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  1. asked many times, they dont like red.
  2. what about the weight based damage model? i know its only an early thought but it shouldnt be so hard to develop. i really like this idea
  3. elite is always up for this funny events! Fellvred we miss u! <3
  4. hi mate, me and my clan want to know if the listed BR is definitive (some are asking for changes), and if there will be some special rule for repairs. (i suggest a limit of 1-2 reps each type not more)
  5. hey guys ive noticed this problem happening since the "structure patch": structure has thickness, the same of the armor. if u take down all the armor hp of an enemy ship (whatever side doesnt matter) the structure should now take damage from long range cause there should be no armor, but u do no damage to structure (altought it says hull x1 x2 ecc.) if u are at long range and ur ball wouldnt not pen armor. ex: u take down all the side armor of an enemy ship with your carros at 100m (u pen at this distance), then the distance between u and him growth to 250m but he doesnt have armor anymore on the side so he should take dmg on structure but he actually doesnt; u get the pen marker hull x1 but u do no dmg at all.( i think the bug is that the game doesnt apply dmg because at that distance ur carro should not be effective against armor and it apply the same mechanics to structure. this work at the exactly same way with medium and longs of any caliber ( tested) SO, its a bug or a feature? should the structure take damage from any distance if there isnt armor on the hit side? or (as it is now) the structure also without armor is protected from long range fire with the same thickness of the (died) armor? thx for reading, keep it up devs!
  6. so it means that if now we need 3 iron to build something, then we will need 1 iron? or that 1 iron will weight 3 time lower? i dont get it and how u choose words in ur official post...
  7. infinite repairs? dont u see that in last months after wipe battle lasts everytime 1h+? it's true, legends is coming but meanwhile PvP players are losing hours and hours of they life chasing ships that runs and repairs , runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, runs and repairs, ecc
  8. good job guys! keep up the great work! will we have an increase in game performance (fps) with new engine? and maybe a real fullscreen mode? AA fix? fps drops in huge battles?
  9. agree on servers merge, and i can see also some little space for PvE players to join the party with new mechanics... im all for 1 big server with pvp-pve-rvr
  10. and what if all the enjoy left to a poor french player is to hunt VP trader? do u really want to kill also this PvP with forced alliance? stay on the good street man!
  11. i really hope this will happen at least in Testbed, where is easier to develop and introduce stuff
  12. 15 is the hardcap, no matter what u put on. so a 15.10 speed ship, and a 17.00 speed ship (both capped at 15knts in ports) will sail at the exactly same way. BUT on the over-capped ship u can put more stuff in hold before lose speed
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