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Patch 15: Tutorial testing and many other things


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The little baked in trims wouldn't be worth all of this bellyaching if they were minor. The two additional perms however are something entirely different. I remember back at the first major ship changes, you all said that you wanted the ship trims to be built in, and more emphasis on the skill of the captain. We went from peak Strong Hulled or Pirate refit ships, to flat, now we're going back to baked in refits, plus 5/5. It's all power creep, no one will field 5/5 ships at PB's tomorrow, but by week two or three or four? Power creep all over again. 

The only difference is now you'll have to RNG for it. How many rolls to make that Pirate Refit Endymion 5/5. Sure I could sail a 3/5, but why would I when a 5/5 is available. No one sailed 2/4 ships, which I believe you, yourself said that somewhere regarding the first round of changes that flattened gold ships. I had to make 8 Bellona's to get one 3/5 Bellona back in the day. Why are we going back to that?

If we're going to be spamming so many ships out, let us craft from the clan warehouse directly then.

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6 hours ago, victor said:

I sell only ships with custom fit: appropriate woods - correct fittings - (and - when I trade directly - cannons as well).

My usual clients do not have time/will to gather certain goods/rare materials 

Totally not what im talking about. Seems youre neither dealing with the market nor caring about profit. Ofcourse you can give away stuff for fun or wellfare while youre rich nevertheless. Its fine if thats fun for you, but respect that its not working like this.

What makes shipbuilding fun and effective is figuring out stuff, competing on the material and ship market, maximising profit, etc. Youre just selfsupplying with materials to craft what people tell you to craft. Thats fine, but dont try to teach me about shipbuilding and stop blanishing an economy youre not participating in.

Edited by Fargo
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3 hours ago, Malachi said:



Endymion logged the 14,2 knots with 18-pounders. With 24s her top speed was 13,5.  

As far as I know, the only 14 knots 24-pounder frigates in our timeframe were the Forte- and Bellona-class.

If the devs were feeling crafty they could implement Bellona-class and no one could accuse them of Russian bias ever again.

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So we just tried a 4th rate epic event, no one made it out. One thing that would have been nice to know if it was max 4th rate or min 4th rate in the mission? The UI says min, but we went in with all 4th rates and got our asses kicked (sank 3 ships and lost 6).

If these are intended for lower-level players to get access to epic events, they are too OP.

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10 hours ago, blubasso said:

Everyone plays as they wish. If you want a fight, it doesn’t mean all the others in that moment want to. You should show a little bit of respect for other players’s style and ship choyce. :)

I'm being disrespectful because I witness a lot of players running from an even fight? The real disrespect comes from when those players call for backup during the chase, and immediately after the battle they come at me with a gank fleet behind them. Should we be encouraging that? Am I disrespectful because I want a fair fight now and then? I just want some pvp bro. It's frustrating when I'm denied that time and time again in a game designed for pvp.

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1 hour ago, Wraith said:

Lol, it's in good company with the Connie.  I'd urge @admin to take a look at the Connie's calculations because it really doesn't sail in the same class as the rest of the 4th rates.

Should she sail better as a bellona? Isn't the coni even longer or about the same size? Do we want realism or do we want some kind of fantasy buffing and nerfing so ships fit in certain rolles. Why we have an realistic sailing model when in the end we fine-tune everything so that it fits our needs. 

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6 hours ago, Fargo said:

Totally not what im talking about. Seems youre neither dealing with the market nor caring about profit. Ofcourse you can give away stuff for fun or wellfare while youre rich nevertheless. Its fine if thats fun for you, but respect that its not working like this.

What makes shipbuilding fun and effective is figuring out stuff, competing on the material and ship market, maximising profit, etc. Youre just selfsupplying with materials to craft what people tell you to craft. Thats fine, but dont try to teach me about shipbuilding and stop blanishing an economy youre not participating in.

It seems that you consider profit as a "ship per ship" matter. Well, this is not how this works in real life: profit is a surplus on the total income, detracted the expenses, in a period of time, not on each deal in that period.

So I consider profit on a monthly basis. Somehow I sell loosing - or not earning much - on the single sale but somehow I make really big deals. What is essential it's that, at the end of the month, the sign at the end must be a "+ ..."

Not mentioning the capacity to read the market ... let me make you an example. If there's a oak/oak buce on sale at 3 mill in a capital city, you should not craft and put on sale any "good" woods buce at all. But is some dude put a oak/oak buce on sale for 4 mill, then slap on the market a wo/wo buce for 4 mills and you will sell it fast. In a market where high rank players have a lot of money to spend (this is NA now) you shall rely on "emotional" deal more than on "logical behaviour".

Moreover, I do not pump out ships using all my hours, rather keep everything (hours, parts and/or mats) ready for crafting any ship with any material with any upgrade, then I read the market and find which ship could sell at good price, then I craft and sell. If in two days I cannot foresee good deals I craft an PVP endymion (they always sell at decent prices).

Second trick: traders are the bread and butter of ship market. It's amazing how a fir/fir trader ships - that costs nothing - can sell well in a capital city or - even better - a free town (included towing cost) if you put them in the market at the right time.

And there are a lot of other tricks.

People laugh when I say that ship manufacturing and trading need skill, but they actually do.

A tip: sell teak/teak or teak/wo speed fitted bellonas now. They go like cakes.

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9 minutes ago, z4ys said:

Problem now is that you can pen masts through the hull.

In some cases that was already possible before this patch. What is not unrealistic. Since mast did not end on upper deck, but go through the hull down to the bottom of the ship.



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7 hours ago, maturin said:

If the devs were feeling crafty they could implement Bellona-class and no one could accuse them of Russian bias ever again.

I like the way you´re thinking :P

But I heavily doubt we´ll get another swedish ship...and if we do, I´d much prefer the af Chapman over the Bellonas.

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20 hours ago, admin said:

We added a great potential benefit for the crafters, that will make them matter more (just like it was after release). 
Crafters can build a much better ship occasionally. 

I'd like to see the chances for better ships increasing with the number of ships the crafteer does. That way experienced crafter would build better ships with a higher probability. :)

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Dear Admin and fellow Seamen,

Regarding the Tutorial, for all the new players this is a great addition to the game, however, fighting is as we all know only a part of the game we play.

So for the @admin I have the following question; Would it be possible to also include a Economy tutorial as this is quite important for newer players:

- Once a player reaches 100K gold, have them receive a pop-up on the Economy Tutorial, in this tutorial they would have to build a building and craft some items (Something simple but to make the purpose clear)

- Maybe it is possible to add a book just like the current tutorial with pictures and descriptions explaining the economy system?

Overall I really like the patch, it makes ships more vulnerable and it feels more authentic, ships during that time would often be sunk or sink in regards to who shot first, Sailing skill and ship knowledge now plays a bigger role when engaging someone.




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19 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Have you sailed the Connie recently vs. say an Aggie or 3rd Rate? Looked at their dimensions vs. weight and the amount of sail they carry? Something seems off.

And if "realism" is what you hold above all else (which is silly, because there's a lot of that stripped away for gameplay reasons, this is not a sim), there's no way you could recreate this battle in the equivalent of three in-battle "hours," and this is even with the Connie suffering severe rigging damage and a repair during the initial clash with HMS Java, a 38 gun fifth rate.


I dont see any scale the wearing can have a rad of miles. Furthermore I dont see a tack of the coni. Your pictures shows nothing other that a tack wasnt a prefered maneuver in battle.

All ships are judged by there sail plan and hull shape. If there is no coding error than the coni was just a bad ship. Might be fast but a bad regarding turns.

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3 hours ago, Suppenkelle said:

I'd like to see the chances for better ships increasing with the number of ships the crafteer does. That way experienced crafter would build better ships with a higher probability. :)

Good idea!

But why not make good crafting dependent on experience/ learned skills alone!?

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