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Minor patch v9.62


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What's new:

  • Afk timers has been added to all servers. If the player is inactive in game for 30 mins he will be auto-kicked from the server.

Bug fixes

  • Tower target selection fixed. Towers in port battles now fire at targets even if they are partially blocked by other ships
  • Bot deceleration bug fixed – it will reduce the number of collisions between bots and players.
  • US server bugs with connections to instances fixed.


  • Niagara was a new ship and some mistakes sneaked in: as a result
    • Turn rate increased.
    • Planking increased and its class improved (it was too weak for its class)
    • The ship is still in testing and will be added to the game at a later stage.
    • Its BR is still high and will be adjusted next patch (br changes require more coding so it will be done next patch.)
  • NPC Ships of the line can now carry heavier weaponry on the stern and bow, to provide better protection against stern camping. Players will get this ability next patch.


Group xp awards are also improved in the internal build. It needs additional checking and might be deployed on Friday (but this is not a promise).

Niagara battle rating (BR) and other ship battle rating tuning will be done in the next patch

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Group xp awards are also improved in the internal build. It needs additional checking and might be deployed on Friday (but this is not a promise).


Looking forward to that tweak, playing in a group is loads more fun but the XP was a little frustrating

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Cue the use of macro keyboards and whatever other software people can find that jiggles the mouse (or some other repetitive action like changing port menu) every X minutes, meanwhile people doing long distance OW sailing will be the ones who suffer.

You could argue they should still be at their PC to do something every 30mins but regardless they are at least contributing to content out there regardless of their presence.


It has been a problem in many other MMOs, so long as there is something to gain from staying in game simple timer's don't fix the problem.

Edited by MalakithSkadi
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Cue the use of macro keyboards and whatever other software people can find that jiggles the mouse (or some other repetitive action like changing port menu) every X minutes, meanwhile people doing long distance OW sailing will be the ones who suffer.

You could argue they should still be at their PC to do something every 30mins but regardless they are at least contributing to content out there regardless of their presence.


It has been a problem in many other MMOs, so long as there is something to gain from staying in game simple timer's don't fix the problem.

no, but the timer will help reduce the problem, i have seen it happen and done it where i will go afk by accident because i forget to turn of the game.

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One way to get rid of the problem would be to add a button to click when sailing long distances which would negate the 30 minute auto-kick.  To prevent people from forgetting they had the button on, it would turn off whenever a port is entered.

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With AFK timers, how will that work with AFK sailing over long distances?  IE - Do you need to jiggle your mouse every 25 minutes or so, or...?


I assume you wont get kicked for that because technically you are still being active by sailing. I would imagine the afk timer would kick in for those sitting in ports?

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  • Afk timers has been added to all servers. If the player is inactive in game for 30 mins he will be auto-kicked from the server.


I hope it doesn't treat long trips as inactivity. Sailing through the map may take hours, and it's normal if player doesn't press any keys or move mouse.

I usually resize game screen to the half and go reading forum when my ship is traveling, so the game window is unfocused.

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Good to see that the "niagara" port battle exploit was fixed after it was used so extremly by some nations (in my opinion you should switch back all Towns to their starting nations and punish the players that used that)

What exploit? There was no exploit

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What exploit? There was no exploit

Hell you dont call it a exploit ??? The niagara was not on the targetlist for forts, so they didnt shoot at all if there where only niagaras on the field. 1 Niagara was able to conquer a deep water harbor (in theory).

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