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40 minutes ago, Le Raf Boom said:

Do you ever log off? I am so sick of seeing your spam on global. Are you on like 24/7?

if you see me online it must be because you are too. FYI I work 60 hours a week and have a month off so cheers

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3 hours ago, DesMoines said:

not understand...you said..."you don t demast in 1V1"..... But when we see your screen capture.....Miss some masts on the wappen ....

First of all, those were obviously rodents weakening the mast. Afterwards probably poor sailing on KoC's side made him loose a mast on tacking by putting too much pressure on sails.

Secondly, read more carefully - it seems KoC tried to demast first, so HachiRoku responded in kind.

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8 hours ago, Le Raf Boom said:

First time ever I've seen Christendom outside on his own, well sort of on his own, sailing 2 accounts (dual boxing at 4am in a port battle wtf). I savoured every  moment of this encounter, especially at 4am on year's day and drunk. Seeing him struggle was quite satisfying.

I let you out to regain crew, you sailed into my arms again and I was going to continue the punishment but you surrendered. What a letdown.


Some stats for you since you're such a forum warrior:

you did - 10% sail damage, 2% hull damage, 30% crew damage in however long I let you do this for. For a guy with like 20k hours into this game you officially suck, kthx.


Actually I was stalling in the first battle until I could escape the 2nd and let your friend get ganked.  Which he did.  I surrendered in the 2nd one because we had just finished killing your friend in the other battle and then went after you.  I was late, so no sure if they got your or not.  

Drama aside, I'm still astonished that after an hour or so of shooting masts you were still not able to demast my heavy rat with an endy.

WO's standards have dropped if you managed to get in.  No bueno.

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The Cartaghena News Network is pleased to report that cartaghena is freed by the russian empire CNN thanks the russians for freeing them and reports on the succesful screen of the russian that caught the swedes in the bay of cartaghena and allowed the port battle fleet to safely capture the port. the screen fleet was led by Amplify & Jags this was CNN news reporter Amplify signing off

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31 minutes ago, amplify said:

The Cartaghena News Network is pleased to report that cartaghena is freed by the russian empire CNN thanks the russians for freeing them and reports on the succesful screen of the russian that caught the swedes in the bay of cartaghena and allowed the port battle fleet to safely capture the port. the screen fleet was led by Amplify & Jags this was CNN news reporter Amplify signing off

 Finaly you cleaned your image after that fireship incident that made Great Britain lose Castries after 15 PB's. Maybe what you do best is screening. Congrats.

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27 minutes ago, Cabral said:

 Finaly you cleaned your image after that fireship incident that made Great Britain lose Castries after 15 PB's. Maybe what you do best is screening. Congrats.

If you recall on the forums I did a post analysis on that fight and it was lost well before Amp blew up LV.  He was just the scapegoat for a bruised ego.  

We all have our parts to play, Amp did his this afternoon.  


PS - the water down at carta is beautiful this time of year.


Edited by Christendom
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I dont have screenshots, videos, yes But Thise are just for oure Fb group.  I just want to thanks the britts for two good fight last Night the pb, you had screnfleet and and all. We stod no chance and had lost the pb before we entrede. Good tac and play, so👍. We ran also in to the britts back to Great Corn. A win for us. So all in all a fun Night.

olz feel free to attack oure ports Down there. We preferencer no multi flips because not that many RvR players in Denmark/Norway. Except BF and dont think we can count on them to safe us.

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18 hours ago, DesMoines said:

not understand...you said..."you don t demast in 1V1"..... But when we see your screen capture.....Miss some masts on the wappen ....

I dont demast in 1v1s because its a cheap way to win... There are 3 reasons I demasted. 1 is that I wanted him to react they way he did because I feed of salty people in chat. 2 It was vs a wappen, a ship that outguns me. 3 He was 1 sec away from docking and to tag him I gave him my stern and the wind.....

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15 hours ago, Christendom said:

oh man...this warms the cockles of my heart.  KoC has just turned into a gank machine, no longer a great player.

Very sad.

I haven't been impressed with all the fights I seen him without his gank squad to cover his arse and get him out.  I notice he's not that great solo. I mean I"m not that great either but I'm going to put him pretty much around my level solo or a tab better.  Hell I demasted him with the Lionshafts captured Wasa with Mediums on it.  Only reason I lost that fight was cause of Fap showing up with a 1st rate.  Once it caught up to our fight I was a goner...but it was a fun little fight any way....even with freaking all mediums on that ship.  Ya'll know I hate the Wasa to so wasn't expecting to have lasted that long.

36 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

I dont demast in 1v1s because its a cheap way to win... There are 3 reasons I demasted. 1 is that I wanted him to react they way he did because I feed of salty people in chat. 2 It was vs a wappen, a ship that outguns me. 3 He was 1 sec away from docking and to tag him I gave him my stern and the wind.....

It's kinda like me and talking smack in battles.  Normally our rule is don't talk to the other team other than maybe a friendly hello or gg.  Though there are some players that if I"m way in the back, sunk or just don't care I'll get them worked up in a fight or keep them typing.  Cause they start to mess up when they are trying to respond back all the time and when you make mistakes in fight it means your prob going to keep making them.  Some folks are just so easy to troll and work up too.

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13 hours ago, amplify said:



The Cartaghena News Network is pleased to report that cartaghena is freed by the russian empire CNN thanks the russians for freeing them and reports on the succesful screen of the russian that caught the swedes in the bay of cartaghena and allowed the port battle fleet to safely capture the port. the screen fleet was led by Amplify & Jags this was CNN news reporter Amplify signing off

Spanked again......

If you continue taking ports at such costs..Good luck then.

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I do believe the Sverige nations master fleet was too scared to fight the Russian Empires dred fleet, so they instead attacked the rag-tag collection of screeners.

Sverige won a battle but lost the port and still call it a mighty victory... 

Sverige since when did you adopt the British way of thinking? 

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2 hours ago, troody said:

still waiting for the screenshot of the heroic russian PB win in cartahena....



I didn't see you there... 

Disposable screening ships tagged the swedish defense fleet (a feat in itself!). And kept them in long enough as well, dispite being outgunned.

I sacrificed my LO/WO buc with pride. I had all the slots on it anyway. And the Cartagena refit on it will be easy to replace now :)

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