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Important: Release information and next steps

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Just to clarify, do we still login the same way? No new client being released as this is a steam release, but still Beta, ya?

all that should happen is possibly an update and then you just launc the game like normally when the day comes, i would not expect more.

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Just to clarify, do we still login the same way? No new client being released as this is a steam release, but still Beta, ya?

And even something new will come out regarding the log in system, it will be explained on the forums or pretty user friendly:)

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Please make it quick, you force me to play WoWs :-)


Now seriously... I wish you that everything goes smoothly and people buy this game on steam like mad :-)

I know, got my new comp this weekend and debating if I want to mess with WOWS to hold me over till next weekend lol.

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I've been watching this game for over a year and was unable to purchase until about a week ago, I had a feeling I would be addicted but I honestly love this game, it's incredibly immersive and the combat is fantastic, seeing the smoke and fire as you fire your cannons, splinters flying as your ball ammo tears into the hull or leaves tears in the sail, the other day I watched a constitution burn up and I've honestly never seen such realistic fire in any game before, everything looks and acts like you'd expect and I honestly could not find a single thing wrong with the game, for early access I couldn't believe just how much content this game actually had..If this is early in development then I can't imagine what the finished product will look like, you guys are doing a fantastic job and the 19th can't come fast enough for me..Good luck with the release and I'll see the rest of you at sea

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Congratulations Devs... great work.  Your accomplishment reminds me of an old military engineer truism.  You can have it good, fast and cheap... pick two. 


If you choose quick and cheap, it's not going to be good.  Just say'n...well done.



Looking forward to Head Start... let the games begin.

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This is absolutely THE BEST news. Congrats Devs and Game Labs for all the hard work and good luck with Valve. Congrats also to ALL the players who have tested this in Sea Trials and OW to provide the data and feedback for the Devs to work on and make this game what it is.....  AWESOME!!


Bring it on!

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I have to be honest, I am not a regular viewer of the forums but I checked at the right time it seems you will see me on the seas over the 19th-21st for the bonus ships and sailing with full colours adorning my row boat when it releases will be checking daily to keep abreast of the latest information! see you all on the high seas captains!

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Yeah, let's dream for a bit about servers opening at 0.00 GMT... That would be something.


But my bet is on the usual end of the patch window at 5-6 GMT tomorrow if all goes right, which we don't know yet of course. Judging by the admin's post we should have had an update on that yesterday: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8393-servers-stop-at-12-pm-kiev-time-on-sunday/I suppose they're just busy bringing the whole thing up, so we need a tiny bit of additional patience.

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Is there any information about when servers will be on at 19th january? i mean it can be 00-00 GMT or it can be 23-00 GMT it would still be 19th january anywayS XD


LOL, I 2nd this, I'm so excited to get back to this game. I only got to play for 1 day before they went off-line for this outage. This game is amazing in Alpha and I can't wait for any and all updates!

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Ahoy mates. I'm a new swab who joined the game on Christmas Eve. I've been thrilled with my gaming experience and look forward with great anticipation to the EA launch. My heartiest congratulations to the developers on this incredible work of art, and to all the testers who have helped get it to where it is today. Well done sirs! See you on the high seas!

Edited by Strake
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