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Great Britain declares war in the United States. PvP 1


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As a former USA player from TF (I am now a pirate hehehe) here are my observations:


First, I think pirates should be adjusted so they are not a RvR force more like the POTBS model.Ā  I won't go into detail here.


Second, I think making port battles more rare and harder to achieve will go to great lengths to balancing RvR.Ā  Having said that, no nation should be "rescued" by the devs.


Third, I left TF because my PvP group was constantly being harassed and bothered for PvPing (hitting our "allies" and not attending PBs).Ā  Some of the TF leadership was more sympathetic than others, but the bottom line was my play style and play hours made port battles difficult to attend (sitting for two hours counter-marching and marching before finally getting to a PB if at all, we were mostly reactionary which is always a losing proposition).Ā 


As for the arrogance of TF and TDA... who gave any single player the right to negotiate deals and treaties on behalf of the entire nation?Ā  I did not vote for you.Ā  I suppose it would be different if our strategy worked...


Last, the fact that TF has declared (I heard it in TS) they are sitting out waiting to see who the real players are.Ā  Reference post above.Ā  Holy hell, the going gets rough, TF disappears TO SEE WHO THE REAL PLAYERS ARE.Ā  The obvious conclusion is that TF is a fair weather clan and not the "real players" you are looking for.Ā 


See you on the open seas, mates.

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I have just as much right to speak on behalf the nations as anyone else. The so called American council has lead America to ruin while restricting those that were ready to fight. They have long awaited "help" from the perfidious islanders, the British, to no avail. I seek to restore their national pride. Let's see you chime in on the thread where a craven American crawls on hands and knees to beg mercy from the pirates. War! War is the answer! Struck or be struck! At least in a PvP game it is.

The only true peace is death and Sid Meier's pirates.

For those cowardly enough to cry to the mods to close my thread, I bite my thumb at thee. And if I catch you carebearing, I will blast your boat to smithereens.

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I have just as much right to speak on behalf the nations as anyone else. The so called American council has lead America to ruin while restricting those that were ready to fight. They have long awaited "help" from the perfidious islanders, the British, to no avail. I seek to restore their national pride. Let's see you chime in on the thread where a craven American crawls on hands and knees to beg mercy from the pirates. War! War is the answer! Struck or be struck! At least in a PvP game it is.

The only true peace is death and Sid Meier's pirates.

For those cowardly enough to cry to the mods to close my thread, I bite my thumb at thee. And if I catch you carebearing, I will blast your boat to smithereens.

Slander and lies! We would never ask for mercy from the Pirates. We reject their mercy, as it would infringe on our freedom! We fought them when they were on our coasts, and we pushed back when they left. Yet I do not recall seeing you around? Where were you when your fellow pirates were attacking? Mortimer Town?


We stand and we fight. I do not run from a foe, no matter the ship and number.

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National news section allows statements of propaganda that could be in national newspapers of 18th and 19th century

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That's like a Prussian newspaper announcing a non-existent 3rd war between Britain and the United States, when there was really no such occurrence, and no relevant discussions in US or British newspapers. It's not propaganda, it's just dumb.

Edited by EricKilla
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