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Minor patch v9.62


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With AFK timers, how will that work with AFK sailing over long distances?  IE - Do you need to jiggle your mouse every 25 minutes or so, or...?


Right now, if you haven't done anything but sail in one direction, you're kicked.


What if you sail on the OW and don't adjust your course for 30 minutes because there is no need to? Will you also get kicked?


See above.


I hope that there will be a warning (like it is in any other game i played before), so you can click something to prevent being kicked


There is.  The game rings a ship's bell loudly twice (even when not in focus - at least on my machine) after a while to warn you.


Hell you dont call it a exploit ??? The niagara was not on the targetlist for forts, so they didnt shoot at all if there where only niagaras on the field. 1 Niagara was able to conquer a deep water harbor (in theory).


Is this true?  I hadn't heard about this.  I'll ask about it.

The problem I know was fixed involved letting a fort "choose" a target, then masking that target with another ship - the fort would stop firing thinking it was going to hit a friendly, even though both ships were enemy.

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admin, on 28 Jan 2016 - 1:23 PM, said:


  • Niagara was a new ship and some mistakes sneaked in: as a result
    • Turn rate increased.
    • Planking increased and its class improved (it was too weak for its class)
    • The ship is still in testing and will be added to the game at a later stage.
    • Its BR is still high and will be adjusted next patch (br changes require more coding so it will be done next patch.)


Is it possible to know the exact values ?


According to http://naval.gg/the former values for niagara were:


Ships name: Niagara

Battle Rating: 100

Crew: 155

Speed: 15

Turn Rate: 3,65

Armor (Bow/Sides/Stern/Sails): 302 1207 121 1155

Total Guns: 22 

 - Per Side: 10

 - Rear Chasers: 2


What would be the values as of 9.62 ?

The reason I am asking is I am trying to create a comparison Excel sheet which i intend to use for ship comparison in my youtube channel, so the values help me gauge or get an idea how much is the difference in the actual parameters

Edited by Grunf
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On the afk timer, does it apply to players only in port or to guys afk sailing as well?





admin, on 28 Jan 2016 - 1:23 PM, said:


Is it possible to know the exact values ?


According to http://naval.gg/the former values for niagara were:


Ships name Battle Rating Crew Speed Turn Armor Total Guns Gun Rating Guns 1         Bow L/R Stern Sails     Bow Side Stern Niagara 100 155 15 3,65 302 1207 121 1155 22   0 10 2        


What would be the values as of 9.62 ?

The reason I am asking is I am trying to create a comparison Excel sheet which i intend to use for ship comparison in my youtube channel, so the values help me gauge or get an idea how much is the difference in the actual parameters


Ask in chat, you may get a faster response.  :)

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This is really bad, so you want to force ppl sto stare at the screen while sailing OW for 2 hours? Im glad i passed over to Honduras before that patch!



AFK timer of 30 minutes even while sailing?


Err... That's stupid... For very long runs it's quite useless to stay watching endless empty sea.


You only need to tap a key once in 30 mins, it's not that hard.

Edited by Cmdr Thrudd
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I didn't think being AFK was a problem on OW sailing.


But during battles, it is definitely needed. I'd like a 15 minute timer for those, because it never fails that the last person on a losing team in a battle will turn his ship away and walk out of the room and leave for a college class or something while the rest of the people in the battle are trying to chase down that last ship and hurling insults in the comment section. It's incredibly lame.

Edited by ajffighter86
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Hell you dont call it a exploit ??? The niagara was not on the targetlist for forts, so they didnt shoot at all if there where only niagaras on the field. 1 Niagara was able to conquer a deep water harbor (in theory).



Ummm,,,  My Niagra was targeted in port battles by the towers.  Get your facts straight before you start crying exploit and asking for progress to be wiped.

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With AFK timers, how will that work with AFK sailing over long distances?  IE - Do you need to jiggle your mouse every 25 minutes or so, or...?


Yep you will have to.  We had one guy in our nation that went to take care of something while doing a very long sail back to his home port.   It took longer than he thought but wasn't worried as it was a long sail.  He got back to the computer and he was booted.  He logged in and he wasn't even close to half way across the distance he was cutting when he should of been close to being done.   I get this for in port AFK, but some times it's a very long sail from one end to the other.  I would make it an one hour timer.  Cause really if any one is AFK it's longer than that they should be booted.   I don't mind the 30 mins in port, but at sea should be longer.   I sat there watching tv while I sailed across large areas and didn't even think about touching my game controls.  Now I'll have to twick it like very commercial break or something.

Edited by Sir Texas SIr
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You guys are doing great! It's so rare to fins devs that actually cares and listens to it's playerbase.


About the 30minute timer, though. Could you perhaps add a countdown from, say, 2minutes before you are kicked of with a little sound attached to it. So if I'm watching something on monitor #2 while sailing I'd wake up a little.

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You guys are doing great! It's so rare to fins devs that actually cares and listens to it's playerbase.


About the 30minute timer, though. Could you perhaps add a countdown from, say, 2minutes before you are kicked of with a little sound attached to it. So if I'm watching something on monitor #2 while sailing I'd wake up a little.


There is a ship's bell that rings twice loudly as you get near the timeout - or at least I got that on my machine. :)

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I bought a Brig two days ago with 1750-ish side armor. Now it's down to 1601.

Did the patch do this?


Every ship is unique. Probably this one was made of Fir? and the previous one was live oak with build strength trait?

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And yesterday I already slapped a disgustingly expensive planking upgrade on my Niagara. Y u do dis?


I feel the same way, tried to sail it for a while and I lost 3 durability on it. :( Oh well will just get another one further on down the line.

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The Niagara was already a pretty good ship, but with the improvements it's a beast. Perfect for Mission-AI grinding. The slightly increased server capacity, combined with the AFK timer seems to have cured the queues for the most part, last night was the first night where I didn't hear a lot of complaining about it, very good!


I might have missed a patch note, but suddenly Trader Snows have started to use their caron's! When it first happened I thought I had mistaken a Snow for a Trader snow, only then to realize that it wás a trader and that it was using its guns.

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I like the timer. If you font touch your computer in 30 minutes I call it afk. Even if your ship is moving.

TBH I think 30 minutes is too soft, I would go with 15 or 20.


No thank you. No need to turn the game into a "no-life or lose" game. When you have to sail for 45 minutes just to get to a port battle or a resource port, it's perfectly fine to be afk for 25 minutes. If you don't want people to go AFK, then give them something serious to do while sailing.

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The Niagara was already a pretty good ship, but with the improvements it's a beast. Perfect for Mission-AI grinding. The slightly increased server capacity, combined with the AFK timer seems to have cured the queues for the most part, last night was the first night where I didn't hear a lot of complaining about it, very good!


I might have missed a patch note, but suddenly Trader Snows have started to use their caron's! When it first happened I thought I had mistaken a Snow for a Trader snow, only then to realize that it wás a trader and that it was using its guns.


Wait what? when did trader snows STOP using their guns?

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