run from enemy players displaying a warning "enemy encountered" flag/symbol over their head during pursuit, and for another 5 minutes after LoS has been broken.

Players in battle are prompted and get a timed option to "wave off" friendly NPC combat ships trying to join their fight if they so choose. With multiple players, this can done via voting that defaults to allowing the NPC into the fight if not "waved off".


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Revision of the permanent slots

Too many refits in the warehouse and also in the game, which nobody uses and still all ships are equipped almost identically?

would be a solution:

Two categories of refits, i call them primary and secondary refits

Every ship has three to four primary refit slots, plus, let's say, 3 secondary
In the primary slots can also be installed secondary refits, but not vice versa

Refits are classified as follows:
Preferably. all refits that affect the structure, speed, manoeuvrability of the ship are primary refits.
All others, which concern the crew and also equipment (e.g. chain ration) are secondary refits, perhaps with some exceptions which help refit-balancing

The exact classification and also number of slots is only a rough suggestion, also which refits are classified in which category would then still have to be decided. e.g. for repair and reload refits. In any case, should all refits that not be too much stackable, classified in the primary class.

the advantages of this principle are, that you have more freedom to customize your ships, not only the "meta refits" will be used, but anyway excessive mod stacking is avoided


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Combat repairs changes 

Repair meta is broken as it allows to repair ships to full hp far too easily, removing a lot fun from battles. And making costly mistakes sometimes irrelevant. 

Currently a ship that is fully set up for max repair capability can rebuild its hull/sails from fully damaged back to almost brand new in 2 repair cycles, as if it were a brand new hull that just came off the dock. 

I propose to remove the ability to freely repair your ship while engaged in battle and only make repairs possible while a certain distance away from enemy ships that are engaging your ship. 
Add an additional emergency repair to repair a badly damage internal structure. (small amount and usable during full combat)
Introduce a permanent damage amount to hulls and sails and crew. (for example 10%-20%, so out of all damage taken during a battle 10%-20% of it CANNOT be repaired). So you can never repair all damage taken during a fight, simulating patch up work, rushed repairs and dead crew. So ships that were already badly damaged cannot come back into the fight like nothing happened. 

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A standalone multiplayer boarding minigame.

  • Not that the boarding minigame is my favorite, but I would probably spend $5-$10 on something that I could use to practice strategies against real folks in rapid-fire matches.
  • Me and my fellow plebs would be thankful for the practice. I'm awful at boarding, and I'm one of the better boarders I know. lol
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  • Signal Expert Perk: after being tagged, you automatically send information about battle to other players in nation. It works like logbook, so it marks the battle with a blue crossed sword showing BR and location of battle to all other players in nation for 20 mins (join timer) then it vanishes. Cost 4 points.
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