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Ok lets start from the off,


I only wanted to buy this game because of HMS Victory and sail in her on the high seas and have a bit of fun, so I decided to go the whole hog and complete the collection and get the Santisima.


No sooner I get the Santisima out to play, people on my team are asking me to lead the pack and give us directions, tell you the truth I really don't have a clue in what to do as a leader, I have no seamanship knowledge or positioning skills and I can't read the wind or play in manual


Constant badgering me on the chat and shouting at me in CAPS is not going to help me, I have had enough and really wan't to delete the game.


If this is going to turn out like this then I'll delete the game and not bother anymore.

Edited by Admiral_Of_The_Fleet
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Ignore them sir.  I might reply, "I'm not a fleet commander.  I will follow whomever would like to lead."  If they want to yell, tell them nicely that they may lead in the fleet instead.  If they keep yelling, ignore them and do your own thing - they can't then complain with any legitimacy.  :)

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I can't help but point out the irony of your name.


Ignore them, do what you think is best and always try to win the game.  Seriously, the people doing this are children, but it's also childish to say you're going to quit the game because of it.  There is no crying in Naval Action.

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And what makes you believe they know what you should do?

Remember: the objective of a troll is make you feel bad so that they feel bigger then you. Just dont care about them, let them take their own rennie everdose in their own way, not yours..


i understand you m8, and believe me, the best way to for you to solve this is doing what my avatar means, keep calm, be alentejando.. ;)

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You could at least name the thread something like: "Not_Admiral_of_the_Fleet".

It is disheartening to see such a title page 1 of the public general forums!

Ps- I say, lead your team to glorious and blissful defeat. Be sure to do it in spectacular fashion. Repeat many times. Make comments in chat like "I think my spy glass is broken, it is no longer firing". In due time, people will cease asking :) in other words, have fun with it. This is not trolling... If you decline, and they insist... Give them their worth!

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although i have no intent on stop playing due to this, i'm in the same boat as Essex here, I dont see myself as a capable leader as i dont know enough about naval combat tactics to lead us to anything other then a death charge lol... but i often get asked/told to lead when i bring out my Victory or Santi as i rather enjoy the big ships from Consti and up... i'm not good in the smaller ships.


but aside from adding my voice to Essex's theres really not much that can be done about it.  even Admins Ignore feature really wont solve anything IMO, you'd be ignoring half the players lol...  just try to make it clear right at the start (even before anyone asks), that your not a capable leader and someone who is please take command, thats what i do when in my Santi or "top ship" and in most cases it works fine with little to no backlash.

Edited by Crimson Sands Gaming
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I feel ya.  This weekend when I hit the Snow which was the top ship for PvP Light, everyone wanted to follow me around.  I just told them I was brand new with less than 40 games under my belt and I didn't know what the hell I was doing. 


The thing of it is though if your in a Santi, that took significant time and effort to grind so the assumption is you must at least sort of know what to do at that point and if your the biggest ship....well yeah your kind of expect to take the lead.  


However, the solution to your problem is just tell them your there to play and not lead and then just ignore them if they try to pester you.  Never let someone else ruin your fun.

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Sooner or later they will add that Admirat Command table with maps and tactic arrow moves like in their other game.
This will make all that commanding stuff much easier. But we will have to wait some time for this thing to appear, the topic about it on forum is pretty dead now, without any new updates and infos.

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Nobody really knows what they are doing at the beginning or even once they acquire the larger ships. It takes several battles to get a feel for things and understand what's going on in a large battle and even then the best laid plans can lead to disaster. As others have said tell someone else to lead or take control at the beginning of the battle but there's nothing to feel bad about.


My recommendation for the time being would be to limit yourself to ships like the Surprise, Trincomalee, or Constitution and play a support role. This will allow you to observe the battle and learn without the pressure from others to lead. You will also receive less pressure from the enemy since you're not the largest target. Once you do this for a while and feel comfortable then you can try your hand at the largest ships and leading a battle again.

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Its usually common for people to think he with the biggest ship is most likely to have played the most and know how the game works.


If you are not a "leader" or have no idea how to lead, simply say you dont know how to command in this game and that somebody else should, if nobody steps up (it happens) you can always give it a go if you feel like it, or not, thats up to you. I have stepped up and commanded when in a surprise in a team of cons, bels and victorys before when i had barely played the game, it was hell XD but i learned from it and it was fun.


Just have to remember if you are in the largest vessel, you generally become the flagship because of your value to the team, if you dont wish to command, you need to be very explicit with people about that in the beginning of the fight or wait for multiple SoLs to be in the battle like a trafalgar fight or something because people will expect to be lead in a teamwork game.

Edited by Mitchverr
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Yeah, if you feel unsure about leading, just say you're still learning in chat and have someone else take command. Biggest ships don't necessarily always have to be leading either so it's all good. Just tell folks in chat that you're not gonna lead, pft, done, problem solved. 

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Thats exactly why I dont play SOL.
Its stupid, but yeah, really. I dont like pressure of most of a team thinking "oh he got Santi, so he knows how to lead"

Nope, You are wrong. I got santi because I played with great players who had awesome tactic knowledge and rolled 20 on leadership skill.
I'm scared because i'm slowly coming to SOL testing (100 on supri, 100 on trinc, and soon 100 on consti) and im not sure if i feel good about it.

What is worst, that good leadership is 70% of win. That 30% is Santisma with longs who take your entire trinc armor in the first minutes of battle.

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Do as i do and wait for the open world and go privateer. :)

But you don't need to know much about tactics. Most of the time 1 or a small group of enemies get separated from the group and you can focus on them.


Most important:

- keep together

- protect the stern of big friendlies (1-3 rates)

- don't block the bigger ships (line of fire and movement)

- the whole fleet should try to focus on one ship; best on 1 armor segment (stern, port, starboard)

     > close range: the biggest ship 

     > long range: the biggest frigate, 1-3 rates have to much armor for effective long range fire


On my first Bellona game everybody ask me. The enemy started on our port side.

I accidental said: "Focus port side of the enemy Bellona", i meant starboard.

The Bellona got shot in the stern and the port side. The other team was surprised that we crossed there line and had no time to protect the Bellona.

We had lost 1 Trincomalee when the battle has ended.


Everyone knows how to do it better afterwards on the internet and in life. But people who only follow and complain afterwards not worth a single thought.

When you never try you will never learn.

Edited by SirGeorge
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I've seen many big ships often not lead in games, I don't like leading myself either so we pretty much do a group decision on the spot by determing what advantage we have and roll with it.


Not very effective especially if someone like Doran is leading the other team(so much pain) but with that simple data we can usually make a decision and get a 50/50 chance of victory. B)

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when im the biggest ship all I do is sail up to the enemy and tell my team to stay behind me. Stop your ship and let the enemy surround you and continue firing as your allies support you and hope the enemy breaks off you and you are wise enough with your repairs.

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give the lead to another man in your team or the guys which are yelling around, as mentioned before, if they dont stop trolling and flaming you, ignore them.

Got this sometimes too, i just leaded the last 2 battles and only want to sail with my team and earn calls like WTF YOU ARE THE BIGGEST LEAD. best advice, IGNORE! dont go into them they will not stop and you will get angry and ragequit.

If noone else is taking lead after you gave it away so your fleet is without command, just do your best.



Also, when im in a big ship im often have to work so much with aim and shot and watch the other 1st rate, to not lose the overhand.




What is worst, that good leadership is 70% of win. That 30% is Santisma with longs who take your entire trinc armor in the first minutes of battle.

I am sorry, you just looked so Delicouse :P

Edited by AtomicTiger
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