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Patch 10.2 - Changes to mission, crafting, ROE and other fixes


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Of course not every player will get revange fleeted, just bcs the server pop isnt enough to support that number of them. And of course the number of battles increased, mostly bcs if you get revange fleeted by ppl that knows how to place themselfves in ow you will be in multiple batlles, if you are good you might be escaping them so long that you gonna give up just to go to work.  instanced battles in ow that has warped speed arent helping. As bad as battle screen was it was a stoppage ot being trolled. Now it is actually possibel to demast decrew to 2 BM, leave retag and do it as long as target breaks...It is pure toxicity and the fact it didnt happen ot you aint no excuse. It is terrible gameplay design 101. Pls fix it bcs it is crushing this fabulous game that i had wasted 3k hours on...and i would still waste more if it wouldnt be so harsh in its love.


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18 minutes ago, admin said:

We see more pvp fights than we saw with exit to friendly port from BRS. Take a friend

Look at the @elite92  above - just sank a pirate near Mortimer with a friend. No revenge fleets. 

lol ok but it was 3 pm CET and with just over 400 players online, we were in 2 endy fitted 15 knts and we are Tony and Elite ahahah

btw, have u read my suggest about conquest marks/pension remove and an indicator for masts hp?

thx man and good work

Edited by elite92
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31 minutes ago, admin said:

You seem to be not getting the point whats good for pvp is the abundance of targets not rewards. 
If you pvp for rewards you are not the killer/hunter/wolf etc.

Even PvP players want progress, but are forced now to do PvE missions or trading to get some gold.

If I run a 15 mins PvE mission in a Bellona I get 100k when I kill 3 players I get 50k its a joke really

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Really excited by the changes to Traders, especially the ability to carry cannons!

My main purpose in Naval Action is to hunt player traders, so you'd think this would mean I'd not want them to be armed - but far from it. I welcome a good fight, and now they'll get to be dual purpose (meaning I can transform captured traders into more pirate ships). Huzzah!

Edited by Sansón Carrasco
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1 hour ago, admin said:

For example stern raking (instead of mast shooting)

I wish stern raking caused more damage -- structure damage would be nice.

I have never been impressed with stern raking and still am not. It still only seems like it's good for killing crew.

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Wasn't the battle screen exit introduced during December 2016 when peaks were around 800-900? Right now we have peaks of 1400-1700, that is a very good reason for PvP numbers being up. Also after every battle PvP a revenge fleet of course! 

I would rather Quality PvP over Quantity? The less toxic PvP the better. Maybe just me. :) 

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9 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

Man, I love this game but I'm still trying to figure why in the world there should even be such a thing as a 15-knot Connie....   

oh, thats another beauty. cant wait for the shitstorm about 15 knot SoLs. and yeah, devs would say its ok.

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59 minutes ago, Lord Delicious said:

I hit 5 NPCs and got not a single Hull repair, all Rigs. is this a bug?

Your prob curse like me as I tend to get nothing but Rigs and Rum.  Rum isn't to bad as I use it before i get back to port to get free crew up.

39 minutes ago, admin said:

We see more pvp fights than we saw with exit to friendly port from BRS. Take a friend

Look at the @elite92  above - just sank a pirate near Mortimer with a friend. No revenge fleets. 

While there seems to be more PvP fights, but the rewards are just garbage compared to grinding AI fleets.  Than add in you have to split the xp/credits/marks with some one else.  PvP rewards really need to be looked at.  As stated below I can get more with a 3rd rate killing AI in a mission or open world than fighting the same ships solo or with a group PvPing.  The rewards needs to go up big time. I just can't see it being x3 or something from what I'm getting.  We are even stopping scuttling ships now cause we can get more money sailing them to newbies back in Mort than we get from the split PvP rewards that mostly only one player gets the marks while the others get chump change.

28 minutes ago, Hodo said:

These are the best things in this patch to me.  

I love all of these... I may make a T-Lynx Privateering ship now.. LOL that will be FUN FUN FUN!  That or a T-Brig privateering ship.

Remember you still need crew to man those guns.   

20 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

Even PvP players want progress, but are forced now to do PvE missions or trading to get some gold.

If I run a 15 mins PvE mission in a Bellona I get 100k when I kill 3 players I get 50k its a joke really

Yah 3rd rate vs 2 5th rate gets me 60K in PvE.  I take a 5th rate vs 5th rate in PvP and I hardly get 10K.....I don't think the rewards are working like they think they are and than add if a clan mate was with me I get even less cause we split it.  Lets not forget the poor guy that does little to no damage and gets nothing now even though he might of tagged sails and keep them in the fight before the others showed up.

Edited by Sir Texas Sir
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3 minutes ago, Hodo said:

Other tactics WERE valid, now it is going to be a race to see who can cause the most leaks.

You mean the chain fest Hodo? Bcs that is what gonna happen now in pvp, back to basic simple chain spam on longs. and gg wp have fun . ofc on brig it might be different mate

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I think shooting masts is a terrible gameplay mechanic because its very frustrating for the opponent, it gives them a feeling that theres nothing they can do against it. Positioning, shooting hull and angling is much more interactive imo.

So Im glad masts got buffed.

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1 minute ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

I think shooting masts is a terrible gameplay mechanic because its very frustrating for the opponent, it gives them a feeling that theres nothing they can do against it. Positioning, shooting hull and angling is much more interactive imo.

So Im glad masts got buffed.

I'll argue that demasting needs to be just as viable/valid a tactic as chaining. Untill this happens "balance" is non-existant. 

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Just now, Jon Snow lets go said:

I think shooting masts is a terrible gameplay mechanic because its very frustrating for the opponent, it gives them a feeling that theres nothing they can do against it. Positioning, shooting hull and angling is much more interactive imo.

So Im glad masts got buffed.

We had a sweet point already when demasting was viable only if enemy showes his masts in one line...right now it was a valid tactic to demast while sailing next to target and taht is antrocious... If hard to pull off demasting is fine, the problem is if you take out demasting you get  chain meta back. we need nerf to it asap than.

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4 hours ago, admin said:
  • Trader ships can now carry cannons - and will carry them. This will allow cargo hunting and baiting unprepared privateers.
  • Trader ships overall speed slightly reduced (by 0.4 knots)

traders are already very slow if loaded now those who paid alot effort to make fast traders get back to the point to make it impossible to escape even a slow ship ... ic ould understand if you made it for traders who didn't carry guns before ...

traders now are carrying canons but ther cargo hold stays the same? so actually it means a brig and traders brig are the same but one has a big hold and the other one not? or is it just they can equip cannons but maybe no gunpowder or balls? sry but i don't get it ... if you build in guns you should have for each gun a significant loss of cargo capacity .... i thought thats why the LGV cargo got reduced so much... traders usually didn't fight back on equal sized ships ... they surrendered to save ship crew and some of the hold ... 

the rest of what you added sounds really great. just i have to admit that i don't understand why always one extreme to another (Mast tickness)

i really feel you do your best to make people stay and listen to their issues and aswell i understand some changes are more work then others so not everything can be made imidiatly ...

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traders now are carrying canons but ther cargo hold stays the same?

Yeah, could we get a clarification on this?

A few guns (4-6 total) for traders makes the game a lot more interesting. Full guns on a trader's snow with no hold penalty is excessive.

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5 hours ago, admin said:
  • Loot tables updated and npc combat ships will drop rare refits and admiralty skillbooks (previously only available for pvp marks)
  • Furnishings price changed from pvp marks (25) to pve marks (300)


Liking changes like these

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1 hour ago, admin said:

No sheep = no wolves
Happy sheep = happy wolves 
That is a very deep and profound discovery from last 12 Months of experiments. Its the way its going to be now.

Have you ever thought that maybe after eating 1000 sheep you want some wolf meat too because it gets kind of repeatable and easy or you are happy with only chasing sheep just like the sheep are happy just grinding pve and AI?

1 hour ago, admin said:

You seem to be not getting the point whats good for pvp is the abundance of targets not rewards. 
If you pvp for rewards you are not the killer/hunter/wolf etc. You hunt because you cannot not hunt. Its in your blood.

Also - you get the ship/ cannons and refits installed on the enemy sheep ship 


Quality pvp and challenging opponents are 1000x more fun than farming countless of sheep who don't even know or play this game for pvp. 100 sheep kills will not make up for one good fight against another wolf imo but maybe it will take another 12 months to reach this discovery.

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1 hour ago, rediii said:

The thing is the teleport. Why do you need it actually if you could have a fast escape wind in every direction with invisibility?

You have to Think of the teleport not as a teleport but as escaping.

If you were done with a battle, you had evaded any dangers and therefore escaped. But right now you're just getting kicked back in time to revengr fleets which had plenty of time to organize due to chat / ts and ofc the improoved OW speed boost.

As long as you have to escape from a battle twice, this game will never promote players to pvp.

I dont know a single other MMO that Works this way.

As our friend koltes said... "Why balance an OW in an MMO????"


Edited by Liquicity
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We had perfectly balanced mast before wipe.

1st,2nd Rates:            119cm
3rd Rates:                   111cm
4th Rates:                   103cm
Heavy 5th Rates:          96cm
Light 5th Rates:       86-70cm
6th,7th Rates:               50cm

This is where skilled players can demast while receiving damage and people who have not practiced demasting will use chain instead. Everyone was happy with that.

Edited by Pada
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